-- asmara installed -- git neovim base-devel firefox stow zsh xorg noto-fonts-ttf noto-fonts-emoji sxiv xwallpaper ffmpeg man-db tldr pipewire wireplumber pulsemixer maim unclutter xcape xclip xdotool zathura fzf bat kitty xsecurelock lf psmisc wget picom xss-lock playerctl ntp curl arandr dunst yt-dlp 7zip moreutils breeze-icons lazygit elogind pamixer xdg-utils libX11-devel #libxcb-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel libassuan-devel libconfig-devel gpgme-devel -- to be removed -- htop -- needed -- ffmpegthumbnailer htop-vim npm -- update needed -- dunst