#!/bin/sh GREEN='\033[1;32m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' RED='\033[1;30m' NC='\033[0m' dotfiles="${1:-$HOME/.dotfiles}" echo "${BLUE}Using $dotfiles as dotfiles directory!${NC}" if ! cd "$dotfiles"; then echo "${RED}Could not CD into $dotfiles${NC}" exit fi echo echo "${BLUE}Stashing existing changes...${NC}" stash_result=$(git stash push -m "sync-dotfiles: Before syncing dotfiles") needs_pop=1 if [ "$stash_result" = "No local changes to save" ]; then needs_pop=0 fi echo echo "${BLUE}Pulling updates from dotfiles repo...${NC}" git pull origin main echo if [ $needs_pop -eq 1 ]; then echo "${BLUE}Popping stashed changes...${NC}" git stash pop fi echo unmerged_files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U) if [ -n "$unmerged_files" ]; then echo "${RED}The following files have merge conflicts after popping the stash:${NC}" echo printf %"s\n" "$unmerged_files" else stow -t "$HOME" . fi echo "${BLUE}Generating librewolf profiles...${NC}" if ! cd "$dotfiles/.librewolf"; then "${RED}Could not CD into $HOME/.librewolf${NC}" exit fi envsubst < installs.template > $HOME/.librewolf/installs.ini envsubst < profiles.template > $HOME/.librewolf/profiles.ini echo echo "${GREEN}Dotfiles Synced Successfully!${NC}"