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This repository has been archived on 2024-11-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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1xorg-serveris the graphical server. This first one may take a while as it pulls many other dependencies first on clean installs.
2xorg-xwininfoallows querying information about windows.
3xorg-xinitstarts the graphical server.
4xorg-xpropis a tool for detecting window properties.
5xorg-xbacklightenables changing screen brightness levels.
6arandrallows the user to customize monitor arrangements.
7dosfstoolsallows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
8libnotifyallows desktop notifications.
9dunstprovides the system notification daemon.
10exfat-utilsallows management of FAT drives.
11picomallows for some eyecandy effects and vsync.
12sxivis an image viewer.
13xwallpapersets the wallpaper.
14ffmpegcan record and splice video and audio on the command line.
15ffmpegthumbnailercreates thumbnail previews of video files.
16gnome-keyringserves as the system keyring.
17neovimis a lua based vim, a text editor.
18mpvthe one true video player.
19man-dblets you read man pages of programs.
20newsboatis a terminal RSS client.
21noto-fontsis an expansive font package.
22noto-fonts-emojiis an emoji font.
23wireplumberis the audio system.
24pipewire-pulsegives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs.
25pulsemixeris an audio controller.
26maimcan take quick screenshots at your request.
27unclutterhides an inactive mouse.
28unzipunzips zips.
29lynxis a terminal browser also used in LARBS for generating in-terminal previews of websites, emails and HTML files.
30xcapeallows keyboard remapping of escape/capslock.
31xclipallows for copying and pasting from the command line.
32xdotoolprovides window action utilities on the command line.
33yt-dlpcan download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.
34zathurais a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings.
35zathura-pdf-mupdfallows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura.
36popplermanipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions.
37mediainfoshows audio and video information and is used in the file browser.
38atoolmanages and gives information about archives.
397zmanages and gives information about archives.
40fzfis a fuzzy finder tool used for easy selection and location of files.
41batcan highlight code output and display files and is used to generate previews in the file browser.
42socatis a utility which establishes two byte streams and transfers data between them.
43moreutilsis a collection of useful unix tools.
44kittyis a terminal emulator.
45mpdis a lightweight music daemon.
46mpcprovides a terminal interface for mpd.
47ncmpcppprovides an ncurses interface for mpc.
48neofetchcomes preinstalled on this system because you were gonna install it anyways.
49pinentryallows prompts for SSH keys.
50transmission-cliis a torrenting client.
51breeze-iconsprovides some fallback icons.
52hicolor-icon-themeprovides some fallback icons.
53xsecurelockis a screen locker.
54lfis a terminal file manager
55simple-mtpfsenables the mounting of cell phones.
56Atask-spoolerqueues commands or files for download.
57Ahtop-vimis a graphical and colorful system monitor.