# Template file for 'libseccomp' pkgname=libseccomp version=2.1.0 revision=1 build_style=configure configure_args="--prefix=/usr" hostmakedepends="which" short_desc="High level interface to the Linux Kernel's seccomp filter" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://sourceforge.net/projects/libseccomp/" license="LGPL-2.1" distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=b0d6e4f0984e6632a04f0cf33c6babdb011674ba15ff208e196f037e0e09905e long_desc=" The libseccomp library provides and easy to use, platform independent, interface to the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering mechanism: seccomp. The libseccomp API is designed to abstract away the underlying BPF based syscall filter language and present a more conventional function-call based filtering interface that should be familiar to, and easily adopted by application developers." libseccomp-devel_package() { depends="${sourcepkg}-${version}_${revision}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig vmove "usr/lib/*.so" vmove usr/share } } libseccomp_package() { pkg_install() { vmove usr } }