diff --git a/common/.local/bin/cht b/common/.local/bin/cht
index 2f662aca..56f8bbaf 100755
--- a/common/.local/bin/cht
+++ b/common/.local/bin/cht
@@ -33,57 +33,54 @@ __CHTSH_DATETIME="2021-04-25 12:30:30 +0200"
 [ -z "$CHTSH_CONF" ] && CHTSH_CONF=$CHTSH_HOME/cht.sh.conf
-# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2002
+# shellcheck disable=SC1090
 [ -e "$CHTSH_CONF" ] && source "$CHTSH_CONF"
 [ -z "$CHTSH_URL" ] && CHTSH_URL=https://cht.sh
 # currently we support only two modes:
 # * lite = access the server using curl
 # * auto = try standalone usage first
-CHTSH_MODE="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME"/mode 2> /dev/null)"
+CHTSH_MODE="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME"/mode 2>/dev/null)"
 [ "$CHTSH_MODE" != lite ] && CHTSH_MODE=auto
-CHEATSH_INSTALLATION="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone" 2> /dev/null)"
+CHEATSH_INSTALLATION="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone" 2>/dev/null)"
 export LESSSECURE=1
 case "$(uname -s)" in
-  Darwin) is_macos=yes ;;
-  *) is_macos=no ;;
+Darwin) is_macos=yes ;;
+*) is_macos=no ;;
 # for KSH93
 # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2039,SC2168
 if echo "$KSH_VERSION" | grep -q ' 93' && ! local foo 2>/dev/null; then
-  alias local=typeset
+    alias local=typeset
-  echo "ERROR: $*" >&2
-  exit 1
+fatal() {
+    echo "ERROR: $*" >&2
+    exit 1
-  [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "$(date '+[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S]') $*" >> "$LOG"
+_say_what_i_do() {
+    [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "$(date '+[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S]') $*" >>"$LOG"
-  local this_prompt="\033[0;1;4;32m>>\033[0m"
-  printf "\n${this_prompt}%s\033[0m\n" " $* "
+    local this_prompt="\033[0;1;4;32m>>\033[0m"
+    printf "\n${this_prompt}%s\033[0m\n" " $* "
-  # the function installs cheat.sh with the upstream repositories
-  # in the standalone mode
-  local installdir; installdir="$1"
-  local default_installdir="$HOME/.cheat.sh"
+cheatsh_standalone_install() {
+    # the function installs cheat.sh with the upstream repositories
+    # in the standalone mode
+    local installdir
+    installdir="$1"
+    local default_installdir="$HOME/.cheat.sh"
-  [ -z "$installdir" ] && installdir=${default_installdir}
+    [ -z "$installdir" ] && installdir=${default_installdir}
-  if [ "$installdir" = help ]; then
-    cat <<EOF
+    if [ "$installdir" = help ]; then
+        cat <<EOF
 Install cheat.sh in the standalone mode.
 After the installation, cheat.sh can be used locally, without accessing
@@ -117,143 +114,148 @@ You can switch the mode with the --mode switch:
 For intallation and standalone usage, you need \`git\`, \`python\`,
 and \`virtualenv\` to be installed locally.
-    return
-  fi
-  local _exit_code=0
-  local dependencies=(python git virtualenv)
-  for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
-    command -v "$dep" >/dev/null || \
-    { echo "DEPENDENCY: \"$dep\" is needed to install cheat.sh in the standalone mode" >&2; _exit_code=1; }
-  done
-  [ "$_exit_code" -ne 0 ] && return "$_exit_code"
-  while true; do
-    local _installdir
-    echo -n "Where should cheat.sh be installed [$installdir]? "; read -r _installdir
-    [ -n "$_installdir" ] && installdir=$_installdir
-    if [ "$installdir" = y ] \
-        || [ "$installdir" = Y ] \
-        || [ "$(echo "$installdir" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" = yes ]
-    then
-      echo Please enter the directory name
-      echo If it was the directory name already, please prepend it with \"./\": "./$installdir"
-    else
-      break
+        return
-  done
-  if [ -e "$installdir" ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: Installation directory [$installdir] exists already"
-    echo "Please remove it first before continuing"
-    return 1
-  fi
+    local _exit_code=0
-  if ! mkdir -p "$installdir"; then
-    echo "ERROR: Could not create the installation directory \"$installdir\""
-    echo "ERROR: Please check the permissions and start the script again"
-    return 1
-  fi
+    local dependencies=(python git virtualenv)
+    for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
+        command -v "$dep" >/dev/null ||
+            {
+                echo "DEPENDENCY: \"$dep\" is needed to install cheat.sh in the standalone mode" >&2
+                _exit_code=1
+            }
+    done
+    [ "$_exit_code" -ne 0 ] && return "$_exit_code"
-  local space_needed=700
-  local space_available; space_available=$(($(df -k "$installdir" | awk '{print $4}' | tail -1)/1024))
+    while true; do
+        local _installdir
+        echo -n "Where should cheat.sh be installed [$installdir]? "
+        read -r _installdir
+        [ -n "$_installdir" ] && installdir=$_installdir
-  if [ "$space_available" -lt "$space_needed" ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: Installation directory has no enough space (needed: ${space_needed}M, available: ${space_available}M"
