# Client/Tag Control Modifier(s)|Key|Action :--|:--|:-- Mod|0|Show all tags Mod Shift|0|Make a client sticky Mod|Tab|Focus first client on stack Mod Shift|Tab|Move active client to top of stack Mod|,|Focus previous monitor on stack Mod Shift|,|Move active client to previous monitor on stack Mod|.|Focus next monitor on stack Mod Shift|.|Move active client to next monitor on stack Mod|f|Toggle fullscreen on active client Mod|q|Kill active client Mod|j|Focus next client on stack Mod Shift|j|Move active client down stack Mod|k|Focus previous client on stack Mod Shift|k|Move active client up stack Mod|v|Focus last active client Mod Shift|v|Swap active client with last active client Mod|space|Move active client to top of stack Mod Shift|space|Make active client float # Layout Control Modifier(s)|Key|Action :--|:--|:-- Mod|c|Increase number of master clients Mod Shift|c|Reset number of master clients Mod|r|Decrease number of master clients Mod Shift|r|Reset number of master clients Mod|l|Increase master area size Mod|h|Decrease master area size Mod|n|Switch to tile layout Mod Shift|n|Switch to bottom stack layout Mod|s|Switch to centered master layout Mod Shift|s|Switch to grid layout Mod|minus|Switch to monocle layout Mod Shift|minus|Switch to horizontal bottom stack layout # Spawn Programs Modifier(s)|Key|Action :--|:--|:-- Mod|t|Spawn a web browser Mod Shift|t|Spawn an NMTUI (Network Manager) window Mod|o|Toggle HTOP (Process Manager) scratchpad Mod Shift|o|Spawn an HTOP (Process Manager) window Mod|e|Toggle LF (File Manager) scratchpad Mod Shift|e|Spawn an LF (File Manager) window Mod|u|Spawn launcher menu Mod|backslash|Toggle calculator scratchpad Mod|Return|Spawn a terminal window Mod Shift|Return|Spawn a terminal scratchpad Mod Alt|Return|Spawn a terminal window in working directory of active client Mod|m|Spawn a music player Mod|w|Spawn Ferdium # System Modifier(s)|Key|Action :--|:--|:-- Mod|i|Close the topmost notification Mod Shift|i|Bring back the last closed notification Mod|d|Open the context menu for the topmost notification Mod Shift|d|Run the default action for the topmost notification Mod|F2|Toggle Compositor Mod|F3|Spawn volume panel Mod|F9|Spawn mounting menu Mod|F10|Spawn unmounting menu Mod|F11|Spawn display select menu Mod|F12|Switch keyboard layout Mod|BackSpace|Spawn system menu Mod Shift|End|Kill DWM Mod|Up|Increase volume by 5 Mod Shift|Up|Increase volume by 20 Mod|Down|Decrease volume by 5 Mod Shift|Down|Decrease volume by 20 Mod Shift|m|Mute all sound Mod|p|Play or pause the last active player # Misc. Modifier(s)|Key|Action :--|:--|:-- Mod|b|Toggle status bar Mod|F1|Show this help manual Mod|\`|Spawn emoji/fontawesome picker, immediately paste Mod Shift|\`|Spawn emoji/fontawesome picker, copy to clipboard ||Print|Make screenshot Shift|Print|Spawn screenshot menu Mod|Print|Spawn recording menu Mod Shift|Print|Kill recording Mod|Delete|Kill recording Mod|Left|Play last track Mod Shift|Left|Seek track to beginning Mod|Right|Play next track