    nerdFontsVersion: "3"
    # mouseEvents: false
    days: 1
    refreshInterval: 5
    fetchInterval: 30
disableStartupPopups: true
  - key: b
    command: "git branch --merged master | grep -v '^[ *]*master$' | xargs git branch -d"
    context: "localBranches"
    loadingText: "Pruning..."
    description: "prune local branches that have been merged to master"
  - key: "<c-t>"
    context: "global"
    command: " tag=$(date +%Y).$(date +%m | sed 's/^0//').$(($(git tag --sort=-v:refname | grep ^$MAJOR.$MINOR | head -n 1 | cut -d . -f 3) + 1)); git tag $tag; git push {{ .SelectedRemote.Name }} $tag; "
    description: "Create and push a tag based off the date"
    loadingText: "Tagging/Pushing..."
  - key: "<c-v>"
    context: "global"
    description: "Create new conventional commit"
      - type: "menu"
        key: "Type"
        title: "Type of change"
          - name: "build"
            description: "Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies"
            value: "build"
          - name: "feat"
            description: "A new feature"
            value: "feat"
          - name: "fix"
            description: "A bug fix"
            value: "fix"
          - name: "chore"
            description: "Other changes that don't modify src or test files"
            value: "chore"
          - name: "ci"
            description: "Changes to CI configuration files and scripts"
            value: "ci"
          - name: "docs"
            description: "Documentation only changes"
            value: "docs"
          - name: "perf"
            description: "A code change that improves performance"
            value: "perf"
          - name: "refactor"
            description: "A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature"
            value: "refactor"
          - name: "revert"
            description: "Reverts a previous commit"
            value: "revert"
          - name: "style"
            description: "Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code"
            value: "style"
          - name: "test"
            description: "Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests"
            value: "test"
      - type: "input"
        title: "Scope - Add '(<scope>)'"
        key: "Scope"
        initialValue: ""
      - type: "input"
        title: "Breaking change - Add '!'"
        key: "Breaking"
        initialValue: ""
      - type: "input"
        title: "message"
        key: "Message"
        initialValue: ""
      - type: "confirm"
        key: "Confirm"
        title: "Commit"
        body: "Are you sure you want to commit?"
    command: "git commit --message '{{.Form.Type}}{{.Form.Scope}}{{.Form.Breaking}}: {{.Form.Message}}'"
    loadingText: "Creating conventional commit..."
notARepository: skip
promptToReturnFromSubprocess: true