fix keybind
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 11 additions and 2 deletions
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ maps.n["<Leader>n"] = { "<Cmd>ene<CR>", desc = "New buffer" }
maps.n["<Leader>h"] = { "<Cmd>noh<CR>", desc = "Clear highlight" }
maps.n["<C-s>"] = { "<Cmd>w!<cr>", desc = "Force write buffer" }
maps.n["<C-q>"] = { "<Cmd>qa!<cr>", desc = "Force quit all" }
maps.n["|"] = { "<Cmd>vsplit<cr>", desc = "Vertical split" }
maps.n["\\"] = { "<Cmd>split<cr>", desc = "Horizontal split" }
maps.n["<Leader>|"] = { "<Cmd>vsplit<cr>", desc = "Vertical split" }
maps.n["<Leader>\\"] = { "<Cmd>split<cr>", desc = "Horizontal split" }
maps.v["<"] = { "<gv", desc = "Unindent line" }
maps.v[">"] = { ">gv", desc = "Indent line" }
maps.n["<Leader>q"] = { f.buf_close, desc = "Close buffer" }
@ -45,10 +45,19 @@ end
-- Notes --
if f.is_available("zk-nvim") then
maps.n["<Leader>n"] = M.sections.n
maps.v["<Leader>n"] = maps.n["<Leader>n"]
maps.n["<Leader>nn"] = {
function() require("zk").new({ notebook_path = vim.g.wikidir, title = vim.fn.input('Title: ') }) end,
desc = "New Note"
maps.v["<Leader>nnt"] = {
":ZkNewFromTitleSelection { notebook_path = vim.g.wikidir }<CR>",
desc = "New Note (Selection as title)"
maps.v["<Leader>nnc"] = {
":ZkNewFromContentSelection { notebook_path = vim.g.wikidir, title = vim.fn.input('Title: ') }<CR>",
desc = "New Note (Selection as content)"
maps.n["<Leader>no"] = {
function() require("zk").edit({ notebook_path = vim.g.wikidir }) end,
desc = "Open Note"
Add table
Reference in a new issue