-    echo "ERROR: Please clean up and start the script again"
+        if [ "$installdir" = y ] ||
+            [ "$installdir" = Y ] ||
+            [ "$(echo "$installdir" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" = yes ]; then
+            echo Please enter the directory name
+            echo If it was the directory name already, please prepend it with \"./\": "./$installdir"
+        else
+            break
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ -e "$installdir" ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Installation directory [$installdir] exists already"
+        echo "Please remove it first before continuing"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if ! mkdir -p "$installdir"; then
+        echo "ERROR: Could not create the installation directory \"$installdir\""
+        echo "ERROR: Please check the permissions and start the script again"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    local space_needed=700
+    local space_available
+    space_available=$(($(df -k "$installdir" | awk '{print $4}' | tail -1) / 1024))
+    if [ "$space_available" -lt "$space_needed" ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Installation directory has no enough space (needed: ${space_needed}M, available: ${space_available}M"
+        echo "ERROR: Please clean up and start the script again"
+        rmdir "$installdir"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    _say_what_i_do Cloning cheat.sh locally
+    local url=https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh
     rmdir "$installdir"
-    return 1
-  fi
+    git clone "$url" "$installdir" || fatal Could not clone "$url" with git into "$installdir"
+    cd "$installdir" || fatal "Cannot cd into $installdir"
-  _say_what_i_do Cloning cheat.sh locally
-  local url=https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh
-  rmdir "$installdir"
-  git clone "$url" "$installdir" || fatal Could not clone "$url" with git into "$installdir"
-  cd "$installdir" || fatal "Cannot cd into $installdir"
+    # after the repository cloned, we may have the log directory
+    # and we can write our installation log into it
+    mkdir -p "log/"
+    LOG="$PWD/log/install.log"
-  # after the repository cloned, we may have the log directory
-  # and we can write our installation log into it
-  mkdir -p "log/"
-  LOG="$PWD/log/install.log"
+    # we use tee everywhere so we should set -o pipefail
+    set -o pipefail
-  # we use tee everywhere so we should set -o pipefail
-  set -o pipefail
-  # currently the script uses python 2,
-  # but cheat.sh supports python 3 too
-  # if you want to switch it to python 3
-  # set PYTHON2 to NO:
-  #
-  if [[ $PYTHON2 = YES ]]; then
-    python="python2"
-    pip="pip"
-    virtualenv_python3_option=()
-  else
-    python="python3"
-    pip="pip3"
-    virtualenv_python3_option=(-p python3)
-  fi
-  _say_what_i_do Creating virtual environment
-  virtualenv "${virtualenv_python3_option[@]}" ve \
-      || fatal "Could not create virtual environment with 'virtualenv ve'"
-  # rapidfuzz does not support Python 2,
-  # so if we are using Python 2, install fuzzywuzzy instead
-  if [[ $PYTHON2 = YES ]]; then
-    sed -i s/rapidfuzz/fuzzywuzzy/ requirements.txt
-    echo "python-Levenshtein" >> requirements.txt
-  fi
-  _say_what_i_do Installing python requirements into the virtual environment
-  ve/bin/"$pip" install -r requirements.txt > "$LOG" \
-      || {
-    echo "ERROR:"
-    echo "---"
-    tail -n 10 "$LOG"
-    echo "---"
-    echo "See $LOG for more"
-    fatal Could not install python dependencies into the virtual environment
-  }
-  echo "$(ve/bin/"$pip" freeze | wc -l) dependencies were successfully installed"
-  _say_what_i_do Fetching the upstream cheat sheets repositories
-  ve/bin/python lib/fetch.py fetch-all | tee -a "$LOG"
-  _say_what_i_do Running self-tests
-  (
-    cd tests || exit
-       PYTHON=../ve/bin/python bash run-tests.sh | tee -a "$LOG"
-    then
-      printf "\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n" "SUCCESS"
+    # currently the script uses python 2,
+    # but cheat.sh supports python 3 too
+    # if you want to switch it to python 3
+    # set PYTHON2 to NO:
+    # PYTHON2=NO
+    #
+    if [[ $PYTHON2 = YES ]]; then
+        python="python2"
+        pip="pip"
+        virtualenv_python3_option=()
-      printf "\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n" "FAILED"
-      echo "Some tests were failed. Run the tests manually for further investigation:"
-      echo "  cd $PWD; bash run-tests.sh)"
+        python="python3"
+        pip="pip3"
+        virtualenv_python3_option=(-p python3)
-  )
-  mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME"
-  echo "$installdir" > "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone"
-  echo auto > "$CHTSH_HOME/mode"
+    _say_what_i_do Creating virtual environment
+    virtualenv "${virtualenv_python3_option[@]}" ve ||
+        fatal "Could not create virtual environment with 'virtualenv ve'"
-  _say_what_i_do Done
-  local v1; v1=$(printf "\033[0;1;32m")
-  local v2; v2=$(printf "\033[0m")
