Fork 0

Merge branch 'main' of git.snaile.de:luca/dotfiles-server

This commit is contained in:
Luca Bilke 2024-05-29 12:07:43 +02:00
commit 4d19f48b34
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C9E851809C1A5BDE
12 changed files with 562 additions and 130 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
basic = true
temperature_type = "celsius"
enable_gpu_memory = true
unnormalized_cpu = true
enable_cache_memory = true
group_processes = false
process_command = true

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# vim:ft=dircolors
# (This is not a dircolors file but it helps to highlight colors and comments)
# default values from dircolors

View File

@ -1,17 +1,4 @@
# Basic vars
set ratios 1:2:4
set shellopts '-eu'
set ifs "\n"
set findlen 1
set scrolloff 10
set icons
set wrapscroll
set period 1
set previewer ~/.config/lf/preview
# set cleaner ~/.config/lf/clean
set cursorpreviewfmt "\033[7;90m"
set promptfmt "\033[34;1m%u\033[36m@\033[34m%h \033[35m[\033[0;1m%d\033[35m]\033[32m » \033[33m%f\033[0m"
# Functions
cmd open ${{
case $(file --mime-type "$(readlink -f $f)" -b) in
text/*|application/json|inode/x-empty) $EDITOR $fx;;
@ -19,27 +6,18 @@ cmd open ${{
cmd mkdir $mkdir -p "$(echo $* | tr ' ' '\ ')"
cmd lazygit ${{
if [ ! -e "$PWD/.git" ]; then
echo "Not in a git repository. Create a new git repository? (y/n): "
[ $(echo "Yes\nNo" | fzf) = "Yes" ] && git init && lazygit -p $PWD
lazygit -p $PWD
cmd pushedit %{{
set +u
[ -z $files ] && {
echo "Open: " && read -r files
echo $files | xargs -r touch
lf -remote "send $id \$$OPENER $files"
cmd dupe %{{
for file in $fx; do
find "$PWD" "$file" -maxdepth 0 | grep -oP '(?<=.\.~)\d+(?=~$)' | sort -n | tail -1 | (
ext=$(($(cat /dev/stdin)+1))
filedest="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/.~[[:digit:]]*~$//').~$ext~"
cp -r "$file" "$filedest"
cmd open-with $mimeopen -a $f
cmd trash ${{
clear; tput cup $(($(tput lines)/3)); tput bold
@ -55,20 +33,20 @@ cmd trash ${{
cmd rsyncto ${{
clear; tput cup $(($(tput lines)/3)); tput bold
set -f
clear; echo -n "rsync -azvhP <selected files> "
read dest
for x in $fx; do
eval rsync -azvhP \"$x\" \"$dest\"
done &&
notify-send "File(s) rsynced." "File(s) copies to $dest."
cmd trash-restore $trash-restore $PWD
cmd lazygit %{{
dir=$(dirname "$(realpath "${f:-_}")"})
if ! git --noglob-pathspecs -C $dir status >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Initialize git repo in '${dir}' [Y/n]:" && read yn &&
case $yn in
"" | [Yy]*) git -C ${dir} init >/dev/null 2>&1; break ;;
[Nn]*) ;;
lf -remote "send $id \$cd '$dir' && lazygit"
# y (select for copy) and P to paste soft-link
# d (select for cut) and P to paste hard-link
cmd link &{{
set -- $(cat ~/.local/share/lf/files)
@ -78,9 +56,7 @@ cmd link &{{
exit 0
case "$mode" in
# symbolically copy mode is indicating a soft link
copy) ln -sr -t . -- "$@";;
# while a move mode is indicating a hard link
move) ln -t . -- "$@";;
