# Template build file for 'libtasn1'. pkgname=libtasn1 version=2.6 distfiles="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=gnu-configure short_desc="ASN.1 structure parser library" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=7aeb9ccec4ed7136441498d14ba3b4104cd6a6d4b489bbb010280999ebaaf9c7 long_desc=" libtasn1 library was developed for ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures management. The main features of this library are: - on-line ASN1 structure management that does not require any C code file generation. - off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation containing an array. - DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding. - no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values." subpackages="$pkgname-devel $pkgname-tools" Add_dependency run glibc Add_dependency build texinfo