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2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
# TODO: detect existing repos and automatically modify config file accordingly
# TODO: function to detect unclean working trees
2024-02-21 14:41:57 +01:00
# TODO: Handle cloning
# TODO: Handle pulling
# TODO: Trigger hooks on clone/pull
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
2024-02-21 14:41:57 +01:00
print("This shit ain't done yet!\n");
# exit;
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ("signatures");
use YAML();
use JSON();
use WWW::Curl::Easy;
use WWW::Curl::Multi;
use Data::Dump();
use File::Path();
use constant USERAGENT =>
"User-Agent: MarxBot/4.2.0 (A script reading some information about repos)";
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
my @handles;
my %conf;
my $active_repos = 0;
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
my $active_requests = 0;
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
sub set_curl( $handle, $url, @headers ) {
$handles[$handle]{curl} = WWW::Curl::Easy->new;
$handles[$handle]{curl}->setopt( CURLOPT_URL, $url );
$handles[$handle]{curl}->pushopt( CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [USERAGENT] );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
for my $header (@headers) {
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
$handles[$handle]{curl}->pushopt( CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [$header] );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
$handles[$handle]{curl}->setopt( CURLOPT_PRIVATE, $handle );
->setopt( CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, \$handles[$handle]{memory} );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
sub add_callback( $handle, $callback ) {
push( @{ $handles[$handle]{callbacks} }, $callback );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
sub exec_multicurl() {
my $curlm = WWW::Curl::Multi->new;
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
for my $handle (@handles) {
if ($handle) {
$curlm->add_handle( $handle->{curl} );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
while ($active_requests) {
my $active_transfers = $curlm->perform;
if ( $active_transfers != $active_requests ) {
while ( my ( $handle, $return_value ) = $curlm->info_read ) {
if ($handle) {
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
if ( $handles[$handle]{callbacks} ) {
for my $callback ( @{ $handles[$handle]->{callbacks} } )
delete $handles[$handle];
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
sub json_decode($handle) {
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
$handles[$handle]{memory} = JSON::decode_json( $handles[$handle]{memory} );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
sub filter($handle) {
my @tmp;
my $plugin = $conf{plugins}[ $handles[$handle]->{plugin} ];
foreach my $repo ( @{ $handles[$handle]{memory} } ) {
if ( $repo->{ssh_url} ) {
push( @tmp, $repo->{ %$plugin{url_type} } );
$handles[$handle]{memory} = \@tmp;
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
sub process_urls($handle) {
my @tmp;
foreach my $url ( @{ $handles[$handle]{memory} } ) {
my %repo;
if ( $url =~
/^(.*[\/:](([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+?))(?:\.git)?\/?)$/ )
$repo{url} = $1;
$repo{name} = $2;
else {
continue if grep /^$repo{name}$/, $conf{block_repos};
my $path;
foreach my $directory ( @{ $conf{directories} } ) {
foreach my $reponame ( @{ %$directory{repos} } ) {
if ( $reponame =~ $repo{name} ) {
$path = %$directory{path};
if ( !$path and !$conf{block_unsorted} ) {
$path = "\${XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR}/unsorted_repos";
$repo{path} = `printf $path`;
push( @tmp, %repo );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
$handles[$handle]{memory} = \@tmp;
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
sub dump($handle) {
print("------ Handle $handle ------\n");
Data::Dump::dump( $handles[$handle]{memory} );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
# sub handle_repos($handle) {
# foreach my $repo (@{$handles[$handle]->{memory}}) {
# if (-d $repo{})
# }
# }
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
sub read_conf() {
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
my $configdir;
$configdir = "$ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/clonedev";
else {
$configdir = "$ENV{HOME}/.config/clonedev";
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
open( my $cfg, '<', $configdir . "/config.yml" ) or die;
my ( $hashref, $arrayref, $string ) = YAML::Load( do { local $/; <$cfg> } );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
%conf = %$hashref;
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
# ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
# ░ ░░░░ ░░░ ░░░ ░░ ░░░ ░
# ▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒ ▒
# ▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓ ▓ ▓
# █ █ █ ██ █████ █████ ██ █
# █ ████ ██ ████ ██ ██ ███ █
# ████████████████████████████████████████
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
# $last_handle++;
# set_curl( $last_handle, "https://api.github.com/octocat" );
# add_callback(
# $last_handle,
# sub ($handle) {
# print( $handles[$handle]{memory} );
# }
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
# );
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
my $last_handle = 0;
2024-02-18 13:02:37 +01:00
foreach my $i ( keys @{ $conf{plugins} } ) {
my %plugin = %{ $conf{plugins}[$i] };
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
? `$plugin{token_cmd}`
2024-02-18 13:02:37 +01:00
: ""
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
foreach ( @{ $plugin{extra_headers} } ) {
last if ( !$_ );
$_ = `printf "$_"`;
foreach my $j ( keys @{ $plugin{targets} } ) {
$handles[$last_handle]{plugin} = $i;
2024-02-21 14:41:57 +01:00
set_curl( $last_handle, "$plugin{api_url}/$plugin{targets}[$j]/$plugin{endpoint}",
2024-02-18 13:02:37 +01:00
$plugin{extra_headers} );
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00
add_callback( $last_handle, \&dump );
add_callback( $last_handle, \&json_decode );
add_callback( $last_handle, \&filter );
add_callback( $last_handle, \&process_urls );
add_callback( $last_handle, \&dump );
2024-02-14 10:35:47 +01:00
2024-02-15 01:08:31 +01:00