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moving scripts

This commit is contained in:
Luca Bilke 2024-02-01 18:48:10 +01:00
parent 1752251157
commit 82b14219b2
4 changed files with 0 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# This script will compile or run another finishing operation on a document. I
# have this script run via vim.
# Compiles .tex. groff (.mom, .ms), .rmd, .md, .org. Opens .sent files as sent
# presentations. Runs scripts based on extension or shebang.
# Note that .tex files which you wish to compile with XeLaTeX should have the
# string "xelatex" somewhere in a comment/command in the first 5 lines.
file=$(readlink -f "$1")
cd "$dir" || exit 1
textype() {
texroot=$(readlink -f "$(grep -Poi "^ *% *\! *tex root *= *\w+(?:\.\w*)?" "$file" | cut -d "=" -f 2 | tr -d "[:blank:]")")
[ -n "$texroot" ] && base=$texroot && echo "Compiling from TeX root: $texroot"
(head -n5 "$file" | grep -qi 'xelatex') && command="xelatex"
$command --output-directory="$dir" "$base" &&
grep -qi addbibresource "$file" &&
biber --input-directory "$dir" "$base" &&
$command --output-directory="$dir" "$base" &&
$command --output-directory="$dir" "$base"
case "$ext" in
# Try to keep these cases in alphabetical order.
[0-9]) preconv "$file" | refer -PS -e | groff -mandoc -T pdf >"$base".pdf ;;
c) cc "$file" -o "$base" && "$base" ;;
cpp) g++ "$file" -o "$base" && "$base" ;;
cs) mcs "$file" && mono "$base".exe ;;
go) go run "$file" ;;
h) sudo make install ;;
# findup is a script available here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/35265
loc=$(findup . -name gradlew)
[ "$loc" != "" ] && exec "$loc" run -q -p "$(dirname "$loc")"
m) octave "$file" ;;
md) if [ -x "$(command -v pandoc)" ]; then
pandoc -t latex -s -o "$base".pdf "$file"
elif [ -x "$(command -v groffdown)" ]; then
groffdown -i "$file" | groff -T pdf >"$base.pdf"
pandoc -t ms --highlight-style=kate -s -o "$base".pdf "$file"
fi ;;
mom) preconv "$file" | refer -PS -e | groff -mom -kept -T pdf >"$base".pdf ;;
ms) preconv "$file" | refer -PS -e | groff -me -ms -kept -T pdf >"$base".pdf ;;
org) emacs "$file" --batch -u "$USER" -f org-latex-export-to-pdf ;;
py) python "$file" ;;
[rR]md) Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('$file', quiet=TRUE)" ;;
rs) cargo build ;;
sass) sassc -a "$file" "$base".css ;;
scad) openscad -o "$base".stl "$file" ;;
sent) setsid -f sent "$file" 2>/dev/null ;;
tex) textype "$file" ;;
fnl) fennel --compile "$file" >"$base.lua" ;;
*) sed -n '/^#!/s/^#!//p; q' "$file" | xargs -r -I % "$file" ;;

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# Open a terminal window in the same directory as the currently active window.
PIDlist=$(pstree -lpATna "$(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowpid)" | sed -En 's/.*,([0-9]+).*/\1/p' | tac)
for PID in $PIDlist; do
[ -d "/proc/$PID" ] || continue
cmdline=$(ps -o args= -p "$PID")
process_group_leader=$(ps -o comm= -p "$(ps -o pgid= -p "$PID" | tr -d ' ')")
cwd=$(readlink "/proc/$PID/cwd")
# zsh and lf won't be ignored even if it shows ~ or /
case "$cmdline" in
'lf -server') continue ;;
"${SHELL##*/}" | 'lf' | 'lf '*) break ;;
# git (and its sub-processes) will show the root of a repository instead of the actual cwd, so they're ignored
[ "$process_group_leader" = 'git' ] || [ ! -d "$cwd" ] && continue
# This is to ignore programs that show ~ or / instead of the actual working directory
[ "$cwd" != "$HOME" ] && [ "$cwd" != '/' ] && break
[ "$PWD" != "$cwd" ] && [ -d "$cwd" ] && { cd "$cwd" || exit 1; }
[ "$(ps -p $$ -ocomm=)" = "zsh" ] && eval '$TERMINAL &!' || "$TERMINAL" &

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# Clears the build files of a LaTeX/XeLaTeX build.
# I have vim run this file whenever I exit a .tex file.
case "$1" in
file=$(readlink -f "$1")
dir=$(dirname "$file")
find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype gnu-awk -regex "^$base\\.(4tc|xref|tmp|pyc|pyg|pyo|fls|vrb|fdb_latexmk|bak|swp|aux|log|synctex\\(busy\\)|lof|lot|maf|idx|mtc|mtc0|nav|out|snm|toc|bcf|run\\.xml|synctex\\.gz|blg|bbl)" -delete
rm -rdf "$dir/_minted-$(basename -- "$base")"
*) printf "Give .tex file as argument.\\n" ;;