Fork 0

compiled shit xd

This commit is contained in:
Luca Bilke 2022-07-10 22:26:53 +02:00
parent daad1a446a
commit 5580c5f8dc
2 changed files with 187 additions and 188 deletions

View File

@ -331,14 +331,10 @@ if not vim.g.packer_custom_loader_enabled then
vim.g.packer_custom_loader_enabled = true vim.g.packer_custom_loader_enabled = true
end end
-- Config for: lualine.nvim -- Config for: nvim-cmp
time([[Config for lualine.nvim]], true) time([[Config for nvim-cmp]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n?\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\22lvim.core.lualine\frequire\0", "config", "lualine.nvim") try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n`\0\0\3\0\6\0\v6\0\0\0009\0\1\0009\0\2\0\15\0\0\0X\1\5€6\0\3\0'\2\4\0B\0\2\0029\0\5\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\18lvim.core.cmp\frequire\bcmp\fbuiltin\tlvim\0", "config", "nvim-cmp")
time([[Config for lualine.nvim]], false) time([[Config for nvim-cmp]], false)
-- Config for: nvim-treesitter
time([[Config for nvim-treesitter]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nB\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\25lvim.core.treesitter\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-treesitter")
time([[Config for nvim-treesitter]], false)
-- Config for: alpha-nvim -- Config for: alpha-nvim
time([[Config for alpha-nvim]], true) time([[Config for alpha-nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n=\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\20lvim.core.alpha\frequire\0", "config", "alpha-nvim") try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n=\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\20lvim.core.alpha\frequire\0", "config", "alpha-nvim")
@ -347,29 +343,33 @@ time([[Config for alpha-nvim]], false)
time([[Config for nvim-autopairs]], true) time([[Config for nvim-autopairs]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nA\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\24lvim.core.autopairs\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-autopairs") try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nA\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\24lvim.core.autopairs\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-autopairs")
time([[Config for nvim-autopairs]], false) time([[Config for nvim-autopairs]], false)
-- Config for: telescope.nvim -- Config for: nvim-treesitter
time([[Config for telescope.nvim]], true) time([[Config for nvim-treesitter]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nA\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\24lvim.core.telescope\frequire\0", "config", "telescope.nvim") try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nB\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\25lvim.core.treesitter\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-treesitter")
time([[Config for telescope.nvim]], false) time([[Config for nvim-treesitter]], false)
-- Config for: nvim-cmp -- Config for: lualine.nvim
time([[Config for nvim-cmp]], true) time([[Config for lualine.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n`\0\0\3\0\6\0\v6\0\0\0009\0\1\0009\0\2\0\15\0\0\0X\1\5€6\0\3\0'\2\4\0B\0\2\0029\0\5\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\18lvim.core.cmp\frequire\bcmp\fbuiltin\tlvim\0", "config", "nvim-cmp") try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n?\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\22lvim.core.lualine\frequire\0", "config", "lualine.nvim")