rm ~/.local/share/lf/files
@ -90,101 +66,245 @@ cmd link &{{
cmd bulkrename $vidir
cmd on-cd &{{
printf "%b" "\033]0;$(zsh -c 'source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/configs/autogenerated/hashes; print -Pn "$USER@$HOST [%3~]"') \007" > /dev/tty
fmt="\033[34;1m%u\033[36m@\033[34m%h \033[35m[\033[0;1m$(zsh -c 'source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/configs/autogenerated/hashes; print -Pn "%3~"')\033[35m]\033[32m » \033[33m%f\033[0m"
lf -remote "send $id set promptfmt \"$fmt\""
lf -remote "send $id set promptfmt \"$(zsh -c 'source $ZDOTDIR/shared; print -P $LF_PROMPT')\""
printf "%b" "\033]0;$(zsh -c 'source $ZDOTDIR/configs/hashes; print -P $LF_TITLE')\007" > /dev/tty
cmd on-quit ${{
DIR=$(echo $PWD | sed "s|$HOME|~|")
printf "\033]0; $DIR\007" > /dev/tty
cmd on-quit &printf "\033]0; $(echo $PWD | sed "s|$HOME|~|")\007" > /dev/tty
cmd paste &{{
set -- $(cat ~/.local/share/lf/files)
case "$mode" in
rsync -av --ignore-existing --progress -- "$@" . |
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 tr '\r' '\n' |
while IFS= read -r line; do
lf -remote "send $id echo $line"
rsync -aP --del -- "$@" . &
while ps -p "$!" >/dev/null; do
i=$(((i + 1) % 3))
for i in $(seq 0 $i); do
move) mv -n -- "$@" .;;
lf -remote "send $id echo 'Copying$dots'"
sleep 0.3
move) mv -n -- "$@" . ;;
rm ~/.local/share/lf/files
lf -remote "send clear"
cmd fzfsearch ${{
[ -d $file ] && lf -remote "send $id cd $file" && return 0
[ -f $file ] && lf -remote "send $id select $file"
cmd dupe &{{
for file in $fx; do
find "$PWD" "$file" -maxdepth 0 | grep -oP '(?<=.\.~)\d+(?=~$)' | sort -n | tail -1 | (
ext=$(($(cat /dev/stdin)+1))
filedest="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/.~[[:digit:]]*~$//').~$ext~"
cp -r "$file" "$filedest"
cmd fzftags ${{
file="$(cat ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/lf/tags | sed 's/:\*$//' | fzf)"
[ -d $file ] && lf -remote "send $id cd $file" && return 0
[ -f $file ] && lf -remote "send $id select $file"
cmd fzf ${{
name="$1" input="$2" delimiter="$3" field="$4" path_field="$5" width="$6" query="${7:-}"
histfile="$XDG_DATA_HOME/lf/$(echo $name | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_history"
file="$(eval "$input" | fzf \
--query "$query" \
--delimiter "$delimiter" \
--cycle \
--nth="$field" \
--with-nth="$field" \
--preview-window="right,$width" \
--bind="space:accept,focus:transform-preview-label(echo {} | cut -d '$delimiter' -f '$path_field')" \
--scheme='history' \
--history="$histfile" \
--header="$name" \
file=$(echo {} | cut -d '$delimiter' -f '$path_field')
if [ -f "$file" ] && [ -r "$file" ]; then
head -n $LINES "$file"
elif [ -d "$file" ] && [ -r "$file" ]; then
ls -pLHAN1 --color=always --group-directories-first "$file"
' |
cut -d "$delimiter" -f "$path_field" |
tr -d '\n'
[ -d "$file" ] && lf -remote "send $id cd $file"
[ -f "$file" ] && lf -remote "send $id select $file"
return 0
cmd fzfmarks ${{
