Fork 0

Initial work on massive refactor

This commit is contained in:
Luca Bilke 2024-01-24 00:48:37 +01:00
parent b4f1a4f441
commit c01b7077ff
28 changed files with 717 additions and 530 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
return { return {
Diagnostic = "󰒡",
DiagnosticError = "",
DiagnosticHint = "󰌵",
DiagnosticInfo = "󰋼",
DiagnosticWarn = "",
PackageInstalled = "",
PackagePending = "",
PackageUninstalled = "",
Selected = "",
kind = { kind = {
Array = "", Array = "",
Boolean = "", Boolean = "",
@ -70,15 +81,16 @@ return {
Stacks = "", Stacks = "",
Scopes = "", Scopes = "",
Watches = "󰂥", Watches = "󰂥",
DebugConsole = "", Debug = "",
Calendar = "", Calendar = "",
Check = "", Check = "",
ChevronRight = ">", ChevronRight = ">",
ChevronShortDown = "", ChevronShortDown = "",
ChevronShortLeft = "", ChevronShortLeft = "",
ChevronShortRight = "", ChevronShortRight = "",
ChevronShortUp = "", ChevronShortUp = "",
Circle = "", Circle = "",
Clear = "󰃢",
Close = "󰅖", Close = "󰅖",
CloudDownload = "", CloudDownload = "",
CMD = "", CMD = "",
@ -92,9 +104,10 @@ return {
Ellipsis = "", Ellipsis = "",
EmptyFolder = "", EmptyFolder = "",
EmptyFolderOpen = "", EmptyFolderOpen = "",
File = "", EmptyFile = "",
FileSymlink = "", File = "",
Files = "", Files = "",
FileSymlink = "",
FindFile = "󰈞", FindFile = "󰈞",
FindText = "󰊄", FindText = "󰊄",
Fire = "", Fire = "",
@ -112,7 +125,6 @@ return {
List = "", List = "",
Lock = "", Lock = "",
MinusCircle = "", MinusCircle = "",
NewFile = "",
Note = "", Note = "",
Package = "", Package = "",
Pencil = "󰏫", Pencil = "󰏫",
@ -122,11 +134,13 @@ return {
SignIn = "", SignIn = "",
SignOut = "", SignOut = "",
Sleep = "󰒲", Sleep = "󰒲",
Tab = "󰌒", Save = "",
Tab = "󰓩",
Table = "", Table = "",
Target = "", Target = "",
Telescope = "", Telescope = "",
Text = "", Text = "",
Terminal = "",
Tree = "", Tree = "",
Triangle = "󰐊", Triangle = "󰐊",
triangleshortarrowdown = "", triangleshortarrowdown = "",
@ -134,21 +148,7 @@ return {
triangleshortarrowright = "", triangleshortarrowright = "",
triangleshortarrowup = "", triangleshortarrowup = "",
}, },
diagnostics = { -- progress = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
BoldError = "",
Error = "",
BoldWarning = "",
Warning = "",
BoldInformation = "",
Information = "",
BoldQuestion = "",
Question = "",
BoldHint = "",
Hint = "󰌶",
Debug = "",
Trace = "",
progress = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
misc = { misc = {
Robot = "󰚩", Robot = "󰚩",
Squirrel = "", Squirrel = "",
@ -158,5 +158,6 @@ return {
Package = "", Package = "",
CircuitBoard = "", CircuitBoard = "",
Vim = "", Vim = "",
Git = ""
}, },
} }

