# Template file for 'irqbalance' pkgname=irqbalance version=1.0.3 revision=2 patch_args="-lNp1" build_style=gnu-configure systemd_services="${pkgname}.service on" makedepends="automake pkg-config glib-devel libcap-ng-devel libnuma-devel" short_desc="Handholding your interrupts for power and performance" maintainer="Juan RP " license="GPL-2" homepage="https://code.google.com/p/irqbalance/" distfiles="https://irqbalance.googlecode.com/files/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=fd97b7d1570e807a134bc25a0bfb97ebed16ae7dbe2e3583db217c3a3960c7df long_desc=" Irqbalance is the Linux utility tasked with making sure that interrupts from your hardware devices are handled in as efficient a manner as possible (meaning every cpu handles some of the interrupt work), while at the same time making sure that no single cpu is tasked with a inappropriately large amount of this work. Irqbalance constantly analyzes the amuont of work interrupts require on your system and balances interrupt handling across all of your systems cpus in a fair manner, keeping system performance more predictable and constant. This should all happen transparently to the user. If irqbalance performs its job right, nobody will ever notice it's there or want to turn it off." pre_configure() { autoreconf -fi } post_install() { vinstall ${FILESDIR}/${pkgname}.service 644 usr/lib/systemd/system }