


 To properly use obmenu-generator in void linux you have to tweak
 two files:

 A config file, auto generated by obmenu-generator: 


 The Schema file that you have to copy from:




 Both files are well documentend into the code.

 Read also the comments in the code of


 (it's a perl script) for more advanced use.

 Modify ~/.config/obmenu-generator/schema.pl  according to your 
 needs to adapt the categories names to your language after theese lines 

 {sep => "desidered name of the submenu"}, (see below for the default).

 <begin code extract>
   {sep => 'Applications'},   

   #          NAME            LABEL                ICON
   {cat => ['utility',     'Accessories', 'applications-utilities']},
   {cat => ['development', 'Development', 'applications-development']}, 
 <end code extract>
 The LABEL column is the place where you localize the names.
 If you use it as a submenu it's better to commentig out the lines from:

 ## Custom advanced settings

  {exit => ['Exit', 'exit']},

 prior the closing ] 

 The config.pl is created by obmenu-generator but you may want to customize
 the language of the auto generated names, for that you have to modify a line
 near the end, modifying the "name_keys" key to read as follow (substituing
 the [it] to your preferred language code).

   "name_keys"           => ['Name[it]', 'GenericName[it]', 'Name'],

 Accordig to the comment in the script the modifications you have done
 do in the config.pl may be overridden by the program itself, so be 
 prepared to rewrite every line you modify in the config.pl file from time to
 time (it is better to copy the config.pl file say to config.pl.mine).
 After you have done the desired modification, insert this line in your 
 menu.xml where you want the menu will be:
  <menu id="obmenu-generator" label="<Your Menu Name>" execute="/usr/bin/obmenu-generator -i"/>

 Then do openbox -reconfigure (or use the menu entry that usually come with
 openbox) and enjoy your new application menu.

 The script is very powerful and has many other use even to autogenerate a 
 menu.xml, read the documentation and better the comments that are more up to
 date at: 

 Happy obmenu-generator!

 The Void Mantainers