View file

@ -1,72 +1,281 @@
local maps = { local icons = require("config.icons")
n = { local funcs = require("funcs")
-- Navigate buffers
{ "<C-l>", ":bnext<CR>" }, local maps = funcs.empty_map_table()
{ "<C-h>", ":bprevious<CR>" }, local sections = {
-- lsp p = { desc = icons.ui.Package .. " Packages" },
{ "gD", vim.lsp.buf.declaration }, b = { desc = icons.ui.Tab .. " Buffers" },
{ "gd", vim.lsp.buf.definition }, bs = { desc = icons.ui.Tab .. " Sort Buffers" },
{ "K", vim.lsp.buf.hover }, d = { desc = icons.ui.Debug .. " Debugger" },
{ "gI", vim.lsp.buf.implementation }, g = { desc = icons.misc.Git .. " Git" },
{ "gr", vim.lsp.buf.references }, f = { desc = icons.ui.Search .. " Find" },
{ "gl", vim.diagnostic.open_float }, l = { desc = icons.ui.Note .. " LSP" },
}, u = { desc = icons.ui.Gear .. " Utility" },
i = { t = { desc = icons.ui.Terminal .. " Terminal" },
-- Delete last word with ctrl + del
{ "<C-BS>", "<C-W>" },
v = {
-- Better paste
-- { "p", '"_dP' },
} }
local wkmaps = { -- Standard --
n = { maps.n["j"] = { "v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j'", expr = true, desc = "Move cursor down" }
["w"] = { "<cmd>w!<CR>", "Save" }, maps.n["k"] = { "v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k'", expr = true, desc = "Move cursor up" }
["q"] = { require("funcs").buf_kill, "Close" }, maps.n["<Leader>w"] = { "<Cmd>w<CR>", desc = "Write buffer" }
["h"] = { "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>", "Clear Highlights" }, maps.n["<Leader>q"] = { "<Cmd>conf q<CR>", desc = "Quit" }
["n"] = { "<cmd>ene<CR>", "New File" }, maps.n["<Leader>Q"] = { "<Cmd>conf qa<CR>", desc = "Quit all" }
u = { maps.n["<Leader>n"] = { "<Cmd>ene<CR>", desc = "New buffer" }
name = "Utility", maps.n["<C-s>"] = { "<cmd>w!<cr>", desc = "Force write buffer" }
c = { "<cmd>w!<CR><cmd>!compiler \"%:p\"<CR>", "Compile" }, maps.n["<C-q>"] = { "<cmd>qa!<cr>", desc = "Force quit all" }
}, maps.n["|"] = { "<cmd>vsplit<cr>", desc = "Vertical split" }
l = { maps.n["\\"] = { "<cmd>split<cr>", desc = "Horizontal split" }
name = "LSP", maps.v["<"] = { "<gv", desc = "Unindent line" }
a = { vim.lsp.buf.code_action, "Code Action" }, maps.v[">"] = { ">gv", desc = "Indent line" }
f = { function() require("funcs").format({ async = true }) end, "Format" }, maps.n["<Leader>c"] = { function() funcs.buf_close() end, desc = "Close buffer" }
j = { vim.diagnostic.goto_next, "Next Diagnostic" }, maps.n["<Leader>C"] = { function() funcs.buf_close(0, true) end, desc = "Force close buffer" }
k = { vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, "Prev Diagnostic" }, maps.n["<C-b>"] = { "<C-a>" }
l = { vim.lsp.codelens.run, "CodeLens Action" }, maps.n["<C-f>"] = { "<Nop>" }
q = { vim.diagnostic.setloclist, "Quickfix" }, maps.i["<C-h>"] = { "<C-W>" }
r = { vim.lsp.buf.rename, "Rename" },
local whichkey = require('which-key') -- Window Navigation --
maps.n["<C-h>"] = { "<C-w>h", desc = "Move to left split" }
maps.n["<C-j>"] = { "<C-w>j", desc = "Move to below split" }
maps.n["<C-k>"] = { "<C-w>k", desc = "Move to above split" }
maps.n["<C-l>"] = { "<C-w>l", desc = "Move to right split" }
maps.n["<C-Up>"] = { "<cmd>resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split up" }
maps.n["<C-Down>"] = { "<cmd>resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split down" }
maps.n["<C-Left>"] = { "<cmd>vertical resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split left" }
maps.n["<C-Right>"] = { "<cmd>vertical resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split right" }
maps.t["<C-h>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd h<cr>", desc = "Terminal left window navigation" }
maps.t["<C-j>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd j<cr>", desc = "Terminal down window navigation" }
maps.t["<C-k>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd k<cr>", desc = "Terminal up window navigation" }
maps.t["<C-l>"] = { "<cmd>wincmd l<cr>", desc = "Terminal right window navigation" }
for mode, binds in pairs(maps) do -- Plugin Manager --
for _, bind in pairs(binds) do maps.n["<Leader>p"] = sections.p
local key = bind[1] maps.n["<Leader>ph"] = { function() require("lazy").home() end, desc = "Home" }
local cmd = "" maps.n["<Leader>pi"] = { function() require("lazy").install() end, desc = "Install" }
local opt = { silent = true, noremap = true } maps.n["<Leader>pu"] = { function() require("lazy").update() end, desc = "Update" }
if type(bind[2]) == "string" then maps.n["<Leader>ps"] = { function() require("lazy").sync() end, desc = "Sync" }
cmd = bind[2] maps.n["<Leader>px"] = { function() require("lazy").clean() end, desc = "Clean" }
elseif type(bind[2]) == "function" then maps.n["<Leader>pc"] = { function() require("lazy").check() end, desc = "Check" }
opt["callback"] = bind[2] maps.n["<Leader>pl"] = { function() require("lazy").log() end, desc = "Log" }
end maps.n["<Leader>pr"] = { function() require("lazy").restore() end, desc = "Restore" }
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, key, cmd, opt) maps.n["<Leader>pp"] = { function() require("lazy").profile() end, desc = "Profile" }
maps.n["<Leader>pd"] = { function() require("lazy").debug() end, desc = "Debug" }
maps.n["<Leader>p?"] = { function() require("lazy").help() end, desc = "Help" }
if funcs.is_available("bufferline.nvim") then
maps.n["<S-l>"] = { function() require("bufferline").cycle(1) end, desc = "Switch to next buffer" }
maps.n["<S-h>"] = { function() require("bufferline").cycle(-1) end, desc = "Switch to previous buffer" }
maps.n["<A-l>"] = { function() require("bufferline").move(1) end, desc = "Move buffer to next" }
maps.n["<A-h>"] = { function() require("bufferline").move(-1) end, desc = "Move buffer to previous" }
maps.n["<Leader>b"] = sections.b
maps.n["<Leader>bc"] = { function() require("bufferline").close_others() end, desc = "Close other buffers" }
maps.n["<Leader>bl"] = {
function() require("bufferline").close_in_direction("left") end,
desc = "Close lefthand buffers"
maps.n["<Leader>br"] = {
function() require("bufferline").close_in_direction("right") end,
desc = "Close righthand buffers"
maps.n["<Leader>bs"] = sections.bs
maps.n["<Leader>bse"] = { function() require("bufferline").sort_by("extension") end, desc = "By extension" }
maps.n["<Leader>bsd"] = { function() require("bufferline").sort_by("directory") end, desc = "By directory" }
maps.n["<Leader>bsr"] = {
function() require("bufferline").sort_by("relative_directory") end,
desc = "By relative directory"
maps.n["<Leader>bst"] = { function() require("bufferline").sort_by("tabs") end, desc = "By tabs" }
if funcs.is_available("Comment.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>/"] = {
function() require("Comment.api").toggle.linewise.count(vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1) end,
desc = "Toggle comment line",
maps.v["<Leader>/"] = {
"<esc><cmd>lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())<cr>",
desc = "Toggle comment for selection",
if funcs.is_available("gitsigns.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>g"] = sections.g
maps.n["]g"] = { function() require("gitsigns").next_hunk() end, desc = "Next Git hunk" }
maps.n["[g"] = { function() require("gitsigns").prev_hunk() end, desc = "Previous Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gl"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line() end, desc = "View Git blame" }
maps.n["<Leader>gL"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line { full = true } end, desc = "View full Git blame" }
maps.n["<Leader>gp"] = { function() require("gitsigns").preview_hunk() end, desc = "Preview Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gh"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_hunk() end, desc = "Reset Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gr"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_buffer() end, desc = "Reset Git buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>gs"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_hunk() end, desc = "Stage Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gS"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_buffer() end, desc = "Stage Git buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>gu"] = { function() require("gitsigns").undo_stage_hunk() end, desc = "Unstage Git hunk" }
maps.n["<Leader>gd"] = { function() require("gitsigns").diffthis() end, desc = "View Git diff" }
if funcs.is_available("lf.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>e"] = { "<Cmd>Lf<CR>", desc = "File Manager" }
