#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1117,SC2001 # # [X] open section # [X] one shot mode # [X] usage info # [X] dependencies check # [X] help # [X] yank/y/copy/c # [X] Y/C # [X] eof problem # [X] more # [X] stealth mode # # here are several examples for the stealth mode: # # zip lists # list permutation # random list element # reverse a list # read json from file # append string to a file # run process in background # count words in text counter # group elements list __CHTSH_VERSION=0.0.4 __CHTSH_DATETIME="2021-04-25 12:30:30 +0200" # cht.sh configuration loading # # configuration is stored in ~/.cht.sh/ (can be overridden with CHTSH env var.) # CHTSH_HOME=${CHTSH:-"$HOME"/.cht.sh} [ -z "$CHTSH_CONF" ] && CHTSH_CONF=$CHTSH_HOME/cht.sh.conf # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2002 [ -e "$CHTSH_CONF" ] && source "$CHTSH_CONF" [ -z "$CHTSH_URL" ] && CHTSH_URL=https://cht.sh # currently we support only two modes: # * lite = access the server using curl # * auto = try standalone usage first CHTSH_MODE="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME"/mode 2> /dev/null)" [ "$CHTSH_MODE" != lite ] && CHTSH_MODE=auto CHEATSH_INSTALLATION="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone" 2> /dev/null)" export LESSSECURE=1 STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH=5 case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) is_macos=yes ;; *) is_macos=no ;; esac # for KSH93 # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2039,SC2168 if echo "$KSH_VERSION" | grep -q ' 93' && ! local foo 2>/dev/null; then alias local=typeset fi fatal() { echo "ERROR: $*" >&2 exit 1 } _say_what_i_do() { [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "$(date '+[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S]') $*" >> "$LOG" local this_prompt="\033[0;1;4;32m>>\033[0m" printf "\n${this_prompt}%s\033[0m\n" " $* " } cheatsh_standalone_install() { # the function installs cheat.sh with the upstream repositories # in the standalone mode local installdir; installdir="$1" local default_installdir="$HOME/.cheat.sh" [ -z "$installdir" ] && installdir=${default_installdir} if [ "$installdir" = help ]; then cat <<EOF Install cheat.sh in the standalone mode. After the installation, cheat.sh can be used locally, without accessing the public cheat.sh service, or it can be used in the server mode, where the newly installed server could be accessed by external clients in the same fashion as the public cheat.sh server. During the installation, cheat.sh code as well as the cheat.sh upstream cheat sheets repositories will be fetched. It takes approximately 1G of the disk space. Default installation location: ~/.cheat.sh/ It can be overridden by a command line parameter to this script: ${0##*/} --standalone-install DIR See cheat.sh/:standalone or https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh/README.md for more information: cht.sh :standalone curl cheat.sh/:standalone After the installation is finished, the cht.sh shell client is switched to the auto mode, where it uses the local cheat.sh installation if possible. You can switch the mode with the --mode switch: cht.sh --mode lite # use https://cheat.sh/ only cht.sh --mode auto # use local installation For intallation and standalone usage, you need \`git\`, \`python\`, and \`virtualenv\` to be installed locally. EOF return fi local _exit_code=0 local dependencies=(python git virtualenv) for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do command -v "$dep" >/dev/null || \ { echo "DEPENDENCY: \"$dep\" is needed to install cheat.sh in the standalone mode" >&2; _exit_code=1; } done [ "$_exit_code" -ne 0 ] && return "$_exit_code" while true; do local _installdir echo -n "Where should cheat.sh be installed [$installdir]? "; read -r _installdir [ -n "$_installdir" ] && installdir=$_installdir if [ "$installdir" = y ] \ || [ "$installdir" = Y ] \ || [ "$(echo "$installdir" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" = yes ] then echo Please enter the directory name echo If it was the directory name already, please prepend it with \"./\": "./$installdir" else break fi done if [ -e "$installdir" ]; then echo "ERROR: Installation directory [$installdir] exists already" echo "Please remove it first before continuing" return 1 fi if ! mkdir -p "$installdir"; then echo "ERROR: Could not create the installation directory \"$installdir\"" echo "ERROR: Please check the permissions and start the script again" return 1 fi local