# Template file for 'groff' pkgname=groff version=1.22.4 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--without-x --disable-rpath" hostmakedepends="perl bison" makedepends="zlib-devel" short_desc="The GNU troff text-formatting system" maintainer="Juan RP " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/groff.html" distfiles="${GNU_SITE}/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e78e7b4cb7dec310849004fa88847c44701e8d133b5d4c13057d876c1bad0293 subpackages="libgroff" if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then hostmakedepends+=" groff" configure_args+=" --with-doc=no" else subpackages+=" groff-doc" fi pre_configure() { case "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" in *musl) patch -p0 -i ${FILESDIR}/musl.patch ;; esac } post_install() { # From Arch: # # Fix some issues when encoding to utf8 man pages # The output chars don't match keyboard chars... for f in man mdoc; do cat ${FILESDIR}/site.tmac >> \ ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/groff/site-tmac/${f}.local done } libgroff_package() { short_desc+=" - libraries" pkg_install() { vmove usr/lib } } groff-doc_package() { short_desc+=" - documentation" archs=noarch pkg_install() { vmove usr/share/doc } }