if funcs.is_available("mason.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>pm"] = { "<cmd>Mason<cr>", desc = "Mason" }
maps.n["<Leader>pM"] = { "<cmd>MasonUpdateAll<cr>", desc = "Update Mason Packages" }
if funcs.is_available "aerial.nvim" then
maps.n["<leader>l"] = sections.l
maps.n["<leader>lS"] = { function() require("aerial").toggle() end, desc = "Symbols outline" }
if funcs.is_available("telescope.nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>f"] = sections.f
maps.n["<Leader>g"] = sections.g
maps.n["<Leader>gb"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git branches"
maps.n["<Leader>gc"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_commits { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git commits (repository)",
maps.n["<Leader>gC"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_bcommits { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git commits (current file)",
maps.n["<Leader>gt"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").git_status { use_file_path = true } end,
desc = "Git status"
maps.n["<Leader>f<CR>"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").resume() end, desc = "Resume previous search" }
maps.n["<Leader>f'"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").marks() end, desc = "Find marks" }
maps.n["<Leader>f/"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").current_buffer_fuzzy_find() end,
desc = "Find words in current buffer"
maps.n["<Leader>fb"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").buffers() end, desc = "Find buffers" }
maps.n["<Leader>fc"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").grep_string() end, desc = "Find word under cursor" }
maps.n["<Leader>fC"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").commands() end, desc = "Find commands" }
maps.n["<Leader>ff"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files() end, desc = "Find files" }
maps.n["<Leader>fF"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files { hidden = true, no_ignore = true } end,
desc = "Find all files",
maps.n["<Leader>fh"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").help_tags() end, desc = "Find help" }
maps.n["<Leader>fk"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").keymaps() end, desc = "Find keymaps" }
maps.n["<Leader>fm"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").man_pages() end, desc = "Find man" }
maps.n["<Leader>fo"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles() end, desc = "Find history" }
maps.n["<Leader>fr"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").registers() end, desc = "Find registers" }
maps.n["<Leader>fw"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").live_grep() end, desc = "Find words" }
maps.n["<Leader>fW"] = {
require("telescope.builtin").live_grep {
additional_args = function(args) return vim.list_extend(args, { "--hidden", "--no-ignore" }) end,
desc = "Find words in all files",
maps.n["<Leader>l"] = sections.l
maps.n["<Leader>ls"] = {
local aerial_avail, _ = pcall(require, "aerial")
if aerial_avail then
desc = "Search symbols",
if funcs.is_available("toggleterm.nvim") then
maps.n["<leader>t"] = sections.t
if vim.fn.executable "lazygit" == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>g"] = sections.g
maps.n["<leader>gg"] = {
local worktree = funcs.file_worktree()
local flags = worktree
and (" --work-tree=%s --git-dir=%s"):format(worktree.toplevel, worktree.gitdir)
or ""
funcs.toggle_term_cmd("lazygit " .. flags)
desc = "ToggleTerm lazygit",
maps.n["<leader>tl"] = maps.n["<leader>gg"]
if vim.fn.executable "node" == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>tn"] = { function() funcs.toggle_term_cmd "node" end, desc = "ToggleTerm node" }
if vim.fn.executable("gdu") == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>tu"] = { function() funcs.toggle_term_cmd("gdu") end, desc = "ToggleTerm gdu" }
if vim.fn.executable "btm" == 1 then
maps.n["<leader>tt"] = { function() funcs.toggle_term_cmd "btm" end, desc = "ToggleTerm btm" }
local python = vim.fn.executable "python" == 1 and "python" or vim.fn.executable "python3" == 1 and "python3"
if python then maps.n["<leader>tp"] = { function() funcs.toggle_term_cmd(python) end, desc = "ToggleTerm python" } end
maps.n["<leader>tf"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm direction=float<cr>", desc = "ToggleTerm float" }
maps.n["<leader>th"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal<cr>", desc = "ToggleTerm horizontal split" }
maps.n["<leader>tv"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical<cr>", desc = "ToggleTerm vertical split" }
maps.n["<F7>"] = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm<cr>", desc = "Toggle terminal" }
maps.t["<F7>"] = maps.n["<F7>"]
-- TODO: Patch st: https://st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input/
-- maps.n["<C-'>"] = maps.n["<F7>"]
-- maps.t["<C-'>"] = maps.n["<F7>"]
if funcs.is_available "nvim-dap" then
local conditional_breakpoint = function()
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Condition: " }, function(condition)
if condition then require("dap").set_breakpoint(condition) end
maps.n["<leader>d"] = sections.d
maps.v["<leader>d"] = sections.d
maps.n["<F5>"] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Debugger: Start" }
maps.n["<S-F5>"] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Debugger: Stop" }
maps.n["<S-F9>"] = { conditional_breakpoint, desc = "Debugger: Conditional Breakpoint" }
maps.n["<C-F5>"] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Debugger: Restart" }
maps.n["<F6>"] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Debugger: Pause" }
maps.n["<F9>"] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Debugger: Toggle Breakpoint" }
maps.n["<F10>"] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Over" }
maps.n["<F11>"] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Into" }
maps.n["<S-F11>"] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Out" }
maps.n["<leader>db"] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Toggle Breakpoint (F9)" }
maps.n["<leader>dB"] = { function() require("dap").clear_breakpoints() end, desc = "Clear Breakpoints" }
maps.n["<leader>dc"] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Start/Continue (F5)" }
maps.n["<leader>dC"] = { conditional_breakpoint, desc = "Conditional Breakpoint (S-F9)" }
maps.n["<leader>di"] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Step Into (F11)" }
maps.n["<leader>do"] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Step Over (F10)" }
maps.n["<leader>dO"] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Step Out (S-F11)" }
maps.n["<leader>dq"] = { function() require("dap").close() end, desc = "Close Session" }
maps.n["<leader>dQ"] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Terminate Session (S-F5)" }
maps.n["<leader>dp"] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Pause (F6)" }
maps.n["<leader>dr"] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Restart (C-F5)" }
maps.n["<leader>dR"] = { function() require("dap").repl.toggle() end, desc = "Toggle REPL" }
maps.n["<leader>ds"] = { function() require("dap").run_to_cursor() end, desc = "Run To Cursor" }
if funcs.is_available "nvim-dap-ui" then
maps.n["<leader>dE"] = {
vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Expression: " }, function(expr)
if expr then require("dapui").eval(expr, { enter = true }) end
desc = "Evaluate Input",
maps.v["<leader>dE"] = { function() require("dapui").eval() end, desc = "Evaluate Input" }
maps.n["<leader>du"] = { function() require("dapui").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle Debugger UI" }
maps.n["<leader>dh"] = { function() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover() end, desc = "Debugger Hover" }
end end
end end
for mode, binds in pairs(wkmaps) do if funcs.is_available "nvim-ufo" then
whichkey.register(binds, { maps.n["zR"] = { function() require("ufo").openAllFolds() end, desc = "Open all folds" }
mode = mode, maps.n["zM"] = { function() require("ufo").closeAllFolds() end, desc = "Close all folds" }
prefix = "<leader>", maps.n["zr"] = { function() require("ufo").openFoldsExceptKinds() end, desc = "Fold less" }
buffer = nil, maps.n["zm"] = { function() require("ufo").closeFoldsWith() end, desc = "Fold more" }
silent = true, maps.n["zp"] = { function() require("ufo").peekFoldedLinesUnderCursor() end, desc = "Peek fold" }
noremap = true,
nowait = true,
end end

