# Template file for 'udisks' pkgname=udisks version=1.0.4 revision=8 distfiles="http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--disable-static --enable-lvm2" depends="udev" makedepends="pkg-config intltool libxslt docbook-xsl device-mapper-devel liblvm2app-devel libparted-devel libatasmart-devel polkit-devel dbus-glib-devel libgudev-devel>=183 sg3_utils-devel" make_dirs="/var/lib/udisks 0750 root root" short_desc="Disk Management Service" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/udisks" license="GPL-2" checksum=854b89368733b9c3a577101b761ad5397ae75a05110c8698ac5b29de9a8bf8f5 long_desc=" The udisks project provides: * a storage daemon that implements well-defined D-Bus interfaces that can be used to query and manipulate storage devices. * a command-line tool, udisks, that can be used to query and use the daemon The actions that a user can perform using udisks are restricted using PolicyKit." pre_build() { # Fix location for bash completion stuff. sed -i -e 's|profile.d|bash_completion.d|' tools/Makefile } post_install() { vinstall ${FILESDIR}/udisks.service 644 lib/systemd/system }