These are the dotfiles that I use on Void Linux. I keep them on a selfhosted git server for easy synchronization, and mirror them to github so that others can use parts of them as well. ## Installation I've written a [script]( that will configure a fresh void installation to be used with these dotfiles. You can also clone the repo to `~/.local/share/stow/dots` and run `~/.local/share/stow/dots/.local/bin/dotsync` to install them on an existing installation, but I'm sure that a few things would break. ## Warnings My [.zprofile](.config/zsh/profile) automatically runs xinit if logged in on TTY1 and no other X server is running. This is because I use the default [getty]( and want to automatically start dwm after logging in. If any key mappings seem strange, it's because I use the dvorak keyboard layout.