View file

@ -1,46 +1,52 @@
local g = vim.g local g = vim.g
local o = vim.opt local o = vim.opt
local d = vim.diagnostic.config local d = vim.diagnostic.config
g.mapleader = " " g.mapleader = " "
g.maplocalleader = " " g.maplocalleader = " "
g.vim_json_conceal = 0 g.vim_json_conceal = 0
g.git_worktrees = {
{ toplevel = vim.env.HOME, gitdir = vim.env.XDG_DATA_HOME .. "/dots" },
g.max_lines = 1000
g.max_size = 1024 * 100
o.undodir = vim.fn.stdpath "cache" .. "/undo" o.undodir = vim.fn.stdpath "cache" .. "/undo"
o.clipboard = "unnamedplus" o.clipboard = "unnamedplus"
o.conceallevel = 0 o.conceallevel = 0
o.numberwidth = 3 o.numberwidth = 3
o.hlsearch = true o.hlsearch = true
o.ignorecase = true o.ignorecase = true
o.showmode = false o.showmode = false
o.smartindent = true o.smartindent = true
o.splitbelow = true o.splitbelow = true
o.splitbelow = true o.splitbelow = true
o.splitbelow = true o.splitbelow = true
o.updatetime = 250 o.updatetime = 250
o.writebackup = false o.writebackup = false
o.expandtab = true o.expandtab = true
o.shiftwidth = 4 o.shiftwidth = 4
o.tabstop = 4 o.tabstop = 4
o.cursorline = true o.cursorline = true
o.signcolumn = "yes" o.signcolumn = "yes"
o.wrap = false o.wrap = false
o.scrolloff = 8 o.scrolloff = 8
o.sidescrolloff = 8 o.sidescrolloff = 8
o.undofile = true o.undofile = true
o.title = true o.title = true
o.mouse = "" o.mouse = ""
o.backspace = "indent,eol,start"
o.termguicolors = true o.termguicolors = true
o.timeoutlen = 500 o.timeoutlen = 500
o.foldmethod = "expr" o.foldenable = true
o.foldlevelstart = 99 o.foldmethod = "expr"
o.foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()" o.foldlevelstart = 99
o.number = true o.foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()"
o.relativenumber = true o.number = true
o.laststatus = 3 o.relativenumber = true
o.modeline = true o.laststatus = 3
o.modelines = 3 o.modeline = true
o.listchars = "eol:$,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<" o.modelines = 3
o.listchars = "eol:$,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<"
d({ virtual_text = false }) d({ virtual_text = false })

View file

@ -36,76 +36,115 @@ function M.format(opts)
return vim.lsp.buf.format(opts) return vim.lsp.buf.format(opts)
end end
-- Modified version of a function stolen from LunarVim -- Ripped from AstroNvim
function M.buf_kill(kill_command, bufnr, force) function M.buf_close(bufnr, force)
kill_command = kill_command or "bd" if not bufnr or bufnr == 0 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end
local buftype = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("buftype", { buf = bufnr })
vim.cmd(("silent! %s %d"):format((force or buftype == "terminal") and "bdelete!" or "confirm bdelete", bufnr))
local bo = vim.bo -- Ripped from AstroNvim
local api = vim.api function M.is_available(plugin)
local fmt = string.format local lazy_config_avail, lazy_config = pcall(require, "lazy.core.config")
local fnamemodify = vim.fn.fnamemodify return lazy_config_avail and lazy_config.spec.plugins[plugin] ~= nil
if bufnr == 0 or bufnr == nil then -- Ripped from AstroNvim
bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() -- TODO: Check this on 0.10.0 release
function M.empty_map_table()
local maps = {}
for _, mode in ipairs { "", "n", "v", "x", "s", "o", "!", "i", "l", "c", "t" } do
maps[mode] = {}
end end
if vim.fn.has "nvim-0.10.0" == 1 then
local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) for _, abbr_mode in ipairs { "ia", "ca", "!a" } do
maps[abbr_mode] = {}
if not force then
local warning
if bo[bufnr].modified then
warning = fmt([[No write since last change for (%s)]], fnamemodify(bufname, ":t"))
elseif api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "buftype") == "terminal" then
warning = fmt([[Terminal %s will be killed]], bufname)
if warning then
prompt = string.format([[%s. Close it anyway? [y]es or [n]o (default: no): ]], warning),
}, function(choice)
if choice:match "ye?s?" then force = true end
if not force then return end
end end
end end
return maps
-- Get list of windows IDs with the buffer to close -- Ripped from AstroNvim and modified
local windows = vim.tbl_filter(function(win) function M.toggle_term_cmd(opts)
return api.nvim_win_get_buf(win) == bufnr if not vim.g.user_terminals then
end, api.nvim_list_wins()) vim.g.user_terminals = {}
if #windows == 0 then return end
if force then
kill_command = kill_command .. "!"
end end
local terms = vim.g.user_terminals
-- if a command string is provided, create a basic table for Terminal:new() options
if type(opts) == "string" then opts = { cmd = opts, hidden = true } end
local num = vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1
-- if terminal doesn't exist yet, create it
if not terms[opts.cmd] then terms[opts.cmd] = {} end
if not terms[opts.cmd][num] then
if not opts.count then opts.count = vim.tbl_count(terms) * 100 + num end
if not opts.on_exit then opts.on_exit = function() terms[opts.cmd][num] = nil end end
terms[opts.cmd][num] = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal:new(opts)
-- toggle the terminal
-- Get list of active buffers -- Ripped from AstroNvim and modified
local buffers = vim.tbl_filter(function(buf) -- TODO: test this
return api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) and bo[buf].buflisted function M.file_worktree(file, worktrees)
end, api.nvim_list_bufs()) worktrees = worktrees or vim.g.git_worktrees
if not worktrees then return end
-- If there is only one buffer (which has to be the current one), vim will file = file or vim.fn.expand("%")
-- create a new buffer on :bd. for _, worktree in ipairs(worktrees) do
-- For more than one buffer, pick the previous buffer (wrapping around if necessary) local r = vim.fn.system({
if #buffers > 1 then "git",
for i, v in ipairs(buffers) do "--work-tree",
if v == bufnr then worktree.toplevel,
local prev_buf_idx = i == 1 and (#buffers - 1) or (i - 1) "--git-dir",
local prev_buffer = buffers[prev_buf_idx] worktree.gitdir,
for _, win in ipairs(windows) do "ls-files",
api.nvim_win_set_buf(win, prev_buffer) "--error-unmatch",
end file
end }):wait()
if r.code == 0 then
return worktree
end end
-- Check if buffer still exists, to ensure the target buffer wasn't killed
-- due to options like bufhidden=wipe.
if api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) and bo[bufnr].buflisted then
vim.cmd(string.format("%s %d", kill_command, bufnr))
end end
end end
-- Ripped from AstroNvim
function M.which_key_register()
if M.which_key_queue then
local wk_avail, wk = pcall(require, "which-key")
if wk_avail then
for mode, registration in pairs(M.which_key_queue) do
wk.register(registration, { mode = mode })
M.which_key_queue = nil
-- Ripped from AstroNvim
function M.set_mappings(map_table, base)
base = base or {}
for mode, maps in pairs(map_table) do
for keymap, options in pairs(maps) do
if options then
local cmd = options
local keymap_opts = base
if type(options) == "table" then
cmd = options[1]
keymap_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", keymap_opts, options)
keymap_opts[1] = nil
if not cmd or keymap_opts.name then -- which-key mapping
if not keymap_opts.name then keymap_opts.name = keymap_opts.desc end
if not M.which_key_queue then M.which_key_queue = {} end
if not M.which_key_queue[mode] then M.which_key_queue[mode] = {} end
M.which_key_queue[mode][keymap] = keymap_opts
else -- not which-key mapping
vim.keymap.set(mode, keymap, cmd, keymap_opts)
if package.loaded["which-key"] then M.which_key_register() end
return M return M