+    # rapidfuzz does not support Python 2,
+    # so if we are using Python 2, install fuzzywuzzy instead
+    if [[ $PYTHON2 = YES ]]; then
+        sed -i s/rapidfuzz/fuzzywuzzy/ requirements.txt
+        echo "python-Levenshtein" >>requirements.txt
+    fi
-  cat <<EOF | sed "s/{/$v1/; s/}/$v2/"
+    _say_what_i_do Installing python requirements into the virtual environment
+    ve/bin/"$pip" install -r requirements.txt >"$LOG" ||
+        {
+            echo "ERROR:"
+            echo "---"
+            tail -n 10 "$LOG"
+            echo "---"
+            echo "See $LOG for more"
+            fatal Could not install python dependencies into the virtual environment
+        }
+    echo "$(ve/bin/"$pip" freeze | wc -l) dependencies were successfully installed"
+    _say_what_i_do Fetching the upstream cheat sheets repositories
+    ve/bin/python lib/fetch.py fetch-all | tee -a "$LOG"
+    _say_what_i_do Running self-tests
+    (
+        cd tests || exit
+            PYTHON=../ve/bin/python bash run-tests.sh | tee -a "$LOG"; then
+            printf "\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n" "SUCCESS"
+        else
+            printf "\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n" "FAILED"
+            echo "Some tests were failed. Run the tests manually for further investigation:"
+            echo "  cd $PWD; bash run-tests.sh)"
+        fi
+    )
+    mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME"
+    echo "$installdir" >"$CHTSH_HOME/standalone"
+    echo auto >"$CHTSH_HOME/mode"
+    _say_what_i_do Done
+    local v1
+    v1=$(printf "\033[0;1;32m")
+    local v2
+    v2=$(printf "\033[0m")
+    cat <<EOF | sed "s/{/$v1/; s/}/$v2/"
 {      _      }
 {     \\ \\   }     The installation is successfully finished.
@@ -286,164 +288,172 @@ with the ENTRY-POINT from the URL https://ENTRY-POINT/:actualize specified
-  local mode="$1"
+chtsh_mode() {
+    local mode="$1"
-  local text; text=$(
-    echo "  auto    use the standalone installation first"
-    echo "  lite    use the cheat sheets server directly"
-  )
+    local text
+    text=$(
+        echo "  auto    use the standalone installation first"
+        echo "  lite    use the cheat sheets server directly"
+    )
-  if [ -z "$mode" ]; then
-    echo "current mode: $CHTSH_MODE ($(printf "%s" "$text" | grep "$CHTSH_MODE" | sed "s/$CHTSH_MODE//; s/^ *//; s/ \+/ /"))"
-    if [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then
-      echo "cheat.sh standalone installation: $CHEATSH_INSTALLATION"
+    if [ -z "$mode" ]; then
+        echo "current mode: $CHTSH_MODE ($(printf "%s" "$text" | grep "$CHTSH_MODE" | sed "s/$CHTSH_MODE//; s/^ *//; s/ \+/ /"))"
+        if [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then
+            echo "cheat.sh standalone installation: $CHEATSH_INSTALLATION"
+        else
+            echo 'cheat.sh standalone installation not found; falling back to the "lite" mode'
+        fi
+    elif [ "$mode" = auto ] || [ "$mode" = lite ]; then
+        if [ "$mode" = "$CHTSH_MODE" ]; then
+            echo "The configured mode was \"$CHTSH_MODE\"; nothing changed"
+        else
+            mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME"
+            echo "$mode" >"$CHTSH_HOME/mode"
+            echo "Configured mode: $mode"
+        fi
-      echo 'cheat.sh standalone installation not found; falling back to the "lite" mode'
+        echo "Unknown mode: $mode"
+        echo Supported modes:
+        echo "  auto    use the standalone installation first"
+        echo "  lite    use the cheat sheets server directly"
-  elif [ "$mode" = auto ] || [ "$mode" = lite ]; then
-    if [ "$mode" = "$CHTSH_MODE" ]; then
-      echo "The configured mode was \"$CHTSH_MODE\"; nothing changed"
+get_query_options() {
+    local query="$*"
+    if [ -n "$CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS" ]; then
+        case $query in
+        *\?*) query="$query&${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}" ;;
+        *) query="$query?${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}" ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+    printf "%s" "$query"
+do_query() {
+    local query="$*"
+    local b_opts=
+    local uri="${CHTSH_URL}/\"\$(get_query_options $query)\""
+    if [ -e "$CHTSH_HOME/id" ]; then
+        b_opts="-b \"\$CHTSH_HOME/id\""
+    fi
+    eval curl "$b_opts" -s "$uri" >"$TMP1"
+    if [ -z "$lines" ] || [ "$(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "$lines" ]; then
+        cat "$TMP1"
-      mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME"
-      echo "$mode" > "$CHTSH_HOME/mode"
-      echo "Configured mode: $mode"
+        ${PAGER:-$defpager} "$TMP1"
-  else
-    echo "Unknown mode: $mode"
-    echo Supported modes:
-    echo "  auto    use the standalone installation first"
-    echo "  lite    use the cheat sheets server directly"
-  fi
-  local query="$*"
-  if [ -n "$CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS" ]; then
-    case $query in
-      *\?*)   query="$query&${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}";;