time([[Config for nvim-cmp]], false) time([[Config for lualine.nvim]], false)
-- Config for: LuaSnip
time([[Config for LuaSnip]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nñ\3\0\0\v\0\23\00166\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0024\1\0\0006\2\2\0009\2\3\0029\2\4\0029\2\5\0029\2\6\2\15\0\2\0X\3\f\21\2\1\0\22\2\0\0029\3\a\0006\5\b\0B\5\1\2'\6\t\0'\a\n\0'\b\v\0'\t\f\0'\n\r\0B\3\a\2<\3\2\0019\2\a\0006\4\14\0B\4\1\2'\5\15\0B\2\3\0029\3\16\0\18\5\2\0B\3\2\2\15\0\3\0X\4\3\21\3\1\0\22\3\0\3<\2\3\0016\3\0\0'\5\17\0B\3\2\0029\3\18\3B\3\1\0016\3\0\0'\5\19\0B\3\2\0029\3\18\0035\5\20\0=\1\21\5B\3\2\0016\3\0\0'\5\22\0B\3\2\0029\3\18\3B\3\1\1K\0\1\0\"luasnip.loaders.from_snipmate\npaths\1\0\0 luasnip.loaders.from_vscode\14lazy_load\29luasnip.loaders.from_lua\17is_directory\rsnippets\19get_config_dir\22friendly-snippets\nstart\vpacker\tpack\tsite\20get_runtime_dir\15join_paths\22friendly_snippets\fsources\fluasnip\fbuiltin\tlvim\15lvim.utils\frequire\2\0", "config", "LuaSnip")
time([[Config for LuaSnip]], false)
-- Config for: project.nvim -- Config for: project.nvim
time([[Config for project.nvim]], true) time([[Config for project.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n?\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\22lvim.core.project\frequire\0", "config", "project.nvim") try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n?\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\22lvim.core.project\frequire\0", "config", "project.nvim")
time([[Config for project.nvim]], false) time([[Config for project.nvim]], false)
-- Config for: telescope.nvim
time([[Config for telescope.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nA\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\24lvim.core.telescope\frequire\0", "config", "telescope.nvim")
time([[Config for telescope.nvim]], false)
-- Config for: LuaSnip
time([[Config for LuaSnip]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nñ\3\0\0\v\0\23\00166\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0024\1\0\0006\2\2\0009\2\3\0029\2\4\0029\2\5\0029\2\6\2\15\0\2\0X\3\f\21\2\1\0\22\2\0\0029\3\a\0006\5\b\0B\5\1\2'\6\t\0'\a\n\0'\b\v\0'\t\f\0'\n\r\0B\3\a\2<\3\2\0019\2\a\0006\4\14\0B\4\1\2'\5\15\0B\2\3\0029\3\16\0\18\5\2\0B\3\2\2\15\0\3\0X\4\3\21\3\1\0\22\3\0\3<\2\3\0016\3\0\0'\5\17\0B\3\2\0029\3\18\3B\3\1\0016\3\0\0'\5\19\0B\3\2\0029\3\18\0035\5\20\0=\1\21\5B\3\2\0016\3\0\0'\5\22\0B\3\2\0029\3\18\3B\3\1\1K\0\1\0\"luasnip.loaders.from_snipmate\npaths\1\0\0 luasnip.loaders.from_vscode\14lazy_load\29luasnip.loaders.from_lua\17is_directory\rsnippets\19get_config_dir\22friendly-snippets\nstart\vpacker\tpack\tsite\20get_runtime_dir\15join_paths\22friendly_snippets\fsources\fluasnip\fbuiltin\tlvim\15lvim.utils\frequire\2\0", "config", "LuaSnip")
time([[Config for LuaSnip]], false)
vim.cmd [[augroup packer_load_aucmds]] vim.cmd [[augroup packer_load_aucmds]]
vim.cmd [[au!]] vim.cmd [[au!]]
-- Event lazy-loads -- Event lazy-loads
time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], true) time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], true)
