283 lines
16 KiB
283 lines
16 KiB
local f = require("funcs")
local icons = require("config.icons")
local maps = f.empty_map_table()
local sections = {
p = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Package .. " Packages" },
b = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Tab .. " Buffers" },
bs = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Tab .. " Sort Buffers" },
d = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Debug .. " Debugger" },
g = { desc = " " .. icons.misc.Git .. " Git" },
f = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Search .. " Find" },
l = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Note .. " LSP" },
t = { desc = " " .. icons.ui.Terminal .. " Terminal" },
-- Standard --
maps.n["j"] = { "v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j'", expr = true, desc = "Move cursor down" }
maps.n["k"] = { "v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k'", expr = true, desc = "Move cursor up" }
maps.n["<Leader>w"] = { "<Cmd>w<CR>", desc = "Write buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>c"] = { "<Cmd>conf q<CR>", desc = "Quit" }
maps.n["<Leader>C"] = { "<Cmd>conf qa<CR>", desc = "Quit all" }
maps.n["<Leader>n"] = { "<Cmd>ene<CR>", desc = "New buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>h"] = { "<Cmd>noh<CR>", desc = "Clear highlight" }
maps.n["<C-s>"] = { "<cmd>w!<cr>", desc = "Force write buffer" }
maps.n["<C-q>"] = { "<cmd>qa!<cr>", desc = "Force quit all" }
maps.n["|"] = { "<cmd>vsplit<cr>", desc = "Vertical split" }
maps.n["\\"] = { "<cmd>split<cr>", desc = "Horizontal split" }
maps.v["<"] = { "<gv", desc = "Unindent line" }
maps.v[">"] = { ">gv", desc = "Indent line" }
maps.n["<Leader>q"] = { f.buf_close, desc = "Close buffer" }
maps.n["<C-b>"] = { "<C-a>" }
maps.n["<C-f>"] = { "<Nop>" }
maps.i["<C-h>"] = { "<C-W>" }
-- TODO: Remove this when implemented in lsp_on_attach
maps.n["<Leader>lf"] = { vim.lsp.buf.format, desc = "Format" }
-- TODO: Add compiler script back (or don't tbh)
-- Window Navigation --
maps.n["<C-h>"] = { "<C-w>h", desc = "Move to left split" }
maps.n["<C-j>"] = { "<C-w>j", desc = "Move to below split" }
maps.n["<C-k>"] = { "<C-w>k", desc = "Move to above split" }
maps.n["<C-l>"] = { "<C-w>l", desc = "Move to right split" }
maps.n["<C-Up>"] = { "<cmd>resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split up" }
maps.n["<C-Down>"] = { "<cmd>resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split down" }
maps.n["<C-Left>"] = { "<cmd>vertical resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split left" }
maps.n["<C-Right>"] = { "<cmd>vertical resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split right" }
maps.t["<C-h>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd h<cr>", desc = "Terminal left window navigation" }
maps.t["<C-j>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd j<cr>", desc = "Terminal down window navigation" }
maps.t["<C-k>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd k<cr>", desc = "Terminal up window navigation" }
maps.t["<C-l>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd l<cr>", desc = "Terminal right window navigation" }
-- Plugin Manager --
maps.n["<Leader>ph"] = { function() require("lazy").home() end, desc = "Home" }
maps.n["<Leader>pi"] = { function() require("lazy").install() end, desc = "Install" }
maps.n["<Leader>pu"] = { function() require("lazy").update() end, desc = "Update" }
maps.n["<Leader>ps"] = { function() require("lazy").sync() end, desc = "Sync" }
maps.n["<Leader>px"] = { function() require("lazy").clean() end, desc = "Clean" }
maps.n["<Leader>pc"] = { function() require("lazy").check() end, desc = "Check" }
maps.n["<Leader>pl"] = { function() require("lazy").log() end, desc = "Log" }
maps.n["<Leader>pr"] = { function() require("lazy").restore() end, desc = "Restore" }
maps.n["<Leader>pp"] = { function() require("lazy").profile() end, desc = "Profile" }
maps.n["<Leader>pd"] = { function() require("lazy").debug() end, desc = "Debug" }
maps.n["<Leader>p?"] = { function() require("lazy").help() end, desc = "Help" }
if f.is_available("bufferline.nvim") then
maps.n["<S-l>"] = { function() require("bufferline").cycle(1) end, desc = "Switch to next buffer" }
maps.n["<S-h>"] = { function() require("bufferline").cycle(-1) end, desc = "Switch to previous buffer" }
maps.n["<A-l>"] = { function() require("bufferline").move(1) end, desc = "Move buffer to next" }
maps.n["<A-h>"] = { function() require("bufferline").move(-1) end, desc = "Move buffer to previous" }
maps.n["<Leader>b"] = sections.b
maps.n["<Leader>bc"] = { function() require("bufferline").close_others() end, desc = "Close other buffers" }
maps.n["<Leader>bl"] = {
function() require("bufferline").close_in_direction("left") end,
desc = "Close lefthand buffers"
maps.n["<Leader>br"] = {
function() require("bufferline").close_in_direction("right") end,
desc = "Close righthand buffers"
maps.n["<Leader>bs"] = sections.bs
maps.n["<Leader>bse"] = { function() require("bufferline").sort_by("extension") end, desc = "By extension" }
maps.n["<Leader>bsd"] = { function() require("bufferline").sort_by("directory") end, desc = "By directory" }
maps.n["<Leader>bsr"] = {