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return { return {
require('plugins.cmp.luasnip'), -- require('plugins.cmp.luasnip'),
require('plugins.cmp.cmp'), -- require('plugins.cmp.cmp'),
} }

View file

@ -2,11 +2,6 @@ local M = { "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui" }
local opts = {} local opts = {}
M.keys = {
{ "<leader>du", function() require("dapui").toggle({}) end, desc = "Dap UI" },
{ "<leader>de", function() require("dapui").eval() end, desc = "Eval", mode = { "n", "v" } },
M.config = function() M.config = function()
local dap = require("dap") local dap = require("dap")
local dapui = require("dapui") local dapui = require("dapui")

View file

@ -7,89 +7,6 @@ M.dependencies = {
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" } M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }
M.keys = {
function() require("dap").set_breakpoint(vim.fn.input('Breakpoint condition: ')) end,
desc = "Breakpoint Condition"
function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end,
desc = "Toggle Breakpoint"
function() require("dap").continue() end,
desc = "Continue"
function() require("dap").run_to_cursor() end,
desc = "Run to Cursor"
function() require("dap").goto_() end,
desc = "Go to line (no execute)"
function() require("dap").step_into() end,
desc = "Step Into"
function() require("dap").down() end,
desc = "Down"
function() require("dap").up() end,
desc = "Up"
function() require("dap").run_last() end,
desc = "Run Last"
function() require("dap").step_out() end,
desc = "Step Out"
function() require("dap").step_over() end,
desc = "Step Over"
function() require("dap").pause() end,
desc = "Pause"
function() require("dap").repl.toggle() end,
desc = "Toggle REPL"
function() require("dap").session() end,
desc = "Session"
function() require("dap").terminate() end,
desc = "Terminate"
function() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover() end,
desc = "Widgets"
M.config = function() M.config = function()
local icons = require('config.icons') local icons = require('config.icons')
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "DapStoppedLine", { default = true, link = "Visual" }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "DapStoppedLine", { default = true, link = "Visual" })
@ -102,11 +19,6 @@ M.config = function()
numhl = "", numhl = "",
} }
) )
d = {
name = "+debug",
}, { prefix = "<leader>" })
end end
return M return M

View file

@ -31,12 +31,4 @@ M.opts = {
}, },
} }
-- M.keys = {
-- { "<leader>pu", require("lazy").check, desc = "Check for updates" },
-- { "<leader>pc", require("lazy").clear, desc = "Clear finished tasks" },
-- { "<leader>pd", require("lazy").debug, desc = "Show debug information" },
-- { "<leader>pp", require("lazy").profile, desc = "Show profiling information" },
-- { "<leader>ps", require("lazy").sync, desc = "Install, clean and update plugins" },
-- }
return M return M

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
local M = { "stevearc/aerial.nvim" }
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }
M.opts = {
attach_mode = "global",
backends = { "lsp", "treesitter", "markdown", "man" },
disable_max_lines = vim.g.max_lines,
disable_max_size = vim.g.max_size,
layout = { min_width = 28 },
show_guides = true,
filter_kind = false,
guides = {
mid_item = "",
last_item = "",
nested_top = "",
whitespace = " ",
keymaps = {
["[y"] = "actions.prev",
["]y"] = "actions.next",
["[Y"] = "actions.prev_up",
["]Y"] = "actions.next_up",
["{"] = false,
["}"] = false,
["[["] = false,
["]]"] = false,
return M

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
return { return {
{ "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" }, { "folke/neodev.nvim", lazy = true },
require('plugins.lsp.mason'), require('plugins.lsp.mason'),
require('plugins.lsp.mason-lspconfig'), require('plugins.lsp.mason-lspconfig'),
require('plugins.lsp.null-ls'), require('plugins.lsp.null-ls'),
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
local M = { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" }
M.dependencies = { "folke/neoconf.nvim", "mason-lspconfig.nvim" }
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }
M.cmd = function(_, cmds)
if require("funcs").is_available("neoconf.nvim") then
table.insert(cmds, "Neoconf")
return M

View file

@ -2,24 +2,7 @@ local M = { "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim" }
M.dependencies = { "mason.nvim" } M.dependencies = { "mason.nvim" }
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" } M.cmd = { "LspInstall", "LspUninstall" }
M.keys = {
{ "<leader>li", "<cmd>LspInfo<cr>", desc = "LSP Info" },
{ "<leader>la", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, desc = "Code Action" },
require("funcs").format({ async = true })
desc = "Format",
{ "<leader>lj", vim.diagnostic.goto_next, desc = "Next Diagnostic" },
{ "<leader>lk", vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, desc = "Prev Diagnostic" },
{ "<leader>ll", vim.lsp.codelens.run, desc = "CodeLens Action" },
{ "<leader>lq", vim.diagnostic.setloclist, desc = "Quickfix" },
{ "<leader>lr", vim.lsp.buf.rename, desc = "Rename" },
local opts = { local opts = {
ensure_installed = { "lua_ls", "bashls" }, ensure_installed = { "lua_ls", "bashls" },
@ -62,18 +45,50 @@ local opts = {
} }
M.config = function() M.config = function()
local icons = require("config.icons").diagnostics local icons = require("config.icons")
local signs = { local signs = {
DiagnosticSignError = icons.BoldError, { name = "DiagnosticSignError", text = icons.DiagnosticError, texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" },
DiagnosticSignWarn = icons.BoldWarning, { name = "DiagnosticSignWarn", text = icons.DiagnosticWarn, texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn" },
DiagnosticSignHint = icons.BoldHint, { name = "DiagnosticSignHint", text = icons.DiagnosticHint, texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint" },
DiagnosticSignInfo = icons.BoldInformation, { name = "DiagnosticSignInfo", text = icons.DiagnosticInfo, texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" },
{ name = "DapStopped", text = icons.DapStopped, texthl = "DiagnosticWarn" },
{ name = "DapBreakpoint", text = icons.DapBreakpoint, texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" },
{ name = "DapBreakpointRejected", text = icons.DapBreakpointRejected, texthl = "DiagnosticError" },
{ name = "DapBreakpointCondition", text = icons.DapBreakpointCondition, texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" },
{ name = "DapLogPoint", text = icons.DapLogPoint, texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" },
} }
for type, icon in pairs(signs) do for _, sign in ipairs(signs) do
local hl = type vim.fn.sign_define(sign.name, sign)
vim.fn.sign_define(hl, { text = icon, texthl = hl, numhl = "" })
end end
virtual_text = true,
signs = {
text = {
[vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = icons.DiagnosticError,
[vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT] = icons.DiagnosticHint,
[vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = icons.DiagnosticWarn,
[vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO] = icons.DiagnosticInfo,
active = signs,
update_in_insert = true,
underline = true,
severity_sort = true,
float = {
focused = false,
style = "minimal",
border = "rounded",
source = "always",
header = "",
prefix = "",
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers.hover, { border = "rounded", silent = true })
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/signatureHelp"] =
vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help, { border = "rounded", silent = true })
local mlsp = require('mason-lspconfig') local mlsp = require('mason-lspconfig')
mlsp.setup({ ensure_installed = opts.ensure_installed }) mlsp.setup({ ensure_installed = opts.ensure_installed })
mlsp.setup_handlers(opts.handlers) mlsp.setup_handlers(opts.handlers)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
local M = { "jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim" }
M.cmd = { "NullLsInstall", "NullLsUninstall" }
M.opts = { handlers = {} }
return M

