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retab aliases, add tldr -s alias

This commit is contained in:
Luca Bilke 2024-01-02 19:02:59 +01:00
parent ee07e0f5c2
commit 449898299b

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@ -2,39 +2,40 @@
# shellcheck disable=SC2142
# sudo not required for some system commands
for command in mount umount sv pacman xbps-install xbps-remove apt aptitude updatedb su shutdown poweroff reboot; do
command -v $command 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && alias $command="sudo $command"
command -v $command 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && alias $command="sudo $command"
unset command
# Verbosity and settings that you pretty much just always are going to want.
alias \
vim="nvim" \
cp="cp -iv" \
mv="mv -iv" \
rm="rm -vI" \
bc="bc -ql" \
mkd="mkdir -pv" \
ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner" \
grep="grep --color=auto" \
diff="diff --color=auto" \
nvidia-settings="nvidia-settings --config=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvidia/settings"
vim="nvim" \
cp="cp -iv" \
mv="mv -iv" \
rm="rm -vI" \
bc="bc -ql" \
mkd="mkdir -pv" \
ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner" \
grep="grep --color=auto" \
diff="diff --color=auto" \
nvidia-settings="nvidia-settings --config=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvidia/settings" \
tldr="tldr -s"
# Colorize commands when possible.
alias \
ls="ls -hN --color=auto --group-directories-first" \
grep="grep --color=auto" \
diff="diff --color=auto" \
ccat="highlight --out-format=ansi" \
ip="ip -color=auto"
ls="ls -hN --color=auto --group-directories-first" \
grep="grep --color=auto" \
diff="diff --color=auto" \
ccat="highlight --out-format=ansi" \
ip="ip -color=auto"
# These common commands are just too long! Abbreviate them.
alias \
ka="killall" \
e="$EDITOR" \
ka="killall" \
e="$EDITOR" \
if command -v pacman 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
alias p="pacman"
alias p="pacman"
if command -v apt 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
@ -50,19 +51,17 @@ fi
if command -v xbps-install 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
alias \
xin="xbps-install" \
xup="xbps-install -Syu" \
xre="xbps-remove" \
xse="xbps-query -Rs"
xin="xbps-install" \
xup="xbps-install -Syu" \
xre="xbps-remove" \
xse="xbps-query -Rs"
# Misc.
alias \
ll="ls -lhpAN --color=auto --group-directories-first" \
xgetkeys="xev | sed -ne '/^KeyPress/,/^$/p'" \
whed='() { $EDITOR $(which "$1") }' \
xpick=" xprop | awk '
xpick=" xprop | awk '
/^WM_CLASS/{sub(/.* =/, \"instance:\"); sub(/,/, \"\nclass:\"); print}
/^WM_NAME/{sub(/.* =/, \"title:\"); print}'"