# Template file for 'bzr' pkgname=bzr version=1.18.1 distfiles="http://launchpad.net/bzr/1.18/$version/+download/bzr-$version.tar.gz" build_style=custom-install short_desc="Distributed version control system that Just Works" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=a7fb07e4af6f4d331365e1d1d8ef9af7fee0fb48c434236dd0d18a10303b4df8 long_desc=" Bazaar is a distributed version control system that Just Works. While other systems require you to adapt to their model of working, Bazaar adapts to the way you want to work, and you can try it out in five minutes." Add_dependency full python do_install() { cd ${wrksrc} sed -i 's|man/man1|share/man/man1|g' setup.py python setup.py install --prefix=usr --root=${DESTDIR} }