# Template file for 'git-annex' pkgname=git-annex version=10.20220525 revision=1 build_style=haskell-stack makedepends="curl file-devel gnupg2 gnutls-devel gsasl-devel libxml2-devel lsof rsync git ncurses-devel" # depends are utilities required by git-annex depends="git rsync curl lsof gnupg2" short_desc="Git addon for managing large files" maintainer="Evan Deaubl " license="AGPL-3.0-or-later, MIT, BSD-2-Clause, GPL-3.0-or-later, custom:Expat, custom:MIT-twitter, GPL-2.0-only, custom:icon-license" homepage="http://git-annex.branchable.com" distfiles="https://hackage.haskell.org/package/${pkgname}-${version}/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=c6c7b50df31acec63c70fd249e3e3d0d7e5140af8181057a0879f65131513cdb nopie_files="/usr/bin/git-annex" nocross=yes # These install steps are pulled from the install target in the # git-annex Makefile. The target can't be called directly because it is # comingled with the Cabal build, and we're using Stackage instead # Make sure they are in sync with each version upgrade post_install() { ln -sf git-annex ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/git-annex-shell ln -sf git-annex ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/git-remote-tor-annex vmkdir usr/share/man/man1 vcopy man/*.1 usr/share/man/man1 vlicense doc/license/AGPL }