vim.cmd [[au BufWinEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'bufferline.nvim', 'which-key.nvim', 'toggleterm.nvim'}, { event = "BufWinEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufRead * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'todo-comments.nvim', 'vim-sanegx', 'gitsigns.nvim', 'numb.nvim', 'Comment.nvim'}, { event = "BufRead *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufReadPost * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-context-commentstring'}, { event = "BufReadPost *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] vim.cmd [[au BufReadPost * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-context-commentstring'}, { event = "BufReadPost *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufWinEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'bufferline.nvim', 'toggleterm.nvim', 'which-key.nvim'}, { event = "BufWinEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufRead * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'numb.nvim', 'Comment.nvim', 'todo-comments.nvim', 'gitsigns.nvim', 'vim-sanegx'}, { event = "BufRead *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], false) time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], false)
vim.cmd("augroup END") vim.cmd("augroup END")
if should_profile then save_profiles() end if should_profile then save_profiles() end

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#files: 825 version: 5.9 #files: 823 version: 5.9
_comps=( _comps=(
'-' '_precommand' '-' '_precommand'
@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ _comps=(
'cmp' '_cmp' 'cmp' '_cmp'
'co' '_rcs' 'co' '_rcs'
'code' '_code' 'code' '_code'
'code-oss' '_code-oss'
'column' '_column' 'column' '_column'
'comb' '_sccs' 'comb' '_sccs'
'combine' '_imagemagick' 'combine' '_imagemagick'
@ -1675,170 +1674,170 @@ bindkey '^[/' _history-complete-older
bindkey '^[~' _bash_complete-word bindkey '^[~' _bash_complete-word
autoload -Uz _bat _bootctl _busctl _cargo _checkupdates \ autoload -Uz _bat _bootctl _busctl _cargo _checkupdates \
_code _code-oss _coredumpctl _curl _email-notmuch \ _coredumpctl _curl _email-notmuch _exa _hostnamectl \
_exa _hostnamectl _journalctl _kernel-install _kitty \ _journalctl _kernel-install _kitty _lf _libinput \
_lf _libinput _localectl _loginctl _machinectl \ _localectl _loginctl _machinectl _meson _mkinitcpio \
_meson _mkinitcpio _mpv _networkctl _ninja \ _mpv _networkctl _ninja _notmuch _oomctl \
_notmuch _oomctl _paccache _pacdiff _paclist \ _paccache _pacdiff _paclist _paclog-pkglist _pacman \
_paclog-pkglist _pacman _pacscripts _pacsearch _pacsort \ _pacscripts _pacsearch _pacsort _pactree _paru \
_pactree _paru _pass _pulseaudio _rankmirrors \ _pass _pulseaudio _rankmirrors _resolvectl _rg \
_resolvectl _rg _sd_hosts_or_user_at_host _sd_machines _sd_outputmodes \ _sd_hosts_or_user_at_host _sd_machines _sd_outputmodes _sd_unit_files _systemctl \
_sd_unit_files _systemctl _systemd _systemd-analyze _systemd-delta \ _systemd _systemd-analyze _systemd-delta _systemd-inhibit _systemd-nspawn \
_systemd-inhibit _systemd-nspawn _systemd-path _systemd-run _systemd-tmpfiles \ _systemd-path _systemd-run _systemd-tmpfiles _timedatectl _tremc \
_timedatectl _tremc _udevadm _updpkgsums _xwallpaper \ _udevadm _updpkgsums _xwallpaper _zathura _cdr \
_zathura _cdr _all_labels _all_matches _alternative \ _all_labels _all_matches _alternative _approximate _arg_compile \
_approximate _arg_compile _arguments _bash_completions _cache_invalid \ _arguments _bash_completions _cache_invalid _call_function _combination \
_call_function _combination _complete _complete_debug _complete_help \ _complete _complete_debug _complete_help _complete_help_generic _complete_tag \
