# Template file for 'python3-pybind11' pkgname=python3-pybind11 version=2.13.6 revision=1 build_style=python3-module hostmakedepends="cmake python3-setuptools python3-pytest python3-sphinx_rtd_theme python3-breathe" depends="python3-devel" checkdepends="python3-numpy $depends" short_desc="C++ header-only library to produce Python bindings" maintainer="Andrew J. Hesford " license="BSD-3-Clause" homepage="https://github.com/pybind/pybind11" distfiles="https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e08cb87f4773da97fa7b5f035de8763abc656d87d5773e62f6da0587d1f0ec20 post_patch() { # These dependencies are not packaged and don't affect the man page vsed -e '/sphinx_copybutton/d' \ -e '/sphinxcontrib.rsvgconverter/d' \ -e '/sphinxcontrib.moderncmakedomain/d' -i docs/conf.py } post_build() { # Build the man page make $makejobs -C docs man } pre_check() { mkdir -p build.tests cd build.tests CFLAGS="-DNDEBUG ${CFLAGS/ -pipe / }" \ CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG ${CXXFLAGS/ -pipe / }" cmake .. make $makejobs } do_check() { make $makejobs -C build.tests check } post_install() { vlicense LICENSE # Copy the man page, but make it section 7 local _manpage=docs/.build/man/pybind11.1 vsed -i ${_manpage} -e '/^\.TH/ s/"1"/"7"/' vman ${_manpage} pybind11.7 # Include links for a "system" installation local _pybind11="${DESTDIR}/${py3_sitelib}/pybind11" local _tgt for _tgt in include share/{cmake,pkgconfig}; do vmkdir "usr/${_tgt}" done for _tgt in {include,share/cmake}/pybind11 share/pkgconfig/pybind11.pc; do ln -Trs "${_pybind11}/${_tgt}" "${DESTDIR}/usr/${_tgt}" done }