-      *)      query="$query?${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}";;
-    esac
-  fi
-  printf "%s" "$query"
+prepare_query() {
+    local section="$1"
+    shift
+    local input="$1"
+    shift
+    local arguments="$1"
-  local query="$*"
-  local b_opts=
-  local uri="${CHTSH_URL}/\"\$(get_query_options $query)\""
-  if [ -e "$CHTSH_HOME/id" ]; then
-    b_opts="-b \"\$CHTSH_HOME/id\""
-  fi
-  eval curl "$b_opts" -s "$uri" > "$TMP1"
-  if [ -z "$lines" ] || [ "$(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "$lines" ]; then
-    cat "$TMP1"
-  else
-    ${PAGER:-$defpager} "$TMP1"
-  fi
-  local section="$1"; shift
-  local input="$1"; shift
-  local arguments="$1"
-  local query
-  if [ -z "$section" ] || [ x"${input}" != x"${input#/}" ]; then
-    query=$(printf %s "$input" | sed 's@ @/@; s@ @+@g')
-  else
-    query=$(printf %s "$section/$input" | sed 's@ @+@g')
-  fi
-  [ -n "$arguments" ] && arguments="?$arguments"
-  printf %s "$query$arguments"
-  curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:list | grep -v '/.*/' | grep '/$' | xargs
-  len=$1
-  if command -v openssl >/dev/null; then
-    openssl rand -base64 $((len*3/4)) | awk -v ORS='' //
-  else
-    rdev=/dev/urandom
-    for d in /dev/{srandom,random,arandom}; do
-      test -r "$d" && rdev=$d
-    done
-    if command -v hexdump >/dev/null; then
-      hexdump -vn $((len/2)) -e '1/1 "%02X" 1 ""' "$rdev"
-    elif command -v xxd >/dev/null; then
-      xxd -l $((len/2)) -ps "$rdev" | awk -v ORS='' //
+    local query
+    if [ -z "$section" ] || [ x"${input}" != x"${input#/}" ]; then
+        query=$(printf %s "$input" | sed 's@ @/@; s@ @+@g')
-      cd /tmp || { echo Cannot cd into /tmp >&2; exit 1; }
-      s=
-      # shellcheck disable=SC2000
-      while [ "$(echo "$s" | wc -c)" -lt "$len" ]; do
-        s="$s$(mktemp -u XXXXXXXXXX)"
-      done
-      printf "%.${len}s" "$s"
+        query=$(printf %s "$section/$input" | sed 's@ @+@g')
+    fi
+    [ -n "$arguments" ] && arguments="?$arguments"
+    printf %s "$query$arguments"
+get_list_of_sections() {
+    curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:list | grep -v '/.*/' | grep '/$' | xargs
+gen_random_str() (
+    len=$1
+    if command -v openssl >/dev/null; then
+        openssl rand -base64 $((len * 3 / 4)) | awk -v ORS='' //
+    else
+        rdev=/dev/urandom
+        for d in /dev/{srandom,random,arandom}; do
+            test -r "$d" && rdev=$d
+        done
+        if command -v hexdump >/dev/null; then
+            hexdump -vn $((len / 2)) -e '1/1 "%02X" 1 ""' "$rdev"
+        elif command -v xxd >/dev/null; then
+            xxd -l $((len / 2)) -ps "$rdev" | awk -v ORS='' //
+        else
+            cd /tmp || {
+                echo Cannot cd into /tmp >&2
+                exit 1
+            }
+            s=
+            # shellcheck disable=SC2000
+            while [ "$(echo "$s" | wc -c)" -lt "$len" ]; do
+                s="$s$(mktemp -u XXXXXXXXXX)"
+            done
+            printf "%.${len}s" "$s"
+        fi
-  fi
 if [ "$CHTSH_MODE" = auto ] && [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then
-  curl() {
-    # ignoring all options
-    # currently the standalone.py does not support them anyway
-    local opt
-    while getopts "b:s" opt; do
-      :
-    done
-    shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-    local url; url="$1"; shift
-    PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION/ve/bin/python" "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION/lib/standalone.py" "${url#"$CHTSH_URL"}" "$@"
-  }
-elif [ "$(uname -s)" = OpenBSD ] && [ -x /usr/bin/ftp ]; then
-  # any better test not involving either OS matching or actual query?
-  curl() {
-    local opt args="-o -"
-    while getopts "b:s" opt; do
-      case $opt in
-        b) args="$args -c $OPTARG";;
-        s) args="$args -M -V";;
-        *) echo "internal error: unsupported cURL option '$opt'" >&2; exit 1;;
-      esac
-    done
-    shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-    /usr/bin/ftp "$args" "$@"
-  }
-  command -v curl   >/dev/null || { echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "curl" to use cht.sh' >&2; exit 1; }
-  _CURL=$(command -v curl)
-  if [ x"$CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS" != x ]; then
     curl() {
-      $_CURL "${CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS}" "$@"
+        # ignoring all options
+        # currently the standalone.py does not support them anyway
+        local opt
+        while getopts "b:s" opt; do
+            :
+        done
+        shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+        local url
+        url="$1"
+        shift
+        PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION/ve/bin/python" "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION/lib/standalone.py" "${url#"$CHTSH_URL"}" "$@"
-  fi
+elif [ "$(uname -s)" = OpenBSD ] && [ -x /usr/bin/ftp ]; then
+    # any better test not involving either OS matching or actual query?
