# Template build file for 'iso-codes'. pkgname=iso-codes version=3.41 revision=2 build_style=gnu-configure short_desc="List of country, language and currency names" maintainer="Juan RP " license="LGPL-2.1" homepage="http://pkg-isocodes.alioth.debian.org/" distfiles="${DEBIAN_SITE}/main/i/iso-codes/${pkgname}_${version}.orig.tar.xz" checksum=c2e637e43e6c2e8516a898be10180dc620b33b4d7f803281d7db62820ab41275 long_desc=" iso-codes provides the list of the country, language and currency names in one place, rather than repeated in many third-party programs. This was originally done to centralize this data in Debian systems. The aim of iso-codes is to create a single gettext domain iso-639 which contains the translations of language names, and one iso-3166 listing the translations of country names." iso-codes_package() { noarch="yes" pkg_install() { vmove usr } }