# Template file for 'sabnzbd' pkgname=sabnzbd version=1.0.2 revision=1 wrksrc="SABnzbd-${version}" depends="par2cmdline python-cheetah python-configobj python-feedparser python-gntp python-openssl python-yenc unzip" maintainer="Dominik Honnef " # sabnzbd itself is GPL, but it bundles libraries that are covered by # BSD, LGPL-2 and MIT. In combination, that makes this package GPL. license="GPL" homepage="http://sabnzbd.org/" short_desc="SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python" distfiles="https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/releases/download/${version}/SABnzbd-${version}-src.tar.gz" checksum=9ced2f4b9486674e8b0a920769710b16e7d96a9981d5aa47b6584f2c3a1e0b62 noarch=yes pycompile_dirs="/usr/share/sabnzbd" pre_install() { rm -rf gntp sabnzbd/utils/{feedparser,configobj}.py rm -f licenses/License-{feedparser,configobj,gntp,Python}.txt rm -rf solaris # sabnzbd bundles a heavily modified version of cherrypy. It's # uncertain what base version they use, or where each individual # patch came from, so using upstream cherrypy isn't an option. # sabnzbd also bundles a variety of small libraries, some of which # haven't been maintained since 2006. There may be no point to # packaging them separately. } do_install() { vmkdir usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} mv licenses/* ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} mv COPYRIGHT.txt ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} rmdir licenses vmkdir usr/share/sabnzbd mv * ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/sabnzbd/ vinstall ${FILESDIR}/sabnzbd 0755 usr/bin/ }