+    curl() {
+        local opt args="-o -"
+        while getopts "b:s" opt; do
+            case $opt in
+            b) args="$args -c $OPTARG" ;;
+            s) args="$args -M -V" ;;
+            *)
+                echo "internal error: unsupported cURL option '$opt'" >&2
+                exit 1
+                ;;
+            esac
+        done
+        shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+        /usr/bin/ftp "$args" "$@"
+    }
+    command -v curl >/dev/null || {
+        echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "curl" to use cht.sh' >&2
+        exit 1
+    }
+    _CURL=$(command -v curl)
+    if [ x"$CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS" != x ]; then
+        curl() {
+            $_CURL "${CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS}" "$@"
+        }
+    fi
 if [ "$1" = --read ]; then
-  read -r a || a="exit"
-  printf "%s\n" "$a"
-  exit 0
+    read -r a || a="exit"
+    printf "%s\n" "$a"
+    exit 0
 elif [ x"$1" = x--help ] || [ -z "$1" ]; then
-  n=${0##*/}
-  s=$(echo "$n" | sed "s/./ /"g)
+    n=${0##*/}
+    s=$(echo "$n" | sed "s/./ /"g)
-  cat <<EOF
+    cat <<EOF
@@ -464,146 +474,157 @@ Options:
                             * lite - use the cheat sheet server
-  exit 0
+    exit 0
 elif [ x"$1" = x--shell ]; then
-  shell_mode=yes
-  shift
+    shell_mode=yes
+    shift
 elif [ x"$1" = x--standalone-install ]; then
-  shift
-  cheatsh_standalone_install "$@"
-  exit "$?"
+    shift
+    cheatsh_standalone_install "$@"
+    exit "$?"
 elif [ x"$1" = x--mode ]; then
-  shift
-  chtsh_mode "$@"
-  exit "$?"
+    shift
+    chtsh_mode "$@"
+    exit "$?"
 for o; do
-  if [ x"$o" != x"${o#-}" ]; then
-    opts="${opts}${o#-}"
-  else
-    input="$input $o"
-  fi
+    if [ x"$o" != x"${o#-}" ]; then
+        opts="${opts}${o#-}"
+    else
+        input="$input $o"
+    fi
 query=$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *$@@; s@^ *@@; s@ @/@; s@ @+@g')
 if [ "$shell_mode" != yes ]; then
-  curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")"
-  exit 0
-  new_section="$1"
-  valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections)
-  valid=no; for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && { valid=yes; break; }; done
-  if [ "$valid" = yes ]; then
-    section="$new_section"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2001
-    this_query="$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *[^ ]* *@@')"
-    this_prompt="\033[0;32mcht.sh/$section>\033[0m "
-  else
-    this_query="$input"
-    this_prompt="\033[0;32mcht.sh>\033[0m "
-  fi
-  if [ -n "$this_query" ] && [ -z "$CHEATSH_RESTART" ]; then
-    printf "$this_prompt$this_query\n"
     curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")"
-  fi
+    exit 0
+    new_section="$1"
+    valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections)
+    valid=no
+    for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && {
+        valid=yes
+        break
+    }; done
+    if [ "$valid" = yes ]; then
+        section="$new_section"
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+        this_query="$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *[^ ]* *@@')"
+        this_prompt="\033[0;32mcht.sh/$section>\033[0m "
+    else
+        this_query="$input"
+        this_prompt="\033[0;32mcht.sh>\033[0m "
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$this_query" ] && [ -z "$CHEATSH_RESTART" ]; then
+        printf "$this_prompt$this_query\n"
+        curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")"
+    fi
 if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
-  if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
-    command -v wl-copy >/dev/null || echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "wl-copy" for "copy"' >&2
-  else
-    command -v xsel >/dev/null ||   echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "xsel" for "copy"' >&2
-  fi
+    if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
+        command -v wl-copy >/dev/null || echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "wl-copy" for "copy"' >&2
+    else
+        command -v xsel >/dev/null || echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "xsel" for "copy"' >&2
+    fi
-command -v rlwrap >/dev/null || { echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "rlwrap" to use cht.sh in the shell mode' >&2; exit 1; }
+command -v rlwrap >/dev/null || {
+    echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "rlwrap" to use cht.sh in the shell mode' >&2
+    exit 1
 mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME/"
 lines=$(tput lines)
 if command -v less >/dev/null; then
-  defpager="less -R"
+    defpager="less -R"
 elif command -v more >/dev/null; then
-  defpager="more"
+    defpager="more"
-  defpager="cat"
+    defpager="cat"
 cmd_cd() {
-  if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-    section=""
-  else
-    new_section=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/cd  *//; s@/*$@@; s@^/*@@')
-    if [ -z "$new_section" ] || [ ".." = "$new_section" ]; then
-      section=""
+    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+        section=""
-      valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections)
-      valid=no; for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && { valid=yes; break; }; done
-      if [ "$valid" = no ]; then
-        echo "Invalid section: $new_section"
-        echo "Valid sections:"
-        echo "$valid_sections" \
-            | xargs printf "%-10s\n" \
-            | tr ' ' .  \
-            | xargs -n 10 \
-            | sed 's/\./ /g; s/^/  /'
-      else
-        section="$new_section"
-      fi
+        new_section=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/cd  *//; s@/*$@@; s@^/*@@')
+        if [ -z "$new_section" ] || [ ".." = "$new_section" ]; then
+            section=""
+        else
+            valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections)
+            valid=no
+            for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && {
+                valid=yes
+                break
+            }; done
+            if [ "$valid" = no ]; then
+                echo "Invalid section: $new_section"
+                echo "Valid sections:"
+                echo "$valid_sections" |
+                    xargs printf "%-10s\n" |
+                    tr ' ' . |
+                    xargs -n 10 |
+                    sed 's/\./ /g; s/^/  /'
+            else
+                section="$new_section"
+            fi
+        fi
-  fi
 cmd_copy() {
-  if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
-    echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version
-  elif [ -z "$input" ]; then
-    echo copy: Make at least one query first.