file="$(cat ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/lf/marks | sed 's/^.://' | fzf)"
[ -d $file ] && lf -remote "send $id cd $file" && return 0
[ -f $file ] && lf -remote "send $id select $file"
cmd fzfshortcut ${{
file="$(cat ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/lf/shortcutrc | cut -d '"' -f2 | fzf)"
[ -d $file ] && lf -remote "send $id cd $file" && return 0
[ -f $file ] && lf -remote "send $id select $file"
cmd fzfgrep ${{
RG_PREFIX="rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case "
cmd find_word ${{
set +ue
RG_PREFIX="rg --hidden --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case --follow --no-ignore "
fzf --bind "change:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q} || true" \
--ansi --layout=reverse --header 'Search in files' \
| cut -d':' -f1 | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/"/\\"/g'
fzf --bind "change:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q} || true" \
--ansi --layout=reverse --header 'Searching file contents' |\
grep -iv -e 'Trash/files' -e 'Trash/info'
[ -n "$res" ] && lf -remote "send $id select \"$res\""
file="$(realpath "$(echo "$res" | cut -d':' -f1 | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/"/\\"/g')" 2>/dev/null)"
row="$(echo "$res" | cut -d':' -f2)"
column="$(echo "$res" | cut -d':' -f3)"
if [ -n "$res" ]; then
if { [ "$EDITOR" = "nvim" ] || [ "$EDITOR" = "vim" ]; } && [ -n "$EMBEDDED" ]; then
lf -remote "send $id \$$EDITOR +'call cursor($row, $column)' -- $([ -n "$EMBEDDED" ] && echo "--") '$file'"
lf -remote "send $id \$$EDITOR '$file'"
return 0
# cmd find_project ${{
# dirs=$(echo $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/dev/*/*)
# histfile="$XDG_DATA_HOME/lf/project_history"
# clear
# project="$(echo $dirs | xargs -n1 basename | fzf \
# --cycle \
# --preview-window="right,33%" \
# --bind="space:accept,focus:transform-preview-label(echo {})" \
# --scheme='history' \
# --history="$histfile" \
# --header="Projects" \
# --preview='
# f={}
# file=$(echo $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/dev/*/* | xargs -n1 | sed -n "/\/$f$/p")
# if [ -f "$file" ] && [ -r "$file" ]; then
# head -n $LINES "$file"
# elif [ -d "$file" ] && [ -r "$file" ]; then
# ls -pLHAN1 --color=always --group-directories-first "$file"
# fi
# ' |
# tr -d '\n'
# )"
# file=$(echo $dirs | xargs -n1 | sed -n "/\/$project$/p")
# [ -d "$file" ] && lf -remote "send $id cd $file"
# [ -f "$file" ] && lf -remote "send $id select $file"
# return 0
# }}
cmd extract ${{
for f in $fx; do
aunpack "$f"
# HACK: This is a dirty hack to have an lf terminal that I can "exit" out of into a shell
# cmd new_lf_term &{{
# mapcmd='map q $sh -c "tmux; kill $id"'
# $TERMINAL -e lfX -command "$mapcmd"
# }}
cmd confirm_delete %{{
echo Delete? [y/N] && read -r v
[ "$v" = y ] && rm -rf -- $fx
# Basic vars
set ratios 1:2:5
set shellopts '-eu'
set ifs "\n"
set findlen 1
set scrolloff 10
set icons
set wrapscroll
