2022-07-04 21:36:33 +02:00
2022-08-03 11:24:13 +02:00
# TODO: Rewrite this shit to connect to an external deluged
2022-07-04 21:36:33 +02:00
transmission-remote -l | grep % |
sed " # The letters are for sorting and will not appear.
s/.*Stopped.*/A /;
s/.*Seeding.*/Z /;
s/.*100%.*/N /;
s/.*Idle.*/B ﭦ/;
s/.*Uploading.*/L /;
s/.*%.*/M /" |
sort -h | uniq -c | awk '{print $3 $1}' | paste -sd ' ' -
1) setsid -f "$TERMINAL" -e tremc ;;
2) td-toggle ;;
3) notify-send " Torrent module" "\- Left click to open tremc.
- Middle click to toggle transmission.
- Shift click to edit script.
Module shows number of torrents:
: paused
ﭦ: idle (seeds needed)
: uploading (unfinished)
: downloading
: done
: done and seeding" ;;
6) "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$0" ;;