space_needed=700 local space_available; space_available=$(($(df -k "$installdir" | awk '{print $4}' | tail -1)/1024)) if [ "$space_available" -lt "$space_needed" ]; then echo "ERROR: Installation directory has no enough space (needed: ${space_needed}M, available: ${space_available}M" echo "ERROR: Please clean up and start the script again" rmdir "$installdir" return 1 fi _say_what_i_do Cloning cheat.sh locally local url=https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh rmdir "$installdir" git clone "$url" "$installdir" || fatal Could not clone "$url" with git into "$installdir" cd "$installdir" || fatal "Cannot cd into $installdir" # after the repository cloned, we may have the log directory # and we can write our installation log into it mkdir -p "log/" LOG="$PWD/log/install.log" # we use tee everywhere so we should set -o pipefail set -o pipefail # currently the script uses python 2, # but cheat.sh supports python 3 too # if you want to switch it to python 3 # set PYTHON2 to NO: # PYTHON2=NO # PYTHON2=NO if [[ $PYTHON2 = YES ]]; then python="python2" pip="pip" virtualenv_python3_option=() else python="python3" pip="pip3" virtualenv_python3_option=(-p python3) fi _say_what_i_do Creating virtual environment virtualenv "${virtualenv_python3_option[@]}" ve \ || fatal "Could not create virtual environment with 'virtualenv ve'" export CHEATSH_PATH_WORKDIR=$PWD # rapidfuzz does not support Python 2, # so if we are using Python 2, install fuzzywuzzy instead if [[ $PYTHON2 = YES ]]; then sed -i s/rapidfuzz/fuzzywuzzy/ requirements.txt echo "python-Levenshtein" >> requirements.txt fi _say_what_i_do Installing python requirements into the virtual environment ve/bin/"$pip" install -r requirements.txt > "$LOG" \ || { echo "ERROR:" echo "---" tail -n 10 "$LOG" echo "---" echo "See $LOG for more" fatal Could not install python dependencies into the virtual environment } echo "$(ve/bin/"$pip" freeze | wc -l) dependencies were successfully installed" _say_what_i_do Fetching the upstream cheat sheets repositories ve/bin/python lib/fetch.py fetch-all | tee -a "$LOG" _say_what_i_do Running self-tests ( cd tests || exit if CHEATSH_TEST_STANDALONE=YES \ CHEATSH_TEST_SKIP_ONLINE=NO \ CHEATSH_TEST_SHOW_DETAILS=NO \ PYTHON=../ve/bin/python bash run-tests.sh | tee -a "$LOG" then printf "\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n" "SUCCESS" else printf "\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n" "FAILED" echo "Some tests were failed. Run the tests manually for further investigation:" echo " cd $PWD; bash run-tests.sh)" fi ) mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME" echo "$installdir" > "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone" echo auto > "$CHTSH_HOME/mode" _say_what_i_do Done local v1; v1=$(printf "\033[0;1;32m") local v2; v2=$(printf "\033[0m") cat <<EOF | sed "s/{/$v1/; s/}/$v2/" { _ } { \\ \\ } The installation is successfully finished. { \\ \\ } { / / } Now you can use cheat.sh in the standalone mode, { /_/ } or you can start your own cheat.sh server. Now the cht.sh shell client is switched to the auto mode, where it uses the local cheat.sh installation if possible. You can switch the mode with the --mode switch: cht.sh --mode lite # use https://cheat.sh/ only cht.sh --mode auto # use local installation You can add your own cheat sheets repository (config is in \`etc/config.yaml\`), or create new cheat sheets adapters (in \`lib/adapters\`). To update local copies of cheat sheets repositores on a regular basis, add the following line to your user crontab (crontab -e): 10 * * * * $installdir/ve/bin/python $installdir/lib/fetch.py update-all All cheat sheets will be automatically actualized each hour. If you are running a server reachable from the Internet, it can be instantly notified via a HTTP request about any cheat sheets changes. For that, please open an issue on the cheat.sh project repository [github.com/chubin/cheat.sh] with the ENTRY-POINT from the URL https://ENTRY-POINT/:actualize specified EOF } chtsh_mode() { local mode="$1" local text; text=$( echo " auto use the standalone installation first" echo " lite use the cheat sheets server directly" ) if [ -z "$mode" ]; then echo "current mode: $CHTSH_MODE ($(printf "%s" "$text" | grep "$CHTSH_MODE" | sed "s/$CHTSH_MODE//; s/^ *//; s/ \+/ /"))" if [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then echo "cheat.sh standalone installation: $CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" else echo 'cheat.sh standalone installation not found; falling back to the "lite" mode' fi elif [ "$mode" = auto ] || [ "$mode" = lite ]; then if [ "$mode" = "$CHTSH_MODE" ]; then echo "The configured mode was \"$CHTSH_MODE\"; nothing changed" else mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME" echo "$mode" > "$CHTSH_HOME/mode" echo "Configured mode: $mode" fi else echo "Unknown mode: $mode" echo Supported modes: echo " auto use the standalone installation first" echo " lite use the cheat sheets server directly" fi } get_query_options() { local query="$*" if [ -n "$CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS" ]; then case $query in *\?