View file

@ -2,15 +2,26 @@ local M = { "williamboman/mason.nvim" }
local icons = require('config.icons') local icons = require('config.icons')
M.cmd = {
M.build = ":MasonUpdate"
M.keys = { { "<leader>lI", "<cmd>Mason<cr>", desc = "Mason" } } M.keys = { { "<leader>lI", "<cmd>Mason<cr>", desc = "Mason" } }
M.opts = { M.opts = {
ui = { ui = {
border = "none", border = "none",
icons = { icons = {
package_installed = icons.ui.Check, package_installed = icons.PackageInstalled,
package_pending = icons.ui.BoldArrowRight, package_pending = icons.PackagePending,
package_uninstalled = icons.ui.BoldClose, package_uninstalled = icons.PackageUninstalled,
}, },
}, },
log_level = vim.log.levels.INFO, log_level = vim.log.levels.INFO,

View file

@ -1,8 +1,44 @@
local M = { "nvimtools/none-ls.nvim" } local M = { "nvimtools/none-ls.nvim" }
local f = require("funcs")
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" } M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }
M.dependencies = { "mason.nvim" } M.dependencies = { "mason-null-ls.nvim" }
local lsp_maps = function(client, bufnr)
local lsp_mappings = f.empty_map_table()
lsp_mappings.n["<leader>lf"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.format() end, desc = "Format" }
lsp_mappings.n["<leader>ld"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.open_float() end, desc = "Hover diagnostics" }
lsp_mappings.n["[d"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.goto_prev() end, desc = "Previous diagnostic" }
lsp_mappings.n["]d"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.goto_next() end, desc = "Next diagnostic" }
lsp_mappings.n["gl"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.open_float() end, desc = "Hover diagnostics" }
if f.is_available("telescope.nvim") then
lsp_mappings.n["<leader>lD"] = {
function() require("telescope.builtin").diagnostics() end,
desc = "Search diagnostics",
if f.is_available "mason-lspconfig.nvim" then
lsp_mappings.n["<leader>li"] = { "<cmd>LspInfo<cr>", desc = "LSP information" }
if f.is_available "null-ls.nvim" then
lsp_mappings.n["<leader>lI"] = { "<cmd>NullLsInfo<cr>", desc = "Null-ls information" }
if client.supports_method "textDocument/codeAction" then
lsp_mappings.n["<leader>la"] = {
function() vim.lsp.buf.code_action() end,
desc = "LSP code action",
lsp_mappings.v["<leader>la"] = lsp_mappings.n["<leader>la"]
M.opts = function() M.opts = function()
local nls = require("null-ls") local nls = require("null-ls")
@ -19,6 +55,7 @@ M.opts = function()
-- Various (yaml, markdown, json among others) -- Various (yaml, markdown, json among others)
nls.builtins.formatting.prettierd, nls.builtins.formatting.prettierd,
}, },
on_attach = lsp_maps
} }
end end

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
local M = { "goolord/alpha-nvim" } local M = { "goolord/alpha-nvim" }
local icons = require('config.icons')
M.opts = function() M.opts = function()
local dashboard = require('alpha.themes.dashboard') local dashboard = require('alpha.themes.dashboard')
local icons = require('config.icons')
local banner = { local banner = {
"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣴⣶⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀", "⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣴⣶⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ M.opts = function()
dashboard.section.header.val = banner dashboard.section.header.val = banner
dashboard.section.buttons.val = { dashboard.section.buttons.val = {
dashboard.button("n", icons.ui.NewFile .. " New file", "<CMD>ene<CR>"), dashboard.button("n", icons.ui.EmptyFile .. " New file", "<CMD>ene<CR>"),
dashboard.button("e", icons.ui.FindFile .. " Open file", "<CMD>Lf<CR>"), dashboard.button("e", icons.ui.FindFile .. " Open file", "<CMD>Lf<CR>"),
dashboard.button("q", icons.ui.SignOut .. " Quit", "<CMD>qa<CR>"), dashboard.button("q", icons.ui.SignOut .. " Quit", "<CMD>qa<CR>"),
} }

