31 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable file
31 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable file
RED=$(printf "\033[1;31m")
NORMAL=$(printf "\033[0m")
colors1() {
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
printf "\033[4${i}m \033[0m"
colors2() {
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
printf "\033[10${i}m \033[0m"
cat <<EOF
${RED} _____ _______ shutthe@fuckup
${RED} / ____|__ __| ${NORMAL}--------------
${RED}| (___ | | I dont care:${NORMAL} about your fetch screencap
${RED} \___ \ | | In fact,:${NORMAL} I'm getting tired of all of this BS
${RED} ____) | | | ramfetch, a fetch that displays memory i-:${NORMAL} SHUT UP
${RED}|_____/ |_| yfetch - a minimal command-li-:${NORMAL} FUCK OFF
${RED} ______ _ _ cpufetch - Simplistic yet fa-:${NORMAL} NO! IT'S NOT FANCY IT'S OVERDONE
${RED}| ____| | | | blablablafetc-:${NORMAL} SHUT! THE! FUCK! UP!
${RED}| |__ | | | | If I see one more fetch:${NORMAL} I'll fucking destroy my computer
${RED}| __| | | | | and never use:${NORMAL} Linux ever again
${RED}| | | |__| | ${NORMAL}
${RED}|_| \____/ ${NORMAL}$(colors1)