# Template file for 'dwm' pkgname=fbgrab version=1.2 revision=1 homepage="http://fbgrab.monells.se/" distfiles="http://fbgrab.monells.se/fbgrab-$version.tar.gz" depends="zlib libpng" makedepends="zlib-devel libpng-devel" short_desc="A framebuffer screenshot program, capturing the linux frambuffer and converting it to a png-picture" maintainer="Enno Boland " license="GPLv2" checksum=61e0772ad6ea744ee597ae478398ddd0ba6fceee2cf343859bebde2c15bafb91 long_desc=" fbgrab reads the framebuffer device (/dev/fb*) or a dump thereof and saves a PNG image file. You can use it for making screenshots of of virtually anys application, from traditional test applications to your X-windows desktop, as well as framebuffer applications." wrksrc="$pkgname" do_build() { make PREFIX=/usr CC=$CC } do_install() { make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install vinstall COPYING 644 usr/share/licenses/$pkgname }