-  else
-    curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?T)" > "$TMP1"
-    if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
-      if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
-        wl-copy < "$TMP1"
-      else
-        xsel -bi < "$TMP1"
-      fi
+    if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+        echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version
+    elif [ -z "$input" ]; then
+        echo copy: Make at least one query first.
-      pbcopy < "$TMP1"
+        curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?T)" >"$TMP1"
+        if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
+            if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
+                wl-copy <"$TMP1"
+            else
+                xsel -bi <"$TMP1"
+            fi
+        else
+            pbcopy <"$TMP1"
+        fi
+        echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection"
-    echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection"
-  fi
 cmd_ccopy() {
-  if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
-    echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version
-  elif [ -z "$input" ]; then
-    echo copy: Make at least one query first.
-  else
-    curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?TQ)" > "$TMP1"
-    if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
-      if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
-        wl-copy < "$TMP1"
-      else
-        xsel -bi < "$TMP1"
-      fi
+    if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+        echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version
+    elif [ -z "$input" ]; then
+        echo copy: Make at least one query first.
-      pbcopy < "$TMP1"
+        curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?TQ)" >"$TMP1"
+        if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
+            if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
+                wl-copy <"$TMP1"
+            else
+                xsel -bi <"$TMP1"
+            fi
+        else
+            pbcopy <"$TMP1"
+        fi
+        echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection"
-    echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection"
-  fi
 cmd_exit() {
-  exit 0
+    exit 0
 cmd_help() {
-  cat <<EOF
+    cat <<EOF
 help    - show this help
 hush    - do not show the 'help' string at start anymore
 cd LANG - change the language context
@@ -623,138 +644,141 @@ EOF
 cmd_hush() {
-  mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME/" && touch "$CHTSH_HOME/.hushlogin" && echo "Initial 'use help' message was disabled"
+    mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME/" && touch "$CHTSH_HOME/.hushlogin" && echo "Initial 'use help' message was disabled"
 cmd_id() {
-  id_file="$CHTSH_HOME/id"
+    id_file="$CHTSH_HOME/id"
-  if [ id = "$input" ]; then
-    new_id=""
-  else
-    new_id=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/id  *//; s/ *$//; s/ /+/g')
-  fi
-  if [ "$new_id" = remove ]; then
-    if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
-      rm -f -- "$id_file" && echo "id is removed"
+    if [ id = "$input" ]; then
+        new_id=""
-      echo "id was not set, so you can't remove it"
+        new_id=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/id  *//; s/ *$//; s/ /+/g')
-    return
-  fi
-  if [ -n "$new_id" ] && [ reset != "$new_id" ] && [ "$(/bin/echo -n "$new_id" | wc -c)" -lt 16 ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: $new_id: Too short id. Minimal id length is 16. Use 'id reset' for a random id"
-    return
-  fi
-  if [ -z "$new_id" ]; then
-    # if new_id is not specified check if we have some id already
-    # if yes, just show it
-    # if not, generate a new id
-    if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
-      awk '$6 == "id" {print $NF}' <"$id_file" | tail -n 1
-      return
+    if [ "$new_id" = remove ]; then
+        if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
+            rm -f -- "$id_file" && echo "id is removed"
+        else
+            echo "id was not set, so you can't remove it"
+        fi
+        return
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$new_id" ] && [ reset != "$new_id" ] && [ "$(/bin/echo -n "$new_id" | wc -c)" -lt 16 ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: $new_id: Too short id. Minimal id length is 16. Use 'id reset' for a random id"
+        return
+    fi
+    if [ -z "$new_id" ]; then
+        # if new_id is not specified check if we have some id already
+        # if yes, just show it
+        # if not, generate a new id
+        if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
+            awk '$6 == "id" {print $NF}' <"$id_file" | tail -n 1
+            return
+        else
+            new_id=reset
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$new_id" = reset ]; then
+        new_id=$(gen_random_str 12)
-      new_id=reset
+        echo WARNING: if someone gueses your id, he can read your cht.sh search history
-  fi
-  if [ "$new_id" = reset ]; then
-    new_id=$(gen_random_str 12)
-  else
-    echo WARNING: if someone gueses your id, he can read your cht.sh search history
-  fi
-  if [ -e "$id_file" ] && grep -q '\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$' "$id_file" 2> /dev/null; then
-    sed -i 's/\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$/ id '"$new_id"'/' "$id_file"
-  else
-    if ! [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
-      printf '#\n\n' > "$id_file"
+    if [ -e "$id_file" ] && grep -q '\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$' "$id_file" 2>/dev/null; then
+        sed -i 's/\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$/ id '"$new_id"'/' "$id_file"
+    else
+        if ! [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
+            printf '#\n\n' >"$id_file"
+        fi
+        printf ".cht.sh\tTRUE\t/\tTRUE\t0\tid\t$new_id\n" >>"$id_file"
-    printf ".cht.sh\tTRUE\t/\tTRUE\t0\tid\t$new_id\n" >> "$id_file"