View file

@ -2,51 +2,23 @@ local M = { "akinsho/bufferline.nvim" }
M.event = { "BufRead", "BufNewFile" } M.event = { "BufRead", "BufNewFile" }
M.keys = {
{ "<C-l>", "<cmd>BufferLineCycleNext<CR>", desc = "Switch to next buffer" },
{ "<C-h>", "<cmd>BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>", desc = "Switch to previous buffer" },
{ "<A-l>", "<cmd>BufferLineMoveNext<CR>", desc = "Move buffer to next" },
{ "<A-h>", "<cmd>BufferLineMovePrev<CR>", desc = "Move buffer to previous" },
M.opts = function() M.opts = function()
local icons = require('config.icons') local icons = require('config.icons')
local function is_ft(b, ft)
return vim.bo[b].filetype == ft
local function diagnostics_indicator(_, _, diagnostics, _) local function diagnostics_indicator(_, _, diagnostics, _)
local result = {} local result = {}
local symbols = { local symbols = {
error = icons.diagnostics.Error, error = icons.DiagnosticError,
warning = icons.diagnostics.Warning, warning = icons.DiagnosticWarning,
info = icons.diagnostics.Information, info = icons.DiagnosticInformation,
} }
for name, count in pairs(diagnostics) do for name, count in pairs(diagnostics) do
if symbols[name] and count > 0 then if symbols[name] and count > 0 then
table.insert(result, symbols[name] .. " " .. count) table.insert(result, symbols[name] .. " " .. count)
end end
end end
result = table.concat(result, " ") local result_str = table.concat(result, " ")
return #result > 0 and result or "" return #result_str > 0 and result_str or ""
local function custom_filter(buf, buf_nums)
local logs = vim.tbl_filter(function(b)
return is_ft(b, "log")
end, buf_nums)
if vim.tbl_isempty(logs) then
return true
local tab_num = vim.fn.tabpagenr()
local last_tab = vim.fn.tabpagenr "$"
local is_log = is_ft(buf, "log")
if last_tab == 1 then
return true
-- only show log buffers in secondary tabs
return (tab_num == last_tab and is_log) or (tab_num ~= last_tab and not is_log)
end end
local config = { local config = {
@ -61,87 +33,22 @@ M.opts = function()
}, },
}, },
options = { options = {
mode = "buffers", -- set to "tabs" to only show tabpages instead
numbers = "none", -- can be "none" | "ordinal" | "buffer_id" | "both" | function
close_command = "bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
right_mouse_command = "vert sbuffer %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
left_mouse_command = "buffer %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
middle_mouse_command = nil, -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
indicator = { indicator = {
-- icon = icons.ui.DoubleChevronRight, -- this should be omitted if indicator style is not 'icon' style = "none",
style = "none", -- can also be 'underline'|'none',
}, },
buffer_close_icon = icons.ui.Close, buffer_close_icon = icons.ui.Close,
modified_icon = icons.ui.Circle, modified_icon = icons.ui.Circle,
close_icon = icons.ui.BoldClose, close_icon = icons.ui.BoldClose,
left_trunc_marker = icons.ui.ArrowCircleLeft, left_trunc_marker = icons.ui.ArrowCircleLeft,
right_trunc_marker = icons.ui.ArrowCircleRight, right_trunc_marker = icons.ui.ArrowCircleRight,
--- name_formatter can be used to change the buffer's label in the bufferline.
--- Please note some names can/will break the
--- bufferline so use this at your discretion knowing that it has
--- some limitations that will *NOT* be fixed.
name_formatter = function(buf) -- buf contains a "name", "path" and "bufnr"
-- remove extension from markdown files for example
if buf.name:match "%.md" then
return vim.fn.fnamemodify(buf.name, ":t:r")
max_name_length = 18,
max_prefix_length = 15, -- prefix used when a buffer is de-duplicated
truncate_names = true, -- whether or not tab names should be truncated
tab_size = 18,
diagnostics = "nvim_lsp", diagnostics = "nvim_lsp",
diagnostics_update_in_insert = false,
diagnostics_indicator = diagnostics_indicator, diagnostics_indicator = diagnostics_indicator,
-- NOTE: this will be called a lot so don't do any heavy processing here offsets = {},
custom_filter = custom_filter,
offsets = {
filetype = "undotree",
text = "Undotree",
highlight = "PanelHeading",
padding = 1,
filetype = "NvimTree",
text = "Explorer",
highlight = "PanelHeading",
padding = 1,
filetype = "DiffviewFiles",
text = "Diff View",
highlight = "PanelHeading",
padding = 1,
filetype = "flutterToolsOutline",
text = "Flutter Outline",
highlight = "PanelHeading",
filetype = "packer",
text = "Packer",
highlight = "PanelHeading",
padding = 1,
color_icons = true, -- whether or not to add the filetype icon highlights
show_buffer_icons = true, -- disable filetype icons for buffers
show_buffer_close_icons = false, show_buffer_close_icons = false,
show_close_icon = false, show_close_icon = false,
show_tab_indicators = true,
persist_buffer_sort = true, -- whether or not custom sorted buffers should persist
-- can also be a table containing 2 custom separators
-- [focused and unfocused]. eg: { '|', '|' }
separator_style = { '', '' }, separator_style = { '', '' },
enforce_regular_tabs = false, move_wraps_at_ends = true,
always_show_bufferline = false, always_show_bufferline = false,
hover = {
enabled = false, -- requires nvim 0.8+
delay = 200,
reveal = { "close" },
sort_by = "id", sort_by = "id",
}, },
} }

View file

@ -2,11 +2,6 @@ local M = { "numToStr/Comment.nvim" }
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" } M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }
M.keys = {
{ "<leader>/", "<Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_current)", desc = "Comment toggle current line", },
{ "<leader>/", "<Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_visual)", desc = "Comment toggle linewise", mode = { "v" }, },
M.opts = { M.opts = {
mappings = { mappings = {
basic = false, basic = false,

View file

@ -2,23 +2,9 @@ local M = { "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim" }
M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" } M.event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }
M.keys = {
{ "<leader>gj", function() require("gitsigns").next_hunk() end, desc = "Next Hunk" },
{ "<leader>gk", function() require("gitsigns").prev_hunk() end, desc = "Prev Hunk" },
{ "<leader>gb", function() require("gitsigns").blame_line() end, desc = "Blame" },
{ "<leader>gp", function() require("gitsigns").preview_hunk() end, desc = "Preview Hunk" },
{ "<leader>gr", function() require("gitsigns").reset_hunk() end, desc = "Reset Hunk" },
{ "<leader>gR", function() require("gitsigns").reset_buffer() end, desc = "Reset Buffer" },
{ "<leader>gs", function() require("gitsigns").stage_hunk() end, desc = "Stage Hunk" },
{ "<leader>gu", function() require("gitsigns").undo_stage_hunk() end, desc = "Undo Stage Hunk" },
{ "<leader>gd", "<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>", desc = "Git Diff" },
M.ft = { "gitcommit" }
local icons = require('config.icons') local icons = require('config.icons')
local opts = { M.opts = {
signs = { signs = {
add = { text = icons.git.LineAdded }, add = { text = icons.git.LineAdded },
change = { text = icons.git.LineModified }, change = { text = icons.git.LineModified },
@ -29,13 +15,4 @@ local opts = {
}, },
} }
M.config = function()
g = {
name = "Git",
}, { prefix = "<leader>" })
return M return M

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
return { return {
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", lazy = true },
{ "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons" }, { "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", lazy = true },
{ "NMAC427/guess-indent.nvim" },
require('plugins.misc.alpha'), require('plugins.misc.alpha'),
require('plugins.misc.autopairs'), require('plugins.misc.autopairs'),
require('plugins.misc.bufferline'), require('plugins.misc.bufferline'),
@ -11,7 +12,10 @@ return {
require('plugins.misc.indent-blankline'), require('plugins.misc.indent-blankline'),
require('plugins.misc.lf'), require('plugins.misc.lf'),
require('plugins.misc.lualine'), require('plugins.misc.lualine'),
require('plugins.misc.surround'), require('plugins.misc.surround'),
require('plugins.misc.todo-comments'), require('plugins.misc.todo-comments'),
require('plugins.misc.toggleterm'), require('plugins.misc.toggleterm'),
require('plugins.misc.tokyonight'), require('plugins.misc.tokyonight'),