_complete_help_generic _complete_tag _comp_locale _correct _correct_filename \ _comp_locale _correct _correct_filename _correct_word _describe \
_correct_word _describe _description _dispatch _expand \ _description _dispatch _expand _expand_alias _expand_word \
_expand_alias _expand_word _extensions _external_pwds _generic \ _extensions _external_pwds _generic _guard _history \
_guard _history _history_complete_word _ignored _list \ _history_complete_word _ignored _list _main_complete _match \
_main_complete _match _menu _message _most_recent_file \ _menu _message _most_recent_file _multi_parts _next_label \
_multi_parts _next_label _next_tags _normal _nothing \ _next_tags _normal _nothing _numbers _oldlist \
_numbers _oldlist _pick_variant _prefix _read_comp \ _pick_variant _prefix _read_comp _regex_arguments _regex_words \
_regex_arguments _regex_words _requested _retrieve_cache _sep_parts \ _requested _retrieve_cache _sep_parts _sequence _set_command \
_sequence _set_command _setup _store_cache _sub_commands \ _setup _store_cache _sub_commands _tags _user_expand \
_tags _user_expand _values _wanted _acpi \ _values _wanted _acpi _acpitool _alsa-utils \
_acpitool _alsa-utils _analyseplugin _basenc _brctl \ _analyseplugin _basenc _brctl _btrfs _capabilities \
_btrfs _capabilities _chattr _chcon _choom \ _chattr _chcon _choom _chrt _cpupower \
_chrt _cpupower _cryptsetup _dkms _e2label \ _cryptsetup _dkms _e2label _ethtool _findmnt \
_ethtool _findmnt _free _fuse_arguments _fusermount \ _free _fuse_arguments _fusermount _fuse_values _gpasswd \
_fuse_values _gpasswd _htop _iconvconfig _ionice \ _htop _iconvconfig _ionice _ipset _iptables \
_ipset _iptables _iwconfig _kpartx _losetup \ _iwconfig _kpartx _losetup _lsattr _lsblk \
_lsattr _lsblk _lsns _lsusb _ltrace \ _lsns _lsusb _ltrace _mat _mat2 \
_mat _mat2 _mdadm _mii-tool _modutils \ _mdadm _mii-tool _modutils _mondo _networkmanager \
_mondo _networkmanager _nsenter _opkg _perf \ _nsenter _opkg _perf _pidof _pmap \
_pidof _pmap _qdbus _schedtool _selinux_contexts \ _qdbus _schedtool _selinux_contexts _selinux_roles _selinux_types \
_selinux_roles _selinux_types _selinux_users _setpriv _setsid \ _selinux_users _setpriv _setsid _slabtop _ss \
_slabtop _ss _sshfs _strace _sysstat \ _sshfs _strace _sysstat _tload _tpb \
_tload _tpb _tracepath _tune2fs _uml \ _tracepath _tune2fs _uml _unshare _valgrind \
_unshare _valgrind _vserver _wakeup_capable_devices _wipefs \ _vserver _wakeup_capable_devices _wipefs _wpa_cli _a2ps \
_wpa_cli _a2ps _aap _abcde _absolute_command_paths \ _aap _abcde _absolute_command_paths _ack _adb \
_ack _adb _ansible _ant _antiword \ _ansible _ant _antiword _apachectl _apm \
_apachectl _apm _arch_archives _arch_namespace _arp \ _arch_archives _arch_namespace _arp _arping _asciidoctor \
_arping _asciidoctor _asciinema _at _attr \ _asciinema _at _attr _augeas _avahi \
_augeas _avahi _awk _base64 _basename \ _awk _base64 _basename _bash _baudrates \
_bash _baudrates _baz _beep _bibtex \ _baz _beep _bibtex _bind_addresses _bison \
_bind_addresses _bison _bittorrent _bogofilter _bpf_filters \ _bittorrent _bogofilter _bpf_filters _bpython _bzip2 \
_bpython _bzip2 _bzr _cabal _cal \ _bzr _cabal _cal _calendar _canonical_paths \
_calendar _canonical_paths _cat _ccal _cdcd \ _cat _ccal _cdcd _cdrdao _cdrecord \