-  fi
-  echo "$new_id"
+    echo "$new_id"
 cmd_query() {
-  query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$input")
-  do_query "$query"
+    query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$input")
+    do_query "$query"
 cmd_stealth() {
-  if [ "$input" != stealth ]; then
-    arguments=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/stealth //; s/ /\&/')
-  fi
-  trap break INT
-  if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then
-    past=$(pbpaste)
-  else
-    if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
-      past=$(wl-paste -p)
-    else
-      past=$(xsel -o)
+    if [ "$input" != stealth ]; then
+        arguments=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/stealth //; s/ /\&/')
-  fi
-  printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m you are in the stealth mode; select any text in any window for a query\n"
-  printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selections longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words are ignored\n"
-  if [ -n "$arguments" ]; then
-    printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m query arguments: ?$arguments\n"
-  fi
-  printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m use ^C to leave this mode\n"
-  while true; do
+    trap break INT
     if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then
-      current=$(pbpaste)
+        past=$(pbpaste)
-      if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
-        current=$(wl-paste -p)
-      else
-        current=$(xsel -o)
-      fi
+        if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
+            past=$(wl-paste -p)
+        else
+            past=$(xsel -o)
+        fi
-    if [ "$past" != "$current" ]; then
-      past=$current
-      current_text="$(echo $current | tr -c '[a-zA-Z0-9]' ' ')"
-      if [ "$(echo "$current_text" | wc -w)" -gt "$STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH" ]; then
-        printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selection length is longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words; ignoring\n"
-        continue
-      else
-        printf "\n\033[0;31mstealth: \033[7m $current_text\033[0m\n"
-        query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$current_text" "$arguments")
-        do_query "$query"
-      fi
+    printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m you are in the stealth mode; select any text in any window for a query\n"
+    printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selections longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words are ignored\n"
+    if [ -n "$arguments" ]; then
+        printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m query arguments: ?$arguments\n"
-    sleep 1;
-  done
-  trap - INT
+    printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m use ^C to leave this mode\n"
+    while true; do
+        if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then
+            current=$(pbpaste)
+        else
+            if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = wayland ]; then
+                current=$(wl-paste -p)
+            else
+                current=$(xsel -o)
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$past" != "$current" ]; then
+            past=$current
+            current_text="$(echo $current | tr -c '[a-zA-Z0-9]' ' ')"
+            if [ "$(echo "$current_text" | wc -w)" -gt "$STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH" ]; then
+                printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selection length is longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words; ignoring\n"
+                continue
+            else
+                printf "\n\033[0;31mstealth: \033[7m $current_text\033[0m\n"
+                query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$current_text" "$arguments")
+                do_query "$query"
+            fi
+        fi
+        sleep 1
+    done
+    trap - INT
 cmd_update() {
-  [ -w "$0" ] || { echo "The script is readonly; please update manually: curl -s ${CHTSH_URL}/:cht.sh | sudo tee $0"; return; }
-  TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
-  curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:cht.sh > "$TMP2"
-  if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-    if grep -q ^__CHTSH_VERSION= "$TMP2"; then
-      # section was vaildated by us already
-      args=(--shell "$section")
-      cp "$TMP2" "$0" && echo "Updated. Restarting..." && rm "$TMP2" && CHEATSH_RESTART=1 exec "$0" "${args[@]}"
+    [ -w "$0" ] || {
+        echo "The script is readonly; please update manually: curl -s ${CHTSH_URL}/:cht.sh | sudo tee $0"
+        return
+    }
+    TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
+    curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:cht.sh >"$TMP2"
+    if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+        if grep -q ^__CHTSH_VERSION= "$TMP2"; then
+            # section was vaildated by us already
+            args=(--shell "$section")
+            cp "$TMP2" "$0" && echo "Updated. Restarting..." && rm "$TMP2" && CHEATSH_RESTART=1 exec "$0" "${args[@]}"
+        else
+            echo "Something went wrong. Please update manually"
+        fi
-      echo "Something went wrong. Please update manually"
+        echo "cht.sh is up to date. No update needed"
-  else
-    echo "cht.sh is up to date. No update needed"
-  fi
-  rm -f "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    rm -f "$TMP2" >/dev/null 2>&1
 cmd_version() {
-  insttime=$(ls -l -- "$0" | sed 's/  */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 6-8)
-  echo "cht.sh version $__CHTSH_VERSION of $__CHTSH_DATETIME; installed at: $insttime"
-  TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
-  if curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:cht.sh > "$TMP2"; then
-    if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      echo "Update needed (type 'update' for that)".
