# ____ ____ # / __/___ / __/ # / /_/_ / / /_ # / __/ / /_/ __/ # /_/ /___/_/ key-bindings.zsh # # - $FZF_TMUX_OPTS # - $FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND # - $FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS # - $FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS # - $FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND # - $FZF_ALT_C_OPTS # Key bindings # ------------ # The code at the top and the bottom of this file is the same as in completion.zsh. # Refer to that file for explanation. if 'zmodload' 'zsh/parameter' 2>'/dev/null' && (( ${+options} )); then __fzf_key_bindings_options="options=(${(j: :)${(kv)options[@]}})" else () { __fzf_key_bindings_options="setopt" 'local' '__fzf_opt' for __fzf_opt in "${(@)${(@f)$(set -o)}%% *}"; do if [[ -o "$__fzf_opt" ]]; then __fzf_key_bindings_options+=" -o $__fzf_opt" else __fzf_key_bindings_options+=" +o $__fzf_opt" fi done } fi 'emulate' 'zsh' '-o' 'no_aliases' { [[ -o interactive ]] || return 0 # CTRL-T - Paste the selected file path(s) into the command line __fsel() { local cmd="${FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND:-"command find -L . -mindepth 1 \\( -path '*/\\.*' -o -fstype 'sysfs' -o -fstype 'devfs' -o -fstype 'devtmpfs' -o -fstype 'proc' \\) -prune \ -o -type f -print \ -o -type d -print \ -o -type l -print 2> /dev/null | cut -b3-"}" setopt localoptions pipefail no_aliases 2> /dev/null local item eval "$cmd" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse --bind=ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS" $(__fzfcmd) -m "$@" | while read item; do echo -n "${(q)item} " done local ret=$? echo return $ret } __fzfcmd() { [ -n "$TMUX_PANE" ] && { [ "${FZF_TMUX:-0}" != 0 ] || [ -n "$FZF_TMUX_OPTS" ]; } && echo "fzf-tmux ${FZF_TMUX_OPTS:--d${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%}} -- " || echo "fzf" } fzf-file-widget() { LBUFFER="${LBUFFER}$(__fsel)" local ret=$? zle reset-prompt return $ret } zle -N fzf-file-widget bindkey -M emacs '^T' fzf-file-widget bindkey -M vicmd '^T' fzf-file-widget bindkey -M viins '^T' fzf-file-widget # ALT-C - cd into the selected directory # WARN: Disabled because the vim-browse patch for st uses this key combo already # LF is better for this anyways # fzf-cd-widget() { # local cmd="${FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND:-"command find -L . -mindepth 1 \\( -path '*/\\.*' -o -fstype 'sysfs' -o -fstype 'devfs' -o -fstype 'devtmpfs' -o -fstype 'proc' \\) -prune \ # -o -type d -print 2> /dev/null | cut -b3-"}" # setopt localoptions pipefail no_aliases 2> /dev/null # local dir="$(eval "$cmd" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse --bind=ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_ALT_C_OPTS" $(__fzfcmd) +m)" # if [[ -z "$dir" ]]; then # zle redisplay # return 0 # fi # zle push-line # Clear buffer. Auto-restored on next prompt. # BUFFER="builtin cd -- ${(q)dir}" # zle accept-line # local ret=$? # unset dir # ensure this doesn't end up appearing in prompt expansion # zle reset-prompt # return $ret # } # zle -N fzf-cd-widget # bindkey -M emacs '\ec' fzf-cd-widget # bindkey -M vicmd '\ec' fzf-cd-widget # bindkey -M viins '\ec' fzf-cd-widget # CTRL-R - Paste the selected command from history into the command line fzf-history-widget() { local selected num setopt localoptions noglobsubst noposixbuiltins pipefail no_aliases 2> /dev/null selected=( $(fc -rl 1 | awk '{ cmd=$0; sub(/^[ \t]*[0-9]+\**[ \t]+/, "", cmd); if (!seen[cmd]++) print $0 }' | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -n2..,.. --tiebreak=index --bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort,ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS --query=${(qqq)LBUFFER} +m" $(__fzfcmd)) ) local ret=$? if [ -n "$selected" ]; then num=$selected[1] if [ -n "$num" ]; then zle vi-fetch-history -n $num fi fi zle reset-prompt return $ret } zle -N fzf-history-widget bindkey -M emacs '^R' fzf-history-widget bindkey -M vicmd '^R' fzf-history-widget bindkey -M viins '^R' fzf-history-widget } always { eval $__fzf_key_bindings_options 'unset' '__fzf_key_bindings_options' }