_cdrdao _cdrecord _chkconfig _chmod _chown \ _chkconfig _chmod _chown _chroot _chsh \
_chroot _chsh _cksum _clay _cmdambivalent \ _cksum _clay _cmdambivalent _cmdstring _cmp \
_cmdstring _cmp _column _comm _composer \ _column _comm _composer _compress _configure \
_compress _configure _cowsay _cp _cpio \ _cowsay _cp _cpio _cplay _crontab \
_cplay _crontab _cscope _csplit _cssh \ _cscope _csplit _cssh _ctags _ctags_tags \
_ctags _ctags_tags _curl _cut _cvs \ _curl _cut _cvs _darcs _date \
_darcs _date _date_formats _dates _dbus \ _date_formats _dates _dbus _dconf _dd \
_dconf _dd _devtodo _df _dhclient \ _devtodo _df _dhclient _dict _dict_words \
_dict _dict_words _diff _diff3 _diff_options \ _diff _diff3 _diff_options _diffstat _dig \
_diffstat _dig _directories _dir_list _django \ _directories _dir_list _django _dmesg _dmidecode \
_dmesg _dmidecode _dns_types _doas _domains \ _dns_types _doas _domains _dos2unix _drill \
_dos2unix _drill _dropbox _dsh _dtruss \ _dropbox _dsh _dtruss _du _dvi \
_du _dvi _ecasound _ed _elfdump \ _ecasound _ed _elfdump _elinks _email_addresses \
_elinks _email_addresses _enscript _entr _env \ _enscript _entr _env _espeak _etags \
_espeak _etags _fakeroot _feh _fetchmail \ _fakeroot _feh _fetchmail _ffmpeg _figlet \
_ffmpeg _figlet _file_modes _files _file_systems \ _file_modes _files _file_systems _find _find_net_interfaces \
_find _find_net_interfaces _finger _flac _flex \ _finger _flac _flex _fmt _fold \
_fmt _fold _fortune _fsh _fuser \ _fortune _fsh _fuser _gcc _gcore \
_gcc _gcore _gdb _gem _genisoimage \ _gdb _gem _genisoimage _getconf _getent \
_getconf _getent _getfacl _getmail _getopt \ _getfacl _getmail _getopt _ghostscript _git \
_ghostscript _git _global _global_tags _gnu_generic \ _global _global_tags _gnu_generic _gnupod _gnutls \
_gnupod _gnutls _go _gpg _gphoto2 \ _go _gpg _gphoto2 _gprof _gradle \
_gprof _gradle _graphicsmagick _grep _groff \ _graphicsmagick _grep _groff _groups _growisofs \
_groups _growisofs _gsettings _guilt _gzip \ _gsettings _guilt _gzip _have_glob_qual _head \
_have_glob_qual _head _hexdump _host _hostname \ _hexdump _host _hostname _hosts _iconv \
_hosts _iconv _id _ifconfig _iftop \ _id _ifconfig _iftop _imagemagick _initctl \
_imagemagick _initctl _init_d _install _iostat \ _init_d _install _iostat _ip _ipsec \
_ip _ipsec _irssi _ispell _java \ _irssi _ispell _java _java_class _joe \
_java_class _joe _join _jq _killall \ _join _jq _killall _knock _kvno \
_knock _kvno _last _ldconfig _ldd \ _last _ldconfig _ldd _ld_debug _less \
_ld_debug _less _lha _libvirt _links \ _lha _libvirt _links _list_files _lldb \
_list_files _lldb _ln _loadkeys _locale \ _ln _loadkeys _locale _localedef _locales \
_localedef _locales _locate _logger _look \ _locate _logger _look _lp _ls \
_lp _ls _lsof _lua _luarocks \ _lsof _lua _luarocks _lynx _lz4 \
_lynx _lz4 _lzop _mail _mailboxes \ _lzop _mail _mailboxes _make _man \
_make _man _md5sum _mencal _mh \ _md5sum _mencal _mh _mime_types _mkdir \
_mime_types _mkdir _mkfifo _mknod _mktemp \ _mkfifo _mknod _mktemp _module _monotone \
_module _monotone _moosic _mosh _mount \ _moosic _mosh _mount _mpc _mt \
_mpc _mt _mtools _mtr _mutt \ _mtools _mtr _mutt _mv _my_accounts \
_mv _my_accounts _myrepos _mysqldiff _mysql_utils \ _myrepos _mysqldiff _mysql_utils _ncftp _netcat \
_ncftp _netcat _net_interfaces _netstat _newsgroups \ _net_interfaces _netstat _newsgroups _nginx _ngrep \
