All checks were successful
Update void-packages template / Update xbps-src template (push) Successful in 38s
36 lines
1.2 KiB
36 lines
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/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
/* Default settings; can be overriden by command line. */
static int topbar = 1; /* -b option; if 0, dmenu appears at bottom */
static int fuzzy = 1; /* -F option; if 0, dmenu doesn't use fuzzy matching */
/* -fn option overrides fonts[0]; default X11 font or font set */
static char *font = "FiraCode Nerd Font 12";
static const char *prompt = NULL; /* -p option; prompt to the left of input field */
#define BLACK "#15161E"
#define RED "#f7768e"
#define GREEN "#9ece6a"
#define ORANGE "#e0af68"
#define BLUE "#7aa2f7"
#define MAGENTA "#bb9af7"
#define CYAN "#7dcfff"
#define LIGHT_GRAY "#a9b1d6"
#define GRAY "#414868"
#define WHITE "#c0caf5"
#define UNDEFINED "#ff0000"
char *colors[][2] = {
/* fg bg */
[SchemeNorm] = { WHITE, BLACK },
[SchemeSel] = { BLACK, BLUE },
/* -l option; if nonzero, dmenu uses vertical list with given number of lines */
static unsigned int lines = 0;
* Characters not considered part of a word while deleting words
* for example: " /?\"&[]"
static const char worddelimiters[] = " `'\"()[]{}=,";