set period 1
set cursorpreviewfmt "\033[7;90m"
set promptfmt # this is set in a function later
set sixel
set previewer ~/.config/lf/preview/preview
set cleaner ~/.config/lf/preview/clean
# Bindings
map <c-c>a fzfsearch
map <c-c>t fzftags
map <c-c>m fzfmarks
map <c-c>f fzfshortcut
map <c-c>g fzfgrep
map T trash
map <c-t> $trash-restore $PWD
map <c-d> &rm -rf -- $fx
map <c-e> $aunpack $fx
map R rsyncto
map P link
map <c-g> lazygit
map <c-v> push :!$EDITOR<space>
map <c-n> push :mkdir<space>
map <c-t> push :&touch<space>
map <c-r> reload
map <c-s> set hidden!
map <esc> quit
map <space> :toggle; down
map <enter> shell
map <a-enter> shell-wait
# map <tab><tab> find_project
map <tab>t fzf 'Tags' 'cat $XDG_DATA_HOME/lf/tags 2>/dev/null' ':' '1' '1' '50%'
map <tab>m fzf 'Marks' 'cat $XDG_DATA_HOME/lf/marks 2>/dev/null' ':' '1' '2' '85%' '^'
map <tab>f fzf 'Files' 'find -L $PWD' ':' '1' '1' '50%'
map <tab>g find_word
map "'" mark-load
map '"' mark-remove
map "$" shell
map "!" shell-wait
map "&" shell-async
map "%" shell-pipe
map ";" find-next
map "," find-prev
map "/" search
map a :rename; cmd-end # rename from end
map <c-b> page-up
map b dupe
map B bulkrename
map <c-c> quit
map c push r<c-u> # new rename
map <c-d> confirm_delete
map d cut
# map D &dragon-drop -a -x $fx
map <c-e> scroll-down
map e :set user_multiedit "true" ; open; set user_multiedit "false"
map E $sudo -e $f
map f find
map F find-back
map <c-g> lazygit
map <a-g> $gdu
map gg top
map g/ cd /
# NOTE: g* is used for shortcuts generated by the shortcuts script
source ~/.config/lf/shortcuts
map G bottom
map h updir
map i :rename; cmd-home # rename from beginning
map j down
map k up
map l open
map m mark-save
map <c-n> push :&mkdir<space>-p<space>
map n search-next
map N search-prev
map o open-with
map O $less $f
map p paste
map P link
map q quit
map <c-r> reload
map r :rename # before extension
map R $lf -remote "send $id :select \"$(readlink $f)\""
map sh :set hidden!
map sn :set sortby natural; set info
map ss :set sortby size; set info size
map st :set sortby time; set info time
map sa :set sortby atime; set info atime
map sc :set sortby ctime; set info ctime
map se :set sortby ext; set info
map <c-t> trash-restore
map t tag-toggle
map T trash
map u :clear; unselect
map <c-v> pushedit
map v invert
# map W new_lf_term
map x $$f
map X !$f
map o &mimeopen $f
map O $mimeopen -a $f
map a :rename; cmd-home # rename from beginning
map r :rename; cmd-end # rename from end
map i :rename # before extension
map c push r<c-u> # new rename
map B bulkrename
map b dupe
map u :clear; unselect
map n &echo $f | xclip -r -selection c
map <esc> quit
map g/ cd "/"
map e $$EDITOR $f
map E $sudo -e $f
# Load bookmark shortcuts
source "~/.config/lf/shortcutrc"
map <c-y> scroll-down
map y copy
map Y &echo $f | xclip -r -selection c
map zh set hidden!
map zr set reverse!
map zn set info
map zs set info size
map zt set info time
map za set info size:time