-    else
-      echo "Up to date. No update needed"
+    insttime=$(ls -l -- "$0" | sed 's/  */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 6-8)
+    echo "cht.sh version $__CHTSH_VERSION of $__CHTSH_DATETIME; installed at: $insttime"
+    TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
+    if curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:cht.sh >"$TMP2"; then
+        if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+            echo "Update needed (type 'update' for that)".
+        else
+            echo "Up to date. No update needed"
+        fi
-  fi
-  rm -f "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    rm -f "$TMP2" >/dev/null 2>&1
 TMP1=$(mktemp /tmp/cht.sh.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
@@ -762,35 +786,38 @@ trap 'rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2' EXIT
 trap 'true' INT
 if ! [ -e "$CHTSH_HOME/.hushlogin" ] && [ -z "$this_query" ]; then
-  echo "type 'help' for the cht.sh shell help"
+    echo "type 'help' for the cht.sh shell help"
 while true; do
-  if [ "$section" != "" ]; then
-    full_prompt="$prompt/$section> "
-  else
-    full_prompt="$prompt> "
-  fi
+    if [ "$section" != "" ]; then
+        full_prompt="$prompt/$section> "
+    else
+        full_prompt="$prompt> "
+    fi
-  input=$(
-    rlwrap -H "$CHTSH_HOME/history" -pgreen -C cht.sh -S "$full_prompt" bash "$0" --read | sed 's/ *#.*//'
-  )
+    input=$(
+        rlwrap -H "$CHTSH_HOME/history" -pgreen -C cht.sh -S "$full_prompt" bash "$0" --read | sed 's/ *#.*//'
+    )
-  cmd_name=${input%% *}
-  cmd_args=${input#* }
-  case $cmd_name in
-    "")             continue;;   # skip empty input lines
-    '?'|h|help)     cmd_name=help;;
-    hush)           cmd_name=hush;;
-    cd)             cmd_name="cd";;
-    exit|quit)      cmd_name="exit";;
-    copy|yank|c|y)  cmd_name=copy;;
-    ccopy|cc|C|Y)   cmd_name=ccopy;;
-    id)             cmd_name=id;;
-    stealth)        cmd_name=stealth;;
-    update)         cmd_name=update;;
-    version)        cmd_name=version;;
-    *)              cmd_name="query"; cmd_args="$input";;
-  esac
-  "cmd_$cmd_name" $cmd_args
+    cmd_name=${input%% *}
+    cmd_args=${input#* }
+    case $cmd_name in
+    "") continue ;; # skip empty input lines
+    '?' | h | help) cmd_name=help ;;
+    hush) cmd_name=hush ;;
+    cd) cmd_name="cd" ;;
+    exit | quit) cmd_name="exit" ;;
+    copy | yank | c | y) cmd_name=copy ;;
+    ccopy | cc | C | Y) cmd_name=ccopy ;;
+    id) cmd_name=id ;;
+    stealth) cmd_name=stealth ;;
+    update) cmd_name=update ;;
+    version) cmd_name=version ;;
+    *)
+        cmd_name="query"
+        cmd_args="$input"
+        ;;
+    esac
+    "cmd_$cmd_name" $cmd_args
diff --git a/common/.local/bin/opener b/common/.local/bin/opener
index 38dd7313..4463f223 100755
--- a/common/.local/bin/opener
+++ b/common/.local/bin/opener
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# shellcheck disable=2154
 [ -n "$SCRATCHPAD" ] && {
diff --git a/common/.local/bin/openproject_hours b/common/.local/bin/openproject_hours
index 4abde03a..9e2bfcbc 100755
--- a/common/.local/bin/openproject_hours
+++ b/common/.local/bin/openproject_hours
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# shellcheck disable=2089,2090
@@ -25,12 +24,12 @@ filters='[
 curl -s \
-	-u "apikey:${API_KEY}" \
-	-G "${API_URL}/api/v3/time_entries" \
-	--data-urlencode "filters=${filters}" \
-	--data-urlencode "pageSize=${PAGE_SIZE}" |
-	jq -r '._embedded.elements | map(.hours) | join(" ")' |
-	awk '{
+    -u "apikey:${API_KEY}" \
+    -G "${API_URL}/api/v3/time_entries" \
+    --data-urlencode "filters=${filters}" \
+    --data-urlencode "pageSize=${PAGE_SIZE}" |
+    jq -r '._embedded.elements | map(.hours) | join(" ")' |
+    awk '{
         gsub(/PT/, "");
         gsub(/H/, "H ");
         gsub(/M/, "M ");