325 lines
8.3 KiB
325 lines
8.3 KiB
@import "button";
! Toolbar
@mixin toolbar($bg, $fg) {
@include linear-gradient($bg);
@include border_tng($fg, $bg, .8);
color: $fg;
&:disabled {
@include linear-gradient(shade($bg, .9));
color: mix($fg, $bg, .5);
.background {
background-color: $bg;
border-color: mix($bg, $fg, .3);
.title {
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0 ($spacing * 2);
.subtitle {
font-size: smaller;
padding: 0 ($spacing * 2);
button {
@include button($bg, $fg);
&.image-button {
padding: $spacing;
viewswitcher button,
.linked > button {
@include linked_button($bg, $fg);
//combobox, button {
//padding: $spacing;
//&.text-button { padding: $spacing; }
box button.image-button {
padding: $spacing $spacing + 4px;
separator {
&, &:disabled {
color: shade($bg, ($contrast - .2));
border-color: currentColor;
-GtkWidget-window-dragging: true;
@mixin inline-toolbar($bg, $fg) {
padding: 1px;
border-width: 0 1px 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: $borders_color;
background-color: mix($borders_color, $bg_color, .7);
background-image: none;
&:backdrop {
border-color: $backdrop_borders_color;
background-color: $backdrop_dark_fill;
transition: 200ms ease-out;
button { @include button($toolbar_bg_color, $toolbar_fg_color); }
toolbutton:backdrop {
> button.flat {
@extend %linked_button;
&:dir(ltr) { @extend %linked_middle; }
&:dir(rtl) { @extend %linked_middle-rtl; }
&:first-child > button.flat { @extend %linked_button-first-child; }
&:last-child > button.flat { @extend %linked_button-last-child; }
&:only-child > button.flat { @extend %linked_button-only-child; }
@include exports("toolbar_extends") {
%toolbar {
padding: if($spacing > 1px, $spacing, 1px) - 1px;
border-style: none;
// toolbar separators
&.horizontal separator { margin: 0 ($spacing + 2px) 1px; }
&.vertical separator { margin: ($spacing + 2px) 1px ($spacing + 2px) 0; }
%headerbar {
border-width: 0 0 1px;
border-style: solid;
// add vertical margins to common widget on the headerbar to avoid them spanning the whole height
button { // Size height
margin-top: $spacing + 3px;
margin-bottom: $spacing + 3px;
switch { // Size height
margin-top: $spacing + 1px;
margin-bottom: $spacing + 1px;
window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) separator:first-child + &, // tackles the paned container case
window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) &:first-child { &:backdrop, & { border-top-left-radius: $roundness; } }
window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) &:last-child { &:backdrop, & { border-top-right-radius: $roundness; } }
%titlebar { // Default headerbar and titlebar code.
@include toolbar($titlebar_bg_focused, $titlebar_fg_focused);
@include linear-gradient($titlebar_bg_focused);
border-radius: $roundness $roundness 0 0;
color: $titlebar_fg_focused;
padding: 0 6px;
min-height: 42px;
separator {
background-image: image(mix($titlebar_fg_focused, $titlebar_bg_focused, .9));
&:backdrop {
@include linear-gradient($titlebar_bg_unfocused);
color: $titlebar_fg_unfocused;
text-shadow: none;
border-color: mix($backdrop_borders_color, $bg_color, .5);
&.default-decoration { // Default titlebar (old metacity)
min-height: 24px;
box-shadow: none;
border: 0;
button.titlebutton {
min-height: 16px;
min-width: 16px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.solid-csd & {
&:backdrop, & {
&:dir(rtl), &:dir(ltr) { // specificity bump
border-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;
.tiled &,
.maximized & { &:backdrop, & { border-radius: 0; } } // squared corners when the window is maximized or tiled
.title { font-weight: bold; }
separator.titlebutton { margin-left: $spacing; }
button {
@include button($header_button_bg_color, $header_button_fg_color);
$sidepadding: $spacing + ($roundness / 14px * if($spacing > 0, $spacing, 1px));
padding: $spacing;
&.text-button {
padding: $spacing if($sidepadding > 5px, $sidepadding, 5px);
&.flat {
color: $menubar_fg_color;
&.flat:hover {
color: $header_button_fg_color;
//&.image-button {
//padding: $spacing;
&:backdrop {
color: $titlebar_fg_unfocused;
stack box.narrow {
/* have no clue why it's ignored by gtk and forced to 5px and 7px */
padding: 0;
&:not(:checked):not(:hover) stack box {
color: $menubar_fg_color;
viewswitcher {
button:not(:checked):not(:hover) stack box {
color: $button_fg_color;
button.titlebutton + separator.titlebutton {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: $spacing;
button.titlebutton {
border: 0;
padding: $spacing;
background-image: none;
background-color: transparent;
color: $titlebar_fg_focused;
box-shadow: none;
&:hover, &:hover:focus {
background-image: none;
background-color: transparent;
color: $selected_bg_color;
box-shadow: none;
&:active, &:active:hover {
background-image: none;
background-color: transparent;
color: shade($selected_bg_color, .9);
box-shadow: none;
&:backdrop {
background: none;
color: $titlebar_fg_unfocused;
-gtk-icon-shadow: none;
@include exports("toolbar") {
toolbar {
@extend %toolbar;
@include toolbar($toolbar_bg_color, $toolbar_fg_color);
&.inline-toolbar { @include inline-toolbar($toolbar_bg_color, $toolbar_fg_color); }
headerbar {
@extend %titlebar;
@extend %headerbar;
.titlebar:not(headerbar) {
@extend %titlebar;
window.csd > & {
// in csd we assume every titlebar is a headerbar so reset anything, this is needed for split toolbars cases
padding: 0;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: none;
border-style: none;
border-color: transparent;
box-shadow: none;
> separator { background-color: shade($titlebar_bg_focused, .88); } // $borders_color
.background .titlebar {
&:backdrop, & {
border-top-left-radius: $roundness;
border-top-right-radius: $roundness;
.background.tiled .titlebar,
.background.tiled-top .titlebar,
.background.tiled-right .titlebar,
.background.tiled-bottom .titlebar,
.background.tiled-left .titlebar,
.background.maximized .titlebar,
.background.solid-csd .titlebar {
&:backdrop, & {
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
// Fixed: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-gtk-theme/issues/585
// workaround for ugly Ubuntu-related CSD patches
.background:not(.csd):not(.ssd):not(.solid-csd) headerbar {
&, &:backdrop {
&, &:not(:last-child) {
border-radius: 0;
border-top-color: transparent;