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2022-09-16 18:51:39 +02:00

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1#TAGNAME IN REPO (or git url)PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
2Alibxft-gitis a FreeType-based font drawing library for X
3xorg-serveris the graphical server.
4xorg-xwininfoallows querying information about windows.
5xorg-xinitstarts the graphical server.
6polkitmanages user policies.
7Anerd-fonts-jetbrains-monoprovides the font used in the console.
8Anerd-fonts-notoprovides the font used by dwm.
9Alf-gitis an extensible terminal file manager.
10Axkb-switchhandles keyboard layouts.
11qalculate-gtkis used for a dropdown calculator.
12picomis for transparency, bluring and removing screen-tearing.
13xorg-xpropis a tool for detecting window properties.
14arandrallows the user to customize monitor arrangements.
15dosfstoolsallows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
16libnotifyallows desktop notifications.
17dunstis a suckless notification system.
18exfat-utilsallows management of FAT drives.
19sxivis a minimalist image viewer.
20xwallpapersets the wallpaper.
21ffmpegcan record and splice video and audio on the command line.
22ffmpegthumbnailercreates thumbnail previews of video files.
23gnome-keyringserves as the system keyring.
24Aqogir-gtk-themegives a dark GTK theme for most windows.
25python-qdarkstyleprovides a dark Qt theme.
26lunarvim-gita neovim framework
27mpdis a lightweight music daemon.
28mpcis a terminal interface for mpd.
29mpvis the patrician's choice video player.
30man-dblets you read man pages of programs.
31ncmpcppa ncurses interface for music with multiple formats and a powerful tag editor.
32newsboatis a terminal RSS client.
33Alibrewolf-binis the default browser providing adblocking and sensible privacy defaults.
34libcdioallows previewing info of iso images (used in lf previewer).
35lynxis a terminal browser. (used in lf previewer).
36A7-zipprovides archiving functionality (used in lf previewer).
37atoolmanages and gives information about archives. (used in lf previewer).
38Atremcis a transmission cli client (used in lf previewer).
39odt2txtconverts ODT files to TXTs (used in lf previewer).
40catdocprints MS-Word files as plain text (used in lf previewer).
41docx2txtconverts DOCX files to TXTs (used in lf previewer).
42gnumericis a spreadsheet application (used in lf previewer).
43Aepub-thumbnailer-gitcreates thumbnails for epub files (used in lf previewer).
44lowdownconverts markdown (used in lf previewer).
45batcan highlight code output and display files (used in lf previewer).
46popplermanipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions (used in lf previewer).
47xdg-utilsprovides utilies for dealing with XDG MIME applications/files (used in lf previewer).
48mediainfoshows audio and video information. (used inf lf previewer).
49Anoto-fontsis an expansive font package.
50noto-fonts-emojiis an emoji font.
51ntfs-3gallows accessing NTFS partitions.
52pipewireis the audio system.
53pipewire-pulsegives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs.
54pulsemixeris an audio controller.
55pamixeris a command-line audio interface.
56Asc-imis an Excel-like terminal spreadsheet manager.
57maimcan take quick screenshots at your request.
58Aabookis an offline addressbook usable by neomutt.
59unclutterhides an inactive mouse.
60unzipunzips zips.
61xcapegives the special escape/super mappings of LARBS.
62xclipallows for copying and pasting from the command line.
63xdotoolprovides window action utilities on the command line.
64xorg-xdpyinfoaids with resolution determination and screen recording.
65yt-dlpcan download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.
66zathurais a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings.
67zathura-pdf-mupdfallows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura.
68fzfis a fuzzy finder tool.
69xorg-xbacklightenables changing screen brightness levels.
70xss-locktriggers a lockscreen by reading x screen state.
71xsecurelockis a secure lockscreen.
72Azsh-fast-syntax-highlighting-gitprovides syntax highlighting in the shell.
73Atask-spoolerqueues commands or files for download.
74Asimple-mtpfsenables the mounting of cell phones.
75Ahtop-vimis a graphical and colorful system monitor.
76G as the modular status bar.
77G commands and provides a UI for selection.
78G the window manager.
79Amutt-wizard-gitis a light-weight terminal-based email system.
80slockallows you to lock your computer, and quickly unlock with your password.
81socatis a utility which establishes two byte streams and transfers data between them.
82moreutilsis a collection of useful unix tools.