_nginx _ngrep _nice _nkf _nl \ _nice _nkf _nl _nm _nmap \
_nm _nmap _npm _nslookup _numfmt \ _npm _nslookup _numfmt _objdump _object_files \
_objdump _object_files _od _openstack _opustools \ _od _openstack _opustools _other_accounts _pack \
_other_accounts _pack _pandoc _paste _patch \ _pandoc _paste _patch _patchutils _path_commands \
_patchutils _path_commands _path_files _pax _pbm \ _path_files _pax _pbm _pdf _perforce \
_pdf _perforce _perl _perl_basepods _perldoc \ _perl _perl_basepods _perldoc _perl_modules _pgids \
_perl_modules _pgids _pgrep _php _picocom \ _pgrep _php _picocom _pids _pine \
_pids _pine _ping _pip _pkgadd \ _ping _pip _pkgadd _pkg-config _pkginfo \
_pkg-config _pkginfo _pkg_instance _pkgrm _pon \ _pkg_instance _pkgrm _pon _ports _postfix \
_ports _postfix _postgresql _postscript _pr \ _postgresql _postscript _pr _printenv _printers \
_printenv _printers _process_names _prove _ps \ _process_names _prove _ps _pspdf _psutils \
_pspdf _psutils _ptx _pump _pv \ _ptx _pump _pv _pwgen _pydoc \
_pwgen _pydoc _python _python_modules _qemu \ _python _python_modules _qemu _quilt _rake \
_quilt _rake _ranlib _rar _rclone \ _ranlib _rar _rclone _rcs _readelf \
_rcs _readelf _readlink _remote_files _renice \ _readlink _remote_files _renice _ri _rlogin \
_ri _rlogin _rm _rmdir _route \ _rm _rmdir _route _rrdtool _rsync \
_rrdtool _rsync _rubber _ruby _runit \ _rubber _ruby _runit _samba _sccs \
_samba _sccs _scons _screen _script \ _scons _screen _script _seafile _sed \
_seafile _sed _seq _service _services \ _seq _service _services _setfacl _sh \
_setfacl _sh _shasum _showmount _shred \ _shasum _showmount _shred _shuf _shutdown \
_shuf _shutdown _signals _sisu _slrn \ _signals _sisu _slrn _smartmontools _socket \
_smartmontools _socket _sort _spamassassin _split \ _sort _spamassassin _split _sqlite _sqsh \
_sqlite _sqsh _ssh _ssh_hosts _stat \ _ssh _ssh_hosts _stat _stdbuf _stgit \
_stdbuf _stgit _stow _strings _strip \ _stow _strings _strip _stty _su \
_stty _su _subversion _sudo _surfraw \ _subversion _sudo _surfraw _swaks _swanctl \
_swaks _swanctl _swift _sys_calls _sysctl \ _swift _sys_calls _sysctl _tac _tail \
_tac _tail _tar _tar_archive _tardy \ _tar _tar_archive _tardy _tcpdump _tcptraceroute \
_tcpdump _tcptraceroute _tee _telnet _terminals \ _tee _telnet _terminals _tex _texi \
_tex _texi _texinfo _tidy _tiff \ _texinfo _tidy _tiff _tilde_files _timeout \
_tilde_files _timeout _time_zone _tin _tla \ _time_zone _tin _tla _tmux _todo.sh \
_tmux _todo.sh _toilet _top _topgit \ _toilet _top _topgit _totd _touch \
_totd _touch _tput _tr _transmission \ _tput _tr _transmission _tree _truncate \
_tree _truncate _truss _tty _ttys \ _truss _tty _ttys _twidge _twisted \
_twidge _twisted _umountable _unace _uname \ _umountable _unace _uname _unexpand _uniq \
_unexpand _uniq _unison _units _uptime \ _unison _units _uptime _urls _user_admin \
_urls _user_admin _user_at_host _users _users_on \ _user_at_host _users _users_on _vi _vim \
_vi _vim _visudo _vmstat _vorbis \ _visudo _vmstat _vorbis _vpnc _w \
_vpnc _w _w3m _watch _wc \ _w3m _watch _wc _webbrowser _wget \
_webbrowser _wget _whereis _who _whois \ _whereis _who _whois _wiggle _xargs \
_wiggle _xargs _xmlsoft _xmlstarlet _xmms2 \ _xmlsoft _xmlstarlet _xmms2 _xxd _xz \
_xxd _xz _yafc _yodl _yp \ _yafc _yodl _yp _zcat _zdump \
_zcat _zdump _zfs _zfs_dataset _zfs_pool \ _zfs _zfs_dataset _zfs_pool _zip _zsh \
_zip _zsh _acroread _code _dcop \ _acroread _code _dcop _eog _evince \
_eog _evince _geany _gnome-gv _gqview \ _geany _gnome-gv _gqview _gv _kdeconnect \
_gv _kdeconnect _kfmclient _matlab _mozilla \ _kfmclient _matlab _mozilla _mplayer _mupdf \
_mplayer _mupdf _nautilus _nedit _netscape \ _nautilus _nedit _netscape _okular _pdftk \
_okular _pdftk _qiv _rdesktop _setxkbmap \ _qiv _rdesktop _setxkbmap _sublimetext _urxvt \
_sublimetext _urxvt _vnc _x_arguments _xauth \ _vnc _x_arguments _xauth _xautolock _x_borderwidth \
_xautolock _x_borderwidth _xclip _x_color _x_colormapid \ _xclip _x_color _x_colormapid _x_cursor _x_display \
_x_cursor _x_display _xdvi _x_extension _xfig \ _xdvi _x_extension _xfig _x_font _xft_fonts \
_x_font _xft_fonts _x_geometry _xinput _x_keysym \ _x_geometry _xinput _x_keysym _xloadimage _x_locale \
_xloadimage _x_locale _x_modifier _xmodmap _x_name \ _x_modifier _xmodmap _x_name _xournal _xpdf \
_xournal _xpdf _xrandr _x_resource _xscreensaver \ _xrandr _x_resource _xscreensaver _x_selection_timeout _xset \
_x_selection_timeout _xset _xt_arguments _xterm _x_title \ _xt_arguments _xterm _x_title _xt_session_id _x_utils \
_xt_session_id _x_utils _xv _x_visual _x_window \ _xv _x_visual _x_window _xwit _zeal \
_xwit _zeal _add-zle-hook-widget _add-zsh-hook _alias \ _add-zle-hook-widget _add-zsh-hook _alias _aliases __arguments \
_aliases __arguments _arrays _assign _autocd \ _arrays _assign _autocd _bindkey _brace_parameter \
_bindkey _brace_parameter _builtin _cd _command \ _builtin _cd _command _command_names _compadd \
_command_names _compadd _compdef _completers _condition \ _compdef _completers _condition _default _delimiters \
_default _delimiters _directory_stack _dirs _disable \ _directory_stack _dirs _disable _dynamic_directory_name _echotc \
_dynamic_directory_name _echotc _echoti _emulate _enable \ _echoti _emulate _enable _equal _exec \
_equal _exec _fc _file_descriptors _first \ _fc _file_descriptors _first _functions _globflags \
_functions _globflags _globqual_delims _globquals _hash \ _globqual_delims _globquals _hash _history_modifiers _in_vared \
_history_modifiers _in_vared _jobs _jobs_bg _jobs_builtin \ _jobs _jobs_bg _jobs_builtin _jobs_fg _kill \
_jobs_fg _kill _limit _limits _math \ _limit _limits _math _math_params _mere \
_math_params _mere _module_math_func _options _options_set \ _module_math_func _options _options_set _options_unset _parameter \
_options_unset _parameter _parameters _precommand _print \ _parameters _precommand _print _prompt _ps1234 \
_prompt _ps1234 _read _redirect _run-help \ _read _redirect _run-help _sched _set \
_sched _set _setopt _source _strftime \ _setopt _source _strftime _subscript _suffix_alias_files \
_subscript _suffix_alias_files _tcpsys _tilde _trap \ _tcpsys _tilde _trap _ttyctl _typeset \
_ttyctl _typeset _ulimit _unhash _user_math_func \ _ulimit _unhash _user_math_func _value _vared \
_value _vared _vars _vcs_info _vcs_info_hooks \ _vars _vcs_info _vcs_info_hooks _wait _which \
_wait _which _widgets _zargs _zattr \ _widgets _zargs _zattr _zcalc _zcalc_line \
_zcalc _zcalc_line _zcompile _zed _zftp \ _zcompile _zed _zftp _zle _zmodload \
_zle _zmodload _zmv _zparseopts _zpty \ _zmv _zparseopts _zpty _zsh-mime-handler _zsocket \
_zsh-mime-handler _zsocket _zstyle _ztodo _zstyle _ztodo
autoload -Uz +X _call_program autoload -Uz +X _call_program
typeset -gUa _comp_assocs typeset -gUa _comp_assocs