function() require("bufferline").sort_by("relative_directory") end,
desc = "By relative directory"
maps.n["<Leader>bst"] = { function() require("bufferline").sort_by("tabs") end, desc = "By tabs" }
if f.is_available("Comment.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>/"] = {
function() require("Comment.api").toggle.linewise.count(vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1) end,
desc = "Toggle comment line",
maps.v["<Leader>/"] = {
"<esc><cmd>lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())<cr>",
desc = "Toggle comment for selection",
if f.is_available("gitsigns.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>g"] = sections.g
maps.n["]g"] = { function() require("gitsigns").next_hunk() end, desc = "Next Git hunk" }
maps.n["[g"] = { function() require("gitsigns").prev_hunk() end, desc = "Previous Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gl"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line() end, desc = "View Git blame" }
maps.n["<Leader>gL"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line { full = true } end, desc = "View full Git blame" }
maps.n["<Leader>gp"] = { function() require("gitsigns").preview_hunk() end, desc = "Preview Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gh"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_hunk() end, desc = "Reset Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gr"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_buffer() end, desc = "Reset Git buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>gs"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_hunk() end, desc = "Stage Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gS"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_buffer() end, desc = "Stage Git buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>gu"] = { function() require("gitsigns").undo_stage_hunk() end, desc = "Unstage Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gd"] = { function() require("gitsigns").diffthis() end, desc = "View Git diff" }
if f.is_available("lf.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>e"] = { "<Cmd>Lf<CR>", desc = "File manager" }
if f.is_available("mason.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>pm"] = { "<cmd>Mason<cr>", desc = "Mason" }
if f.is_available "aerial.nvim" then
maps.n["<leader>l"] = sections.l
maps.n["<leader>lS"] = { function() require("aerial").toggle() end, desc = "Symbols outline" }
if f.is_available("telescope.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>f"] = sections.f
maps.n["<Leader>g"] = sections.g
maps.n["<Leader>gb"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git branches"
maps.n["<Leader>gc"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_commits { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git commits (repository)",
maps.n["<Leader>gC"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_bcommits { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git commits (current file)",
maps.n["<Leader>gt"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_status { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git status"
maps.n["<Leader>f<CR>"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").resume() end, desc = "Resume previous search" }
maps.n["<Leader>f'"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").marks() end, desc = "Find marks" }
maps.n["<Leader>f/"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").current_buffer_fuzzy_find() end,
desc = "Find words in current buffer"
maps.n["<Leader>fb"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").buffers() end, desc = "Find buffers" }
maps.n["<Leader>fc"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").grep_string() end, desc = "Find word under cursor" }
maps.n["<Leader>fC"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").commands() end, desc = "Find commands" }
maps.n["<Leader>ff"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files() end, desc = "Find files" }
maps.n["<Leader>fF"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files { hidden = true, no_ignore = true } end,
desc = "Find all files",
maps.n["<Leader>fh"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").help_tags() end, desc = "Find help" }
maps.n["<Leader>fk"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").keymaps() end, desc = "Find keymaps" }
maps.n["<Leader>fm"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").man_pages() end, desc = "Find man" }
maps.n["<Leader>fo"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles() end, desc = "Find history" }
maps.n["<Leader>fr"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").registers() end, desc = "Find registers" }
maps.n["<Leader>fw"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").live_grep() end, desc = "Find words" }
maps.n["<Leader>fW"] = {
require("telescope.builtin").live_grep {
additional_args = function(args) return vim.list_extend(args, { "--hidden", "--no-ignore" }) end,
desc = "Find words in all files",
maps.n["<Leader>l"] = sections.l
maps.n["<Leader>ls"] = {
local aerial_avail, _ = pcall(require, "aerial")
if aerial_avail then
desc = "Search symbols",
if f.is_available("toggleterm.nvim") then