*) query="$query&${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}";; *) query="$query?${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}";; esac fi printf "%s" "$query" } do_query() { local query="$*" local b_opts= local uri="${CHTSH_URL}/\"\$(get_query_options $query)\"" if [ -e "$CHTSH_HOME/id" ]; then b_opts="-b \"\$CHTSH_HOME/id\"" fi eval curl "$b_opts" -s "$uri" > "$TMP1" if [ -z "$lines" ] || [ "$(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "$lines" ]; then cat "$TMP1" else ${PAGER:-$defpager} "$TMP1" fi } prepare_query() { local section="$1"; shift local input="$1"; shift local arguments="$1" local query if [ -z "$section" ] || [ x"${input}" != x"${input#/}" ]; then query=$(printf %s "$input" | sed 's@ @/@; s@ @+@g') else query=$(printf %s "$section/$input" | sed 's@ @+@g') fi [ -n "$arguments" ] && arguments="?$arguments" printf %s "$query$arguments" } get_list_of_sections() { curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:list | grep -v '/.*/' | grep '/$' | xargs } gen_random_str() ( len=$1 if command -v openssl >/dev/null; then openssl rand -base64 $((len*3/4)) | awk -v ORS='' // else rdev=/dev/urandom for d in /dev/{srandom,random,arandom}; do test -r "$d" && rdev=$d done if command -v hexdump >/dev/null; then hexdump -vn $((len/2)) -e '1/1 "%02X" 1 ""' "$rdev" elif command -v xxd >/dev/null; then xxd -l $((len/2)) -ps "$rdev" | awk -v ORS='' // else cd /tmp || { echo Cannot cd into /tmp >&2; exit 1; } s= # shellcheck disable=SC2000 while [ "$(echo "$s" | wc -c)" -lt "$len" ]; do s="$s$(mktemp -u XXXXXXXXXX)" done printf "%.${len}s" "$s" fi fi ) if [ "$CHTSH_MODE" = auto ] && [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then curl() { # ignoring all options # currently the standalone.py does not support them anyway local opt while getopts "b:s" opt; do : done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) local url; url="$1"; shift PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION/ve/bin/python" "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION/lib/standalone.py" "${url#"$CHTSH_URL"}" "$@" } elif [ "$(uname -s)" = OpenBSD ] && [ -x /usr/bin/ftp ]; then # any better test not involving either OS matching or actual query? curl() { local opt args="-o -" while getopts "b:s" opt; do case $opt in b) args="$args -c $OPTARG";; s) args="$args -M -V";; *) echo "internal error: unsupported cURL option '$opt'" >&2; exit 1;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) /usr/bin/ftp "$args" "$@" } else command -v curl >/dev/null || { echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "curl" to use cht.sh' >&2; exit 1; } _CURL=$(command -v curl) if [ x"$CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS" != x ]; then curl() { $_CURL "${CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS}" "$@" } fi fi if [ "$1" = --read ]; then read -r a || a="exit" printf "%s\n" "$a" exit 0 elif [ x"$1" = x--help ] || [ -z "$1" ]; then n=${0##*/} s=$(echo "$n" | sed "s/./ /"g) cat <<EOF Usage: $n [OPTIONS|QUERY] Options: QUERY process QUERY and exit --help show this help --shell [LANG] shell mode (open LANG if specified) --standalone-install [DIR|help] install cheat.sh in the standalone mode (by default, into ~/.cheat.sh/) --mode [auto|lite] set (or display) mode of operation * auto - prefer the local installation * lite - use the cheat sheet server EOF exit 0 elif [ x"$1" = x--shell ]; then shell_mode=yes shift elif [ x"$1" = x--standalone-install ]; then shift cheatsh_standalone_install "$@" exit "$?" elif [ x"$1" = x--mode ]; then shift chtsh_mode "$@" exit "$?" fi prompt="cht.sh" opts="" input="" for o; do if [ x"$o" != x"${o#-}" ]; then opts="${opts}${o#-}" else input="$input $o" fi done query=$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *$@@; s@^ *@@; s@ @/@; s@ @+@g') if [ "$shell_mode" != yes ]; then curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")" exit 0 else new_section="$1" valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections) valid=no; for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && { valid=yes; break; }; done if [ "$valid" = yes ]; then section="$new_section" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 this_query="$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *[^ ]* *@@')" this_prompt="\033[0;32mcht.sh/$section>\033[0m " else this_query="$input" this_prompt="\033[0;32mcht.sh>\033[0m " fi if [ -n "$this_query" ] && [ -z "$CHEATSH_RESTART" ]; then printf "$this_prompt$this_query\n" curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")" fi fi if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then command -v wl-copy >/dev/null || echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "wl-copy" for "copy"' >&2 else command -v xsel >/dev/null || echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "xsel" for "copy"' >&2 fi fi command -v rlwrap >/dev/null || { echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "rlwrap" to use cht.sh in the shell mode' >&2; exit 1; } mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME/" lines=$(tput lines) if command -v less >/dev/null; then defpager="less -R" elif command -v more >/dev/null; then defpager="more" else defpager="cat" fi cmd_cd() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then section="" else new_section=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/cd *//; s@/*$@@; s@^/*@@') if [ -z "$new_section" ] || [ ".." = "$new_section" ]; then section="" else valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections) valid=no; for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && { valid=yes; break; }; done if [ "$valid" = no ]; then echo "Invalid section: $new_section" echo "Valid sections:" echo "$valid_sections" \ | xargs printf "%-10s\n" \ | tr ' ' . \ | xargs -n 10 \ | sed 's/\./ /g; s/^/ /' else section="$new_section" fi fi fi } cmd_copy() { if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version elif [ -z "$input" ]; then echo copy: Make at least one query first. else curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?T)" > "$TMP1" if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then wl-copy < "$TMP1" else xsel -bi < "$TMP1" fi else pbcopy < "$TMP1" fi echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection" fi } cmd_ccopy() { if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version elif [ -z "$input" ]; then echo copy: Make at least one query first. else curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?TQ)" > "$TMP1" if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then wl-copy < "$TMP1" else xsel -bi < "$TMP1" fi else pbcopy < "$TMP1" fi echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection" fi } cmd_exit() { exit 0 } cmd_help() { cat <<EOF help - show this help hush - do not show the 'help' string at start anymore cd LANG - change the language context copy - copy the last answer in the clipboard (aliases: yank, y, c) ccopy - copy the last answer w/o comments (cut comments; aliases: cc, Y, C) exit - exit the cheat shell (aliases: quit, ^D) id [ID] - set/show an unique session id ("reset" to reset, "remove" to remove) stealth - stealth mode (automatic queries for selected text) update - self update (only if the scriptfile is writeable) version - show current cht.sh version /:help - service help QUERY - space separated query staring (examples are below) cht.sh> python zip list cht.sh/python> zip list cht.sh/go> /python zip list EOF } cmd_hush() { mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME/" && touch "$CHTSH_HOME/.hushlogin" && echo "Initial 'use help' message was disabled" } cmd_id() { id_file="$CHTSH_HOME/id" if [ id = "$input" ]; then new_id="" else new_id=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/id *//; s/ *$//; s/ /+/g') fi if [ "$new_id" = remove ]; then if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then rm -f -- "$id_file" && echo "id is removed" else echo "id was not set, so you can't remove it" fi return fi if [ -n "$new_id" ] && [ reset != "$new_id" ] && [ "$(/bin/echo -n "$new_id" | wc -c)" -lt 16 ]; then echo "ERROR: $new_id: Too short id. Minimal id length is 16. Use 'id reset' for a random id" return fi if [ -z "$new_id" ]; then # if new_id is not specified check if we have some id already # if yes, just show it # if not, generate a new id if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then