View file

@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
local M = { "lmburns/lf.nvim" } local M = { "lmburns/lf.nvim" }
-- M.commit = "383429497292dd8a84271e74a81c6db6993ca7ab"
M.cmd = { "Lf" } M.cmd = { "Lf" }
M.opts = { M.opts = {
mappings = false, mappings = false,
winblend = 0, winblend = 5,
border = "rounded", border = "rounded",
} }
M.keys = {
{ "<leader>e", function() require('lf').start() end, "File Picker" },
return M return M

View file

@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ M.opts = function()
'diagnostics', 'diagnostics',
sources = { 'nvim_diagnostic' }, sources = { 'nvim_diagnostic' },
symbols = { symbols = {
error = icons.diagnostics.BoldError .. ' ', error = icons.DiagnosticError .. ' ',
warn = icons.diagnostics.BoldWarning .. ' ', warn = icons.DiagnosticWarn .. ' ',
info = icons.diagnostics.BoldInformation info = icons.DiagnosticInfo .. ' ',
}, },
diagnostics_color = { diagnostics_color = {
color_error = { fg = colors.red }, color_error = { fg = colors.red },

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
local M = { "nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim" }
M.build = "make"
return M

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
local M = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }
local icons = require("config.icons")
M.dependencies = { "telescope-fzf-native.nvim" }
M.cmd = "Telescope"
local opts = function()
local actions = require("telescope.actions")
return {
defaults = {
git_worktrees = vim.g.git_worktrees,
prompt_prefix = icons.Selected,
path_display = { "truncate" },
sorting_startegy = "ascending",
layout_config = {
horizontal = { prompt_position = "top", preview_width = 0.5 },
vertical = { mirror = false },
width = 0.87,
height = 0.80,
preview_cutoff = 120,
mappings = {
i = {
["<C-n>"] = actions.cycle_history_next,
["<C-p>"] = actions.cycle_history_prev,
["<C-j>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<C-k>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
n = { q = actions.close },
M.config = function()
local telescope = require("telescope")
if pcall(require, "aerial") then
if require("funcs").is_available("telescope-fzf-native.nvim") then
return M

View file

@ -1,32 +1,20 @@
local M = { "akinsho/toggleterm.nvim" } local M = { "akinsho/toggleterm.nvim" }
M.cmd = { "ToggleTerm", "TermExec" }
M.opts = { M.opts = {
size = 20, size = 20,
open_mapping = [[<c-\>]],
hide_numbers = true,
shade_terminals = true,
shading_factor = 2, shading_factor = 2,
start_in_insert = true,
insert_mappings = true,
persist_size = true,
direction = "float", direction = "float",
close_on_exit = true, open_mapping = [[<F7>]],
shell = vim.o.shell,
float_opts = { float_opts = {
winblend = 0, winblend = 5,
highlights = {
border = "Normal",
background = "Normal",
border = "rounded", border = "rounded",
}, },
on_create = function()
vim.opt.foldcolumn = "0"
vim.opt.signcolumn = "no"
} }
--local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
--local lazygit = Terminal:new({ cmd = "lazygit", hidden = true })
--function _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE()
-- lazygit:toggle()
return M return M

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
local M = { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }
M.event = { "InsertEnter" }
M.dependencies = { "kevinhwang91/promise-async" }
M.opts = {
preview = {
mappings = {
scrollB = "<C-b>",
scrollF = "<C-f>",
scrollU = "<C-u>",
scrollD = "<C-d>",
provider_selector = function(_, filetype, buftype)
local function handleFallbackException(bufnr, err, providerName)
if type(err) == "string" and err:match "UfoFallbackException" then
return require("ufo").getFolds(bufnr, providerName)
return require("promise").reject(err)
return (filetype == "" or buftype == "nofile") and "indent" -- only use indent until a file is opened
or function(bufnr)
return require("ufo")
.getFolds(bufnr, "lsp")
:catch(function(err) return handleFallbackException(bufnr, err, "treesitter") end)
:catch(function(err) return handleFallbackException(bufnr, err, "indent") end)
return M

View file

@ -2,75 +2,36 @@ local M = { "folke/which-key.nvim" }
local icons = require('config.icons') local icons = require('config.icons')
M.lazy = false M.event = "VeryLazy"
M.init = function() M.init = function()
vim.o.timeout = true vim.o.timeout = true
vim.o.timeoutlen = 300 vim.o.timeoutlen = 300
end end
local opts = { M.opts = {
plugins = { plugins = {
marks = false,
registers = false,
presets = { presets = {
operators = false, operators = false,
motions = false, motions = false,
text_objects = false,
windows = false,
nav = false,
z = false,
g = false,
} }
}, },
spelling = {
enabled = false,
suggestions = 20,
icons = { icons = {
breadcrumb = icons.ui.DoubleChevronRight, breadcrumb = icons.ui.DoubleChevronRight,
separator = icons.ui.BoldArrowRight, separator = icons.ui.BoldArrowRight,
group = icons.ui.Plus, group = icons.ui.Plus,
}, },
popup_mappings = {
scroll_down = "<c-d>",
scroll_up = "<c-u>",
window = {
border = "none",
position = "bottom",
winblend = 0,
layout = {
height = { min = 4, max = 25 },
width = { min = 20, max = 50 },
spacing = 3,
align = "left",
hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "call", "lua", "^:", "^ " }, hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "call", "lua", "^:", "^ " },
triggers = "auto", triggers = "auto",
triggers_blacklist = { triggers_blacklist = {
i = { "j", "k" }, i = { "j", "k", "v", "y" },
v = { "j", "k", "y" }, v = { "j", "k", "y" },
}, },
defaults = {
["<leader>u"] = { name = "Utility" },
["<leader>p"] = { name = "Plugins" },
} }
M.keys = { M.config = function(_, opts)
{ "<leader>w", "<cmd>w!<CR>", desc = "Save" }, require("which-key").setup(opts)
{ "<leader>q", require('funcs').buf_kill, desc = "Close" }, require("funcs").which_key_register()
{ "<leader>h", "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>", desc = "Clear Highlights" }, end
{ "<leader>n", "<cmd>ene<CR>", desc = "New File" },
{ "<leader>uc", "<cmd>w!<CR><cmd>!compiler \"%:p\"<CR>", desc = "Compile" },
-- WARN:
{ "<leader>pu", require("lazy").check, desc = "Check for updates" },
{ "<leader>pc", require("lazy").clear, desc = "Clear finished tasks" },
{ "<leader>pd", require("lazy").debug, desc = "Show debug information" },
{ "<leader>pp", require("lazy").profile, desc = "Show profiling information" },
{ "<leader>ps", require("lazy").sync, desc = "Install, clean and update plugins" },
return M return M

.config/nvim/todo Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
continue porting lsp_maps https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim/blob/8a019756cf45cb8f08dc11ce0396a577bd716936/lua/astronvim/utils/lsp.lua#L139
Configure Todo Telescope integration
Figure out why the theme breaks when you install a plugin