# Template file for 'curl' pkgname=curl version=8.6.0 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="ac_cv_sizeof_off_t=8 --enable-threaded-resolver --enable-ipv6 --enable-websockets --with-random=/dev/urandom $(vopt_with rtmp librtmp) $(vopt_with gssapi) $(vopt_enable ldap) $(vopt_with gnutls) $(vopt_enable ldap ldaps) $(vopt_with ssh libssh2) $(vopt_with ssl) $(vopt_with zstd) $(vopt_with psl libpsl) $(vopt_with idn libidn2) --with-ca-bundle=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ac_cv_path_NROFF=/usr/bin/mandoc" # 1477 verifies if headers and manpages are in sync which belongs in upstream processes make_check_args="TFLAGS=!1477" # Use mdocml instead of groff to generate builtin manual to avoid cyclic # dependencies. hostmakedepends="perl pkg-config mdocml" makedepends="nghttp2-devel zlib-devel $(vopt_if gnutls 'gnutls-devel') $(vopt_if gssapi 'mit-krb5-devel') $(vopt_if ldap 'libldap-devel') $(vopt_if rtmp 'librtmp-devel') $(vopt_if ssh 'libssh2-devel') $(vopt_if psl 'libpsl-devel') $(vopt_if idn 'libidn2-devel') $(vopt_if ssl 'openssl-devel') $(vopt_if zstd 'libzstd-devel')" depends="ca-certificates" # openssh isn't in checkdepends, because test 581 locks up checkdepends="python3 stunnel nghttp2 impacket" short_desc="Client that groks URLs" maintainer="Érico Nogueira " license="MIT" homepage="https://curl.se" changelog="https://curl.se/changes.html" distfiles="https://curl.se/download/curl-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=9c6db808160015f30f3c656c0dec125feb9dc00753596bf858a272b5dd8dc398 build_options="gnutls gssapi idn ldap psl rtmp ssh ssl zstd" build_options_default="idn psl ssh ssl zstd" vopt_conflict ssl gnutls if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then hostmakedepends+=" curl" fi pre_configure() { export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2/}" export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-I${XBPS_CROSS_BASE}\/usr\/include/}" export CPPFLAGS="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" } pre_check() { export USER=nobody } post_install() { if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then # Copy hostmakedepends' version vcompletion /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_curl zsh vcompletion /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/curl.fish fish else make -C scripts vcompletion scripts/_curl zsh vcompletion scripts/curl.fish fish fi # Fix linker search paths when necessary if [ -n "$XBPS_CROSS_BASE" ]; then # Leave $XBPS_CROSS_BASE in --configure to reflect how it was built vsed -i $DESTDIR/usr/bin/curl-config \ -e "/[ ]*--static-libs)/,/[ ]*;;/ s,-L${XBPS_CROSS_BASE},-L," fi } libcurl_package() { short_desc="Multiprotocol file transfer library" pkg_install() { vmove "usr/lib/*.so.*" vlicense COPYING } } libcurl-devel_package() { depends="${makedepends} libcurl>=${version}_${revision}" short_desc="Multiprotocol file transfer library - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/bin/curl-config vmove "usr/share/man/man1/curl-config*" vmove usr/share/man/man3 vmove usr/share/aclocal vmove usr/include vmove "usr/lib/*.a" vmove "usr/lib/*.so" vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig } }