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more keymap fixes

This commit is contained in:
Luca Bilke 2024-03-10 02:38:26 +01:00
parent 7c0b67c965
commit 3f7c7bab02
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ M.maps = function()
maps.n["<C-j>"] = { "<C-w>j", desc = "Move to below split" }
maps.n["<C-k>"] = { "<C-w>k", desc = "Move to above split" }
maps.n["<C-l>"] = { "<C-w>l", desc = "Move to right split" }
maps.n["<C-Up>"] = { "<Cmd>resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split up" }
maps.n["<C-Down>"] = { "<Cmd>resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split down" }
maps.n["<C-Left>"] = { "<Cmd>vertical resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split left" }
maps.n["<C-Right>"] = { "<Cmd>vertical resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split right" }
maps.n["<C-Up>"] = { "<Cmd>resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split up" }
maps.n["<C-Down>"] = { "<Cmd>resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split down" }
maps.n["<C-Left>"] = { "<Cmd>vertical resize +2<CR>", desc = "Resize split left" }
maps.n["<C-Right>"] = { "<Cmd>vertical resize -2<CR>", desc = "Resize split right" }
-- NOTE: These don't make sense when predominantly using floating terminals
-- maps.t["<C-h>"] = { "<Cmd>wincmd h<cr>", desc = "Terminal left window navigation" }
-- maps.t["<C-j>"] = { "<Cmd>wincmd j<cr>", desc = "Terminal down window navigation" }