void removescratch(const Arg *arg) { Client *c = selmon->sel; if (!c) return; c->scratchkey = 0; } void setscratch(const Arg *arg) { Client *c = selmon->sel; if (!c) return; c->scratchkey = ((char**)arg->v)[0][0]; } void spawnscratch(const Arg *arg) { if (fork() == 0) { if (dpy) close(ConnectionNumber(dpy)); setsid(); execvp(((char **)arg->v)[1], ((char **)arg->v)+1); fprintf(stderr, "dwm: execvp %s", ((char **)arg->v)[1]); perror(" failed"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } void togglescratch(const Arg *arg) { Client *c, *next, *last = NULL, *found = NULL, *monclients = NULL; Monitor *mon; int scratchvisible = 0; // whether the scratchpads are currently visible or not int multimonscratch = 0; // whether we have scratchpads that are placed on multiple monitors int scratchmon = -1; // the monitor where the scratchpads exist int numscratchpads = 0; // count of scratchpads /* Looping through monitors and client's twice, the first time to work out whether we need to move clients across from one monitor to another or not */ for (mon = mons; mon; mon = mon->next) for (c = mon->clients; c; c = c->next) { if (c->scratchkey != ((char**)arg->v)[0][0]) continue; if (scratchmon != -1 && scratchmon != mon->num) multimonscratch = 1; if (c->mon->tagset[c->mon->seltags] & c->tags) // && !HIDDEN(c) ++scratchvisible; scratchmon = mon->num; ++numscratchpads; } /* Now for the real deal. The logic should go like: - hidden scratchpads will be shown - shown scratchpads will be hidden, unless they are being moved to the current monitor - the scratchpads will be moved to the current monitor if they all reside on the same monitor - multiple scratchpads residing on separate monitors will be left in place */ for (mon = mons; mon; mon = mon->next) { for (c = mon->stack; c; c = next) { next = c->snext; if (c->scratchkey != ((char**)arg->v)[0][0]) continue; /* Record the first found scratchpad client for focus purposes, but prioritise the scratchpad on the current monitor if one exists */ if (!found || (mon == selmon && found->mon != selmon)) found = c; /* If scratchpad clients reside on another monitor and we are moving them across then as we are looping through monitors we could be moving a client to a monitor that has not been processed yet, hence we could be processing a scratchpad twice. To avoid this we detach them and add them to a temporary list (monclients) which is to be processed later. */ if (!multimonscratch && c->mon != selmon) { detach(c); detachstack(c); c->next = NULL; /* Note that we are adding clients at the end of the list, this is to preserve the order of clients as they were on the adjacent monitor (relevant when tiled) */ if (last) last = last->next = c; else last = monclients = c; } else if (scratchvisible == numscratchpads) { c->tags = 0; } else { XSetWindowBorder(dpy, c->win, scheme[SchemeScratchNorm][ColBorder].pixel); c->tags = c->mon->tagset[c->mon->seltags]; if (c->isfloating) XRaiseWindow(dpy, c->win); } } } /* Attach moved scratchpad clients on the selected monitor */ for (c = monclients; c; c = next) { next = c->next; mon = c->mon; c->mon = selmon; c->tags = selmon->tagset[selmon->seltags]; /* Attach scratchpad clients from other monitors at the bottom of the stack */ if (selmon->clients) { for (last = selmon->clients; last && last->next; last = last->next); last->next = c; } else selmon->clients = c; c->next = NULL; attachstack(c); /* Center floating scratchpad windows when moved from one monitor to another */ if (c->isfloating) { if (c->w > selmon->ww) c->w = selmon->ww - c->bw * 2; if (c->h > selmon->wh) c->h = selmon->wh - c->bw * 2; if (numscratchpads > 1) { c->x = c->mon->wx + (c->x - mon->wx) * ((double)(abs(c->mon->ww - WIDTH(c))) / MAX(abs(mon->ww - WIDTH(c)), 1)); c->y = c->mon->wy + (c->y - mon->wy) * ((double)(abs(c->mon->wh - HEIGHT(c))) / MAX(abs(mon->wh - HEIGHT(c)), 1)); } else if (c->x < c->mon->mx || c->x > c->mon->mx + c->mon->mw || c->y < c->mon->my || c->y > c->mon->my + c->mon->mh) { c->x = c->mon->wx + (c->mon->ww / 2 - WIDTH(c) / 2); c->y = c->mon->wy + (c->mon->wh / 2 - HEIGHT(c) / 2); } resizeclient(c, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h); XRaiseWindow(dpy, c->win); } } if (found) { focus(ISVISIBLE(found) ? found : NULL); arrange(NULL); if (found->isfloating) XRaiseWindow(dpy, found->win); } else { spawnscratch(arg); } }