.config/lf/preview/clean Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if [ -n "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" ]; then
printf '{"action": "remove", "identifier": "PREVIEW"}\n' > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"

.config/lf/preview/preview Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
set -C -f
f="$(realpath "$1")" w=$2 h=$3 # x=$4 y=$5
image() {
# shellcheck disable=2086
chafa -f sixel -s "${w}x${h}" --polite on --animate false "$file"
exit 0
video() {
thumb="$("$HOME/.config/lf/preview/vidthumb" "$f")" || {
printf "%b" "${RED}vidthumb failed to execute${RESET}"
return 1
image "$thumb"
text() {
bat --color=always --style=plain --pager=never --terminal-width "$((w - 2))" "$@" "$f"
exit 1
run() {
#shellcheck disable=SC2068
if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
printf "%b" "${RED}Cannot execute ${1}${RESET}"
elif "$@"; then
printf "%b" "${RED}Failed to run command: ${RESET}"
for l in "$@"; do
printf "%b" "\n${RED} ${l}${RESET}"
mimetest() {
case "$1" in
[ ! -f "${CACHE}.jpg" ] && run pdftoppm -jpeg -f 1 -singlefile "$f" "$CACHE"
image "${CACHE}.jpg"
*/x-bzip-compressed-tar | */x-compressed-tar | */x-xz-compressed-tar)
run als -- "$f"
exit 1
*/x-7z-compressed | */vnd.rar | */x-tar | */zip | */x-java-archive | */x-xz | */gzip)
run 7z l "$f" | sed 1,11d
exit 1
run iso-info --no-header -l "$f"
exit 1
run transmission-show "$f"
exit 1
run odt2txt "$f"
exit 1
run catdoc "$f"
exit 1
run docx2txt <"$f"
exit 1
run ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_stf:stf_csv "$f" "fd://1" | text --language=csv
exit 1
run ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_stf:stf_csv "$f" "fd://1" | text --language=csv
exit 1
[ ! -f "$CACHE" ] && run epub-thumbnailer "$f" "$CACHE" 1024
image "$CACHE"
run gpg -d -- "$f"
exit 1
run openssl x509 -text -noout -in "$f"
exit 1
[ ! -f "${CACHE}.png" ] && run inkscape --convert-dpi-method=none -o "${CACHE}.png" --export-overwrite -D --export-png-color-mode=RGBA_16 "$f"
image "${CACHE}.png"
image/*) image ;;
video/*) video ;;
run odt2txt "$f"
exit 1
run glow -s "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/glow/style.json" "$f" --width "$w"
exit 1
run lynx -dump "$f"
exit 1
*) return 1 ;;
CACHE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/lf/thumbnail-$(stat --printf '%n\0%i\0%F\0%s\0%W\0%Y' -- "$(readlink -f "$1")" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')"
filerun="$(file --brief --dereference --mime-type "$f")"
mimetest "$filerun" && exit 1
if command -v gio 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
giorun="$(gio info "$f" 2>/dev/null | grep standard::content-type | cut -d' ' -f4)"
mimetest "$giorun" && exit 1
case "$(file -b "$f")" in
*text*) text ;;
printf "%b" "\$(file --mime-type)\t\t\t : $filerun\n"
[ -n "$giorun" ] && printf "%b" "\$(gio info)\t\t\t\t : $giorun\n"
mediainfo "$1" | head -n -2 | grep -v -e "Complete name" -e "General"