awk '$6 == "id" {print $NF}' <"$id_file" | tail -n 1 return else new_id=reset fi fi if [ "$new_id" = reset ]; then new_id=$(gen_random_str 12) else echo WARNING: if someone gueses your id, he can read your cht.sh search history fi if [ -e "$id_file" ] && grep -q '\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$' "$id_file" 2> /dev/null; then sed -i 's/\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$/ id '"$new_id"'/' "$id_file" else if ! [ -e "$id_file" ]; then printf '#\n\n' > "$id_file" fi printf ".cht.sh\tTRUE\t/\tTRUE\t0\tid\t$new_id\n" >> "$id_file" fi echo "$new_id" } cmd_query() { query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$input") do_query "$query" } cmd_stealth() { if [ "$input" != stealth ]; then arguments=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/stealth //; s/ /\&/') fi trap break INT if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then past=$(pbpaste) else if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then past=$(wl-paste -p) else past=$(xsel -o) fi fi printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m you are in the stealth mode; select any text in any window for a query\n" printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selections longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words are ignored\n" if [ -n "$arguments" ]; then printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m query arguments: ?$arguments\n" fi printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m use ^C to leave this mode\n" while true; do if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then current=$(pbpaste) else if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then current=$(wl-paste -p) else current=$(xsel -o) fi fi if [ "$past" != "$current" ]; then past=$current current_text="$(echo $current | tr -c '[a-zA-Z0-9]' ' ')" if [ "$(echo "$current_text" | wc -w)" -gt "$STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH" ]; then printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selection length is longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words; ignoring\n" continue else printf "\n\033[0;31mstealth: \033[7m $current_text\033[0m\n" query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$current_text" "$arguments") do_query "$query" fi fi sleep 1; done trap - INT } cmd_update() { [ -w "$0" ] || { echo "The script is readonly; please update manually: curl -s ${CHTSH_URL}/:cht.sh | sudo tee $0"; return; } TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX) curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:cht.sh > "$TMP2" if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then if grep -q ^__CHTSH_VERSION= "$TMP2"; then # section was vaildated by us already args=(--shell "$section") cp "$TMP2" "$0" && echo "Updated. Restarting..." && rm "$TMP2" && CHEATSH_RESTART=1 exec "$0" "${args[@]}" else echo "Something went wrong. Please update manually" fi else echo "cht.sh is up to date. No update needed" fi rm -f "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1 } cmd_version() { insttime=$(ls -l -- "$0" | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 6-8) echo "cht.sh version $__CHTSH_VERSION of $__CHTSH_DATETIME; installed at: $insttime" TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX) if curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:cht.sh > "$TMP2"; then if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Update needed (type 'update' for that)". else echo "Up to date. No update needed" fi fi rm -f "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1 } TMP1=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX) trap 'rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2' EXIT trap 'true' INT if ! [ -e "$CHTSH_HOME/.hushlogin" ] && [ -z "$this_query" ]; then echo "type 'help' for the cht.sh shell help" fi while true; do if [ "$section" != "" ]; then full_prompt="$prompt/$section> " else full_prompt="$prompt> " fi input=$( rlwrap -H "$CHTSH_HOME/history" -pgreen -C cht.sh -S "$full_prompt" bash "$0" --read | sed 's/ *#.*//' ) cmd_name=${input%% *} cmd_args=${input#* } case $cmd_name in "") continue;; # skip empty input lines '?'|h|help) cmd_name=help;; hush) cmd_name=hush;; cd) cmd_name="cd";; exit|quit) cmd_name="exit";; copy|yank|c|y) cmd_name=copy;; ccopy|cc|C|Y) cmd_name=ccopy;; id) cmd_name=id;; stealth) cmd_name=stealth;; update) cmd_name=update;; version) cmd_name=version;; *) cmd_name="query"; cmd_args="$input";; esac "cmd_$cmd_name" $cmd_args done