maps.n["<leader>t"] = sections.t
if vim.fn.executable "lazygit" == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>g"] = sections.g
maps.n["<leader>gg"] = {
local worktree = f.file_worktree()
local flags = worktree
and (" --work-tree=%s --git-dir=%s"):format(worktree.toplevel, worktree.gitdir)
or ""
f.toggle_term_cmd("lazygit " .. flags)
desc = "ToggleTerm lazygit",
maps.n["<leader>tl"] = maps.n["<leader>gg"]
if vim.fn.executable "node" == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>tn"] = { function() f.toggle_term_cmd "node" end, desc = "ToggleTerm node" }
if vim.fn.executable("gdu") == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>tu"] = { function() f.toggle_term_cmd("gdu") end, desc = "ToggleTerm gdu" }
if vim.fn.executable "btm" == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>tt"] = { function() f.toggle_term_cmd "btm" end, desc = "ToggleTerm btm" }
local python = vim.fn.executable "python" == 1 and "python" or vim.fn.executable "python3" == 1 and "python3"
if python then maps.n["<leader>tp"] = { function() f.toggle_term_cmd(python) end, desc = "ToggleTerm python" } end
maps.n["<leader>tf"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm direction=float<cr>", desc = "ToggleTerm float" }
maps.n["<leader>th"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal<cr>", desc = "ToggleTerm horizontal split" }
maps.n["<leader>tv"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical<cr>", desc = "ToggleTerm vertical split" }
maps.n["<F7>"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm<cr>", desc = "Toggle terminal" }
maps.t["<F7>"] = maps.n["<F7>"]
-- TODO: Patch st: https://st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input/
-- maps.n["<C-'>"] = maps.n["<F7>"]
-- maps.t["<C-'>"] = maps.t["<F7>"]
maps.n["<C-z>"] = maps.n["<F7>"]
maps.t["<C-z>"] = maps.t["<F7>"]
if f.is_available "nvim-dap" then
local conditional_breakpoint = function()
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Condition: " }, function(condition)
if condition then require("dap").set_breakpoint(condition) end
maps.n["<leader>d"] = sections.d
maps.v["<leader>d"] = sections.d
maps.n["<F5>"] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Debugger: Start" }
maps.n["<S-F5>"] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Debugger: Stop" }
maps.n["<S-F9>"] = { conditional_breakpoint, desc = "Debugger: Conditional Breakpoint" }
maps.n["<C-F5>"] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Debugger: Restart" }
maps.n["<F6>"] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Debugger: Pause" }
maps.n["<F9>"] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Debugger: Toggle Breakpoint" }
maps.n["<F10>"] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Over" }
maps.n["<F11>"] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Into" }
maps.n["<S-F11>"] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Out" }
maps.n["<leader>db"] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Toggle Breakpoint (F9)" }
maps.n["<leader>dB"] = { function() require("dap").clear_breakpoints() end, desc = "Clear Breakpoints" }
maps.n["<leader>dc"] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Start/Continue (F5)" }
maps.n["<leader>dC"] = { conditional_breakpoint, desc = "Conditional Breakpoint (S-F9)" }
maps.n["<leader>di"] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Step Into (F11)" }
maps.n["<leader>do"] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Step Over (F10)" }
maps.n["<leader>dO"] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Step Out (S-F11)" }
maps.n["<leader>dq"] = { function() require("dap").close() end, desc = "Close Session" }
maps.n["<leader>dQ"] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Terminate Session (S-F5)" }
maps.n["<leader>dp"] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Pause (F6)" }
maps.n["<leader>dr"] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Restart (C-F5)" }
maps.n["<leader>dR"] = { function() require("dap").repl.toggle() end, desc = "Toggle REPL" }
maps.n["<leader>ds"] = { function() require("dap").run_to_cursor() end, desc = "Run To Cursor" }
if f.is_available "nvim-dap-ui" then
maps.n["<leader>dE"] = {
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Expression: " }, function(expr)
if expr then require("dapui").eval(expr, { enter = true }) end
desc = "Evaluate Input",
maps.v["<leader>dE"] = { function() require("dapui").eval() end, desc = "Evaluate Input" }
maps.n["<leader>du"] = { function() require("dapui").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle Debugger UI" }
maps.n["<leader>dh"] = { function() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover() end, desc = "Debugger Hover" }
if f.is_available "nvim-ufo" then
maps.n["zR"] = { function() require("ufo").openAllFolds() end, desc = "Open all folds" }
maps.n["zM"] = { function() require("ufo").closeAllFolds() end, desc = "Close all folds" }
maps.n["zr"] = { function() require("ufo").openFoldsExceptKinds() end, desc = "Fold less" }
maps.n["zm"] = { function() require("ufo").closeFoldsWith() end, desc = "Fold more" }
maps.n["zp"] = { function() require("ufo").peekFoldedLinesUnderCursor() end, desc = "Peek fold" }