.config/lf/preview/vidthumb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
if ! [ -f "$1" ]; then
exit 1
file="$(realpath "$1")"
mkdir -p "$cache"
if [ -f "$index" ]; then
thumbnail="$(jq -r ". \"$file\"" <"$index")"
if [ "$thumbnail" != "null" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$cache/$thumbnail" ]; then
exit 1
echo "$cache/$thumbnail"
exit 0
if ! ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$file" -o "$cache/$thumbnail" -s 0 2>/dev/null; then
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$index" ]; then
echo "{\"$file\": \"$thumbnail\"}" >"$index"
json="$(jq -r --arg "$file" "$thumbnail" ". + {\"$file\": \"$thumbnail\"}" <"$index")"
echo "$json" >"$index"
echo "$cache/$thumbnail"

.config/lf/rifle.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# vim: ft=cfg
# Environment checks
# Websites
ext x?html?, has lynx, terminal = lynx -- "$@"
ext x?html?, has w3m, terminal = w3m "$@"
# Misc
label editor, mime ^text|x-empty$ = ${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} -- "$@"
label pager, mime ^text|x-empty$ = $PAGER -- "$@"
label editor, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|rs|js|sh|php|dart = ${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} -- "$@"
label pager, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|rs|js|sh|php|dart = $PAGER -- "$@"
# Audio without X
# Video/Audio with a GUI
# Video without X:
# Documents
ext docx?, has catdoc, terminal = catdoc -- "$@" | $PAGER
ext sc, has sc, = sc -- "$@"
# Images
# Archives
ext 7z, has 7z = 7z -p l "$@" | $PAGER
ext ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has atool = atool --list --each -- "$@" | $PAGER
ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has atool = atool --list --each -- "$@" | $PAGER
ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has atool = atool --extract --each -- "$@"
ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has atool = atool --extract --each -- "$@"
# Listing and extracting archives without atool:
ext tar|gz|bz2|xz, has tar = tar vvtf "$1" | $PAGER
ext tar|gz|bz2|xz, has tar = for file in "$@"; do tar vvxf "$file"; done
ext bz2, has bzip2 = for file in "$@"; do bzip2 -dk "$file"; done
ext zip, has unzip = unzip -l "$1" | less
ext zip, has unzip = for file in "$@"; do unzip -d "${file%.*}" "$file"; done
ext ace, has unace = unace l "$1" | less
ext ace, has unace = for file in "$@"; do unace e "$file"; done
ext rar, has unrar = unrar l "$1" | less
ext rar, has unrar = for file in "$@"; do unrar x "$file"; done
# Fonts
# Flag t fallback terminals
# Fallback
else = ask
label open, has xdg-open = xdg-open "$@"
label open, has open = open -- "$@"
# The actions below are left so low down in this file on purpose, so #
# they are never triggered accidentally. #
# Execute a file as program/script.
mime application/x-executable = "$1"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
map gh cd "~"
map gmn cd "/mnt"
map g/ cd "/"
map go cd "/opt"
map ge cd "/etc"
map gl cd "/var/log"
map gt cd "/tank"

.config/lf/shortcuts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# NOTE: Managed by shortcuts script
map gcf cd ~/.config
map gch cd ~/.cache
map gco cd ~/Documents/dev
map gdk cd ~/Desktop
map gdl cd ~/Downloads
map gdm cd ~/Documents
map gds cd ~/.local/share/stow/dots
map gdt cd ~/.local/share
map ge cd /etc
map gh cd ~
map glo cd /usr/local
map gle cd ~/.local/libexec
map glg cd /var/log
map gmn cd /mnt
map gms cd ~/Music
map gpc cd ~/Pictures
map gr cd /
map gsc cd ~/.local/bin
map gst cd ~/.local/state
map gsv cd ~/.local/sv
map gvd cd ~/Videos

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ autoload edit-command-line && zle -N edit-command-line
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
autoload -U compinit
autoload -Uz edit-command-line
PS1="%B%F{blue}%n%F{cyan}@%F{blue}%m %F{magenta}[%f%3~%F{magenta}] %(?.%F{green}.%F{red})»%f%b "
stty stop undef # Disable ctrl-s to freeze terminal.
@ -17,6 +15,7 @@ HISTFILE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/zsh/history"
[ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/shortcutrc" ] && source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/shortcutrc"
[ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/aliasrc" ] && source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/aliasrc"
[ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/zshnameddirrc" ] && source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/zshnameddirrc"
[ -f "${ZDOTDIR}/shared" ] && source "${ZDOTDIR}/shared"
# Basic auto/tab complete:
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select

.config/zsh/shared Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
export PROMPT='%B%F{blue}%n%F{cyan}@%F{blue}%m %F{magenta}[%F{white}%3~%F{magenta}] %(?.%F{green}.%F{red})»%f%b '
export RPROMPT='%(?..%F{red}%?) $(venv_prompt)'
export LF_PROMPT='%B%F{blue}%n%F{cyan}@%F{blue}%m %F{magenta}[%F{white}%3~%F{magenta}] %F{green}»%b %F{yellow}%%f%f'
export LF_TITLE='%n@%m [%3~] '
hash -d cf=~/.config
hash -d ch=~/.cache
hash -d co=~/Documents/dev
hash -d dk=~/Desktop
hash -d dl=~/Downloads
hash -d dm=~/Documents
hash -d ds=~/.local/share/dots
hash -d dt=~/.local/share
hash -d e=/etc
hash -d h=~
hash -d lo=/usr/local
hash -d le=~/.local/libexec
hash -d lg=/var/log
hash -d mn=/mnt
hash -d ms=~/Music
hash -d pc=~/Pictures
hash -d r=/
hash -d sc=~/.local/bin
hash -d st=~/.local/state
hash -d sv=~/.local/sv
hash -d vd=~/Videos