# Template file for 'dnsmasq' pkgname=dnsmasq version=2.58 revision=3 homepage="http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html" distfiles="http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" depends="libcap libidn dbus" makedepends="dbus-devel libcap-devel libidn-devel" short_desc="Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server" maintainer="Juan RP " license="GPL-2" checksum=d5f64ed65f2b9a4db846d6da5d6903ec03e86924c09e232f42c7b63bcbfa3be6 long_desc=" Dnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured either in each host or in a central configuration file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases and BOOTP/TFTP/PXE for network booting of diskless machines." system_accounts="dnsmasq" conf_files="/etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/conf.d/dnsmasq" systemd_services="dnsmasq.service on" do_build() { echo '#define HAVE_DBUS' >> src/config.h make ${makejobs} } do_install() { make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install vinstall dnsmasq.conf.example 644 etc dnsmasq.conf vinstall ${FILESDIR}/dnsmasq.service 644 lib/systemd/system vinstall dbus/dnsmasq.conf 644 etc/dbus-1/system.d }