# Template file for 'libpeas' pkgname=libpeas version=1.4.0 distfiles="${GNOME_SITE}/$pkgname/1.4/$pkgname-$version.tar.xz" build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--enable-vala" depends="pygobject hicolor-icon-theme" makedepends="pkg-config intltool vala-devel libgirepository-devel gtk+3-devel python-devel pygobject-devel gjs-devel libseed-devel" short_desc="Gobject-based plugins engine" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=d508df249d5aefad0e5a720095e0103355ab13856dae6a10e6e5b8235d5eecf6 long_desc=" libpeas is a gobject-based plugins engine, and is targetted at giving every application the chance to assume its own extensibility. It is currently used by several Gnome applications like gedit and Totem. It takes its roots in the old gedit plugins engine, and provides an extensive set of features mirroring the desiderata of most of the applications providing an extension framework." subpackages="$pkgname-devel" gtk_iconcache_